
另外,由于家庭、社会长期以来都将眼光集中在学生的学习成绩和学校的升学率上,致使学习成绩的好坏几乎成了衡量一个学校或教师的教学质量好坏的唯一准绳,这就造成了对学生道德教育的... 另外,由于家庭、社会长期以来都将眼光集中在学生的学习成绩和学校的升学率上,致使学习成绩的好坏几乎成了衡量一个学校或教师的教学质量好坏的唯一准绳,这就造成了对学生道德教育的忽视。甚至有家长对老师说,你只要管好孩子的学习就行了,其他的不用管。面对这样的问题,作为一位新老师,我觉得首先要端正自己的态度:品德与成绩同样重要。我们对分数与成绩的注重,帮我们保持水准,但过于偏重,代价是牺牲更全面的教育、更愉快的童年以及与父母在一起的欢乐时光。有一次,我参加学校的庆祝会。主持人是一个高大的6年级男同学,另一个是5年级女同学。当两个主持人介绍完节目后,需要把麦克风架搬到后面。女同学长得不高,而且小女生搬麦克风架似乎有点吃力,男同学一早就很轻松的搬好,跟着就下台等女同学。男同学是亲眼目睹女同学搬得很吃力的过程,其表情好像早已习以为常,也没有上前帮助女同学。当我看到这样的事情,觉得很心酸,这个男孩连基本的绅士风度都没有了。这就是我们过于重视成绩而忽视了道德教育所付出的代价。因此,我们在强调成绩的同时,也要搞好品德教育。 展开
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In addition, since the society and families have been focusing on students' academic performance and enrolment rate for a long time, the students' academic performance almost become the only standard of judging how good a teacher or a school is, also the moral education has been ignored. Some parents even talk to the teacher and ask them just get down to the study, but nothing else.

Facing this problem, as a fresh new teacher, I think we should correct our attitude: both of moral education and students' academic performance are important.

We focus on scores and academic performance in order to keep our standard, but if we focus on it too much, then what we lose would be a more comprehensive education, a happier childhood, and a happy time with parents.

One time I joined a celebration in school. There were 2 anchorpersons, one was a tall 6 grade boy, another was a 5 grade girl. When they finished the introduction, they should move the micphone frame to the back. But the girl was too small and it's so hard for her to move it. The boy in another way, move the frame easily and get down the stage and just wait the girl there without helping her. And it seems the boy had been used to it already.

I felt sad after I saw this, the boy didn't even know how to be a gentleman basicly. That's a typical example of what we cost when we focus too much on adademic performance but ignore the moral education.

Therefore, I think we should do well on moral education at the same time when we emphasis on students' academic performance.
2012-09-23 · TA获得超过318个赞
望采纳。This has resulted in the family, the community has long been the vision focused on student achievement and school enrollment rate, resulting in academic performance is good or bad has become almost the only yardstick to measure the quality of a school or teachers teachingthe neglect of moral education of students. Even some parents said the teacher, you tube as long as the children are learning on the line, others do not bother. Faced with this problem, as a new teacher, I think the first thing to straighten out their own attitudes: the virtues and achievements are equally important. Focus on our scores and achievements, and to help us to maintain standards, but overly dependent on the cost of sacrificing more comprehensive education, a happy childhood, and the time together with their parents. On one occasion, I took part in the celebration of the school. The host is a tall 6-year male students, and the other is a 5th grade female students. After the when two presenters introduction program, microphone stand to move to the back. Female students grow, and the little girl moved microphone stand seems to be a bit difficult, male students early in the morning is very easy to move good follow step down female students. Male students witnessed female students moved very difficult process, looked as though she'd long taken for granted, have not stepped forward to help female students. When I see such a thing, I feel very sad for this boy even the basic gentleman no. This is too much emphasis on the achievements while ignoring the moral education of the price paid. Therefore, emphasis on results, we have to do a good job in moral education.
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In addition, due to family, society has long been focus on student achievement and school enrollment rate, resulting in learning achievement is almost a measure of a school or a teacher's teaching quality the only criterion, which resulted in the moral education of students neglect. Even some parents said to the teacher, as long as you control child's learning on the line, the other need not be in charge of. Faced with such a problem, as a new teacher, I think first of all to correct their attitude : the personal character and the achievements are equally important. Our scores with scores on attention, help us keep our standards, but too much emphasis, at the expense of more comprehensive education, more happy childhood and parents of our time together. One time, I in the school celebration. The moderator is a tall 6 grade boys, another is 5 grade girl students. When the two host introduced after the program, the need to move behind the microphone stand. Female students is not high, and the little girl with microphone stand seems to have some difficulty, male students had easily moved, then step down, female students. Male students are seen female students moved very laborious process, its expression seemed to already be accustomed to, nor to help female students. When I see it, feel very sad, the boy even basic gentleman without. This is what we paid too much attention to achievement and ignoring the moral education cost. Therefore, we emphasize the result while, also should do well in moral education.
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