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2006-03-11 · TA获得超过147个赞
歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年1月1日

专辑名称:1999 calendar

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歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年5月18日


唱片简介:The Backstreet Boys finally broke (and broke big) in America during 1998, as if by design. They had been Euro sensations for a couple of years, but it wasn't until Backstreet's Back was unleashed in the U.S. in 1997 that they had a presence in the States, and it was no small presence, either — after selling over ten million copies, the album remained in the Top 40 on the eve of the release of its sequel, Millennium. And sequel is the appropriate word — Millennium has no pretense of being anything other than an album for the moment, delivering more of everything that made Backstreet's Back a blockbuster. There's a familiar blend of ballads and dance-pop, a similar shiny production, a reliance on the Boys' charisma that brings to mind the debut. If Millennium were anything other than big, glossy mainstream pop, such calculation may be a little unseemly, but in this context, it can be rather fun. True


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2001年10月30日

专辑名称:The Hits--Chapter One

唱片简介:The Backstreet Boys were the first and best of the boy bands of the great teen pop bands of the late '90s/early 2000s, even if 'N Sync eventually usurped their title of "the biggest boy band." Their reign seemed long, but it really wasn't — only three albums before the bottom started to fall out with 2000's Black & Blue. If everything had gone right, Black & Blue would have ruled the charts for about two years, but about a year after its release, the group and their label unleashed The Hits: Chapter One, a sure sign not only that Black & Blue didn't perform to expectations, but they were worried about the shifting tastes of their audience. Instead of reviving interest in the group, the collection instead felt like it was closing the door on their period of dominance (and it initially sold that way, too, barely making a dent on the charts). Even if it is a bit of an inadvertent last will and testament, it's a hell of a summation of the group's glory days

歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年9月3日

专辑名称:Backstreet Boys (+2 Bonus Tracks)

唱片简介:The Backstreet Boys' eponymous debut album was released in America nearly a full year after its original European release, and the wait proved to be a blessing in disguise. In that year, light dance-pop — such as the Spice Girls and Hanson — returned to the top of the American charts, paving the way for the frothy pleasures of The Backstreet Boys. Like those groups, the Backstreet Boys divide their time between catchy, uptempo dance numbers and syrupy ballads, and they are as reliant on their personality as they are their talent. As a result, there are a couple of slow spots on the record, but each of the singles, plus a handful of album tracks, are potent combinations of professional hooks and personal charm that make The Backstreet Boys a thoroughly enjoyable affair. [Backstreet Boys is also available in a limited-edition import release.]


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年8月1日

专辑名称:Backstreet Boys [Italy Limited Edition]

唱片简介:The Backstreet Boys' eponymous debut album was released in America nearly a full year after its original European release, and the wait proved to be a blessing in disguise. In that year, light dance-pop — such as the Spice Girls and Hanson — returned to the top of the American charts, paving the way for the frothy pleasures of The Backstreet Boys. Like those groups, the Backstreet Boys divide their time between catchy, uptempo dance numbers and syrupy ballads, and they are as reliant on their personality as they are their talent. As a result, there are a couple of slow spots on the record, but each of the singles, plus a handful of album tracks, are potent combinations of professional hooks and personal charm that make The Backstreet Boys a thoroughly enjoyable affair.


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1997年9月30日

专辑名称:I will Never Break Your Heart [CD-SINGLE] [IMPORT]

唱片简介:Special Single Includes the Non Us Track 'roll with It' and an Interview with Radio DJ Mark Goodier.


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1997年12月10日

专辑名称:Kevin (Shaped Disc) [CD-SINGLE] [IMPORT]


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年1月19日

专辑名称:All I Have to Give Ep [IMPORT]

唱片简介:Seven track Japanese remix EP featuring four different hits:'All I Have To Give' (Radio Version) and two apiece of 'I'llNever Break Your Heart' (Radio Edit & Instrumental), 'As Long As You Love Me' (Radio Version & Peppermint Jam Remix) and 'Everybody (Backstreet's Back)' (7in Version & Instrumental). Standard jewel case. 1998 Jive release.


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1997年8月12日

专辑名称:Backstreet Boys [ENHANCED CD]

唱片简介:The world may be divided into two camps when it comes to the Orlando-based Backstreet Boys--detractors and hard-core fans--but no one can deny the fact that the boys produce perfectly polished pop that sells. The hits on this album speak for themselves: "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)," "As Long as You Love Me," and "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)." If you're not one of the disciples, however, you may want to steer clear: lackluster attempts at R&B, saccharine ballads, and a murderous remake of PM Dawn's "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" make this a slick production but little more.


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2000年12月15日

专辑名称:Backstreet is Back (+3 Bonus Tracks) [IMPORT]

唱片简介:The Japanese Reissue of the Hit LP features Three Bonus Tracks: All I have to Give (Part Ii - the Conversation Mix), If I Don't have You, and Everybody-backstreet's Back (Matty's Club Mix)

唱片公司:Avex Trax

歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2000年12月21日

专辑名称:Black and Blue Black & Blue (+2 Bonus Tracks)

唱片简介:When 'N Sync usurped the Backstreet Boys' record of number of albums sold in a single week early in 2000, it had to hurt the Backstreets, since it was played in the press as if they had lost the teen pop throne. By the time the group released their third album, Black & Blue, Thanksgiving week 2000, 'N Sync was still popular, but the arc of No Strings AttachedXillustrated that they were weak where the Backstreets were strong — namely, they couldn't really deliver the seductive mid-tempo pop tunes and ballads that were the backbone of the Boys' crossover success. Songs like "Shape of My Heart," which flows as gracefully as "I Want It That Way," prove that the Backstreet Boys do teen pop ballads better than anyone, but what's interesting about Black & Blue is how aggressively they protect their territory. Of course, it's relative protection, since they, like 'N Sync and Britney Spears, work with Max Martin, the man behind the biggest hits by all three artists. Consequently

歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:1999年5月18日

专辑名称:Millennium (+2 Bonus Tracks)

唱片简介:For their hard-core under-18 fans, of course, the Backstreet Boys are all that, and a bag of chips and free soda to boot. Millennium, the follow-up to the quintet\'s umpteen-million-selling debut, offers more reasons why so many of the rest of us have found a place for them in our hearts. The Boys\' ultrapackaged look and up-to-date production underscore the quality of their best tracks; only a churl could deny that \"I Want It That Way\" is one fine radio-aimed declaration of love, or that \"Larger Than Life\" makes the most of its Daft Punk sample and double-edged acknowledgment of Backstreet followers\' loyalty. And who can resist an album-closer like \"The Perfect Fan,\" Brian Littrell\'s ode to his mom?


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2005年6月14日

专辑名称:Never Gone

唱片公司:Jive Records

歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2005年06月08日

专辑名称:Never Gone (正式零售版)

唱片简介:Backstreet Boys继出Black&Blue之后的五年,专辑Never Gone终于问世 等了好久,终于还是等到他们回来 虽然风格与已往有些不同,但依旧是很成功的一张专辑 从Quit Playing Games开始,BSB就一直陪伴在我身边 AJ,Brain,Howie-D,Nick,Kevin 他们无懈可击的和声,他们天衣无缝的配合,他们的团队精神,他们的一切都在都是歌迷疯狂的理由    ★他们的曾经 Backstreet Boys曾写下七千五百万张全球销售,他们是史上最畅销的流行团体,也曾写下许多男孩团体纪录,先前还创下美国连续两张销售千万的钻石唱片认证纪录。Backstreet Boys的第四张专辑《Never Gone》将在6月14日发行,这是继2000年的《Black and Blue》之后,期待已久的新发行。 ★关于专集创作 《Never Gone》的创作与制作阵容坚强,有Five For Fighting的John Ondrasik以及Savage Garden的Darren Hayes,还有在今年二月刚以Sheryl Crow专辑获得葛莱美奖的制作人John Shanks。新专辑收录了11首作品。与早期Backstreet Boys的动感舞曲路线已有了较大的区别。从前相对比较出色的R&B唱腔也成熟了更多。出色的体现在Love Is,Over Her这两首作品之中。作为R&B当道的年代,Backstreet Boys的唱功是绝对出色的。Love Is类似Craig David的演绎。并加上乐队其他成员的和声出现更加使得歌曲显得性感。呈现出了Backstreet Boys的成熟男人魅力。Over Her中的清新自然让我们找回了Backstreet Boys最迷人的和声,让所有的后街迷们仿佛找回了当年那五个令人着迷的大男孩。 ★关于专集 Backstreet Boys的第四张专辑《Never Gone》将在6月14日发行,这是继2000年的《Black and Blue》之后,期待已久的新发行《Never Gone》的创作与制作阵容坚强,有Five For Fighting的John Ondrasik以及Savage Garden的Darren Hayes,还有在今年二月刚以Sheryl Crow专辑获得葛莱美奖的制作人John Shanks。 专辑的首支单曲Incomplete已经开始在美国各大点台播放,并且在Billboard单曲榜登上55名,相信将会以极快的速度上升。Backstreet Boys从三月底展开的小型近距离演唱会已经即将结束,但是已经决定将在六月中旬安排大型的巡回演唱,另外为了宣传新专辑,也会陆续的出现在各电视上的节目中。 ★BSB情结 爱过后街的人都有过这样一个年代,只属于我们。 那个时侯,是如此深刻地爱这样五个人,和他们的声音。这些歌声,陪伴我走过寂寞的少年时期。在那些一个人看云的日子,那些漫长的无人陪伴的下午,一遍一遍听brian唱tell me why I cannot be there where you are.更多的时候,在寂静的黑夜,听nick的声音,直到流泪。快乐亦或崩溃。那些远方的声音。 之后我长大,新的环境新的际遇,我爱过很多音乐,jazz,nu-metal,哥特,brit-pop.也有很多可以很喜欢的乐队,linkinpark,coldplay,suede,radiohead,mazzy star,nightwish~~~然而再也找不到当初只要听到一个男孩的声音就会混身颤抖的感觉了。 去年九月,因为后街要来,把曾经的专辑都翻了出来,重听。Nick唱着athough loneness always be a friend of mine时,忽然觉得,曾经热爱的音乐,还是那么好。 终于等到后街的新专辑了。在chanel[V]看到incomplete的MV,看着看着眼泪就流下来了。那几张熟悉的脸,那熟悉的声音。想起是多久,没有发自内心的感动过,是多久,没有再和朋友提起过这几个我最熟悉的英文名字,可是现在的我,依然会对着电视屏幕,泪流满面。是不是爱过后街的人,注定在心中,会保留那一点,温情并脆弱的角落? 所以我依旧会带着耳机听后街的歌,在人群中穿行,坚忍又疼痛。 因为爱过后街,还会一直爱他们,永远爱他们。 只希望他们可以一直陪我们走下去,到老。


歌手名:Backs.. 专辑语种:英语 发行日期:2005年9月14日

专辑名称:Just Want You to Know [CD-SINGLE]

唱片简介:Second Single Lifted from the Backstreet Boys Return Album 'never Gone', featuring Two Live Versions of their Classics 'i Want it that Way' and 'show Me the Meaning (Of Being Lonely)'.

唱片公司:Sony Bmg
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