1 整体:要注意事例的列举。托福作文,你的论据,也就是议论文的事例部分最好占到文章的60%篇幅。
2 思路:拿到托福作文以后,首先要确定论点。论点确定了,接下来就是通过举例,来说明你的论点是对的。在这方面,你一定要注意,尽量不要举身边的没有说服性的例子。要举一些代表性的,比如名言啊,或者某种真理性内容。当然,这个要求比较高。难度也比较大。如何让你的例子更有说服性,这是对你来说最大的挑战。在这方面,我可以建议你购买一些关于托福写作的书籍,就是那种专门介绍托福写作事例列举的书。这样的书往往涵盖了各个领域的题目及能够列举的事例。这是非常好的。
3 语法:托福作文既然没有GRE作文那么难,所以,对语法的要求也是个比较高的。记住,语言方面,如果不会用长句,或者长句不是你的特长,你就用断句。如果你在平时写作的过程中经常用长句,那就用长句,否则,你非把句子写短,就会出现支离破碎的语言。因为你写习惯长句了,再写断句,逻辑思维构成方面肯定存在问题。
1 整体:要注意事例的列举。托福作文,你的论据,也就是议论文的事例部分最好占到文章的60%篇幅。
2 思路:拿到托福作文以后,首先要确定论点。论点确定了,接下来就是通过举例,来说明你的论点是对的。在这方面,你一定要注意,尽量不要举身边的没有说服性的例子。要举一些代表性的,比如名言啊,或者某种真理性内容。当然,这个要求比较高。难度也比较大。如何让你的例子更有说服性,这是对你来说最大的挑战。在这方面,我可以建议你购买一些关于托福写作的书籍,就是那种专门介绍托福写作事例列举的书。这样的书往往涵盖了各个领域的题目及能够列举的事例。这是非常好的。
3 语法:托福作文既然没有GRE作文那么难,所以,对语法的要求也是个比较高的。记住,语言方面,如果不会用长句,或者长句不是你的特长,你就用断句。如果你在平时写作的过程中经常用长句,那就用长句,否则,你非把句子写短,就会出现支离破碎的语言。因为你写习惯长句了,再写断句,逻辑思维构成方面肯定存在问题。
History courses are being taught in the most of colleges. Of course university students are a kind of social group which is absorbing a lot of information and knowledge. People here think that history courses aren’t required to be taken by the students who devote in other fields. However, from my perspective, this kind of opinion is disputable.
The most important function of university is to let students learn how to handle a thinking system that can make a difference. And fortunately the history courses give this means to teach themcan be of this function. It gives students some thinking materials which could lead them for a more deeply thought about the world we are living in. For instance, the World War II will tell us many. As a broad view, how important the peace and harmony world we need. And as small view, in a domineering circumstance when one, for example a German soldier, was in the tornado of war, how he can do and what he can do to not guide by the unreasonable rules but follow the heart of an human being. History can let us think these questions and establishmake a link to the world we are today.
And also history classes will let us make friends. A Law School boy,boy maybe followed the school requirement to take the history courses, and he met an art school girl. The different schools learn different subjects so they will not meet each other if there is no history course. But they were arguing to a historical question, so they met. It does help. Students can use this chance to meet more people.
Of course there will be someone else who may say that university students could have much too heavy works to do. Majors are hard, and now more works to do? I would say the school can let the history courses to be the electiveminor course, and students have the right to choose. So for the less needed or less interested, they can just not choose the class minor, so it would be easier for university to do what?????.还是要注意自己的“爱说半句话”的特点。
So history courses are important to the students learning, making friends, etc. We can get a lot from it.
The most important function of university is to let students learn how to handle a thinking system that can make a difference. And fortunately the history courses give this means to teach themcan be of this function. It gives students some thinking materials which could lead them for a more deeply thought about the world we are living in. For instance, the World War II will tell us many. As a broad view, how important the peace and harmony world we need. And as small view, in a domineering circumstance when one, for example a German soldier, was in the tornado of war, how he can do and what he can do to not guide by the unreasonable rules but follow the heart of an human being. History can let us think these questions and establishmake a link to the world we are today.
And also history classes will let us make friends. A Law School boy,boy maybe followed the school requirement to take the history courses, and he met an art school girl. The different schools learn different subjects so they will not meet each other if there is no history course. But they were arguing to a historical question, so they met. It does help. Students can use this chance to meet more people.
Of course there will be someone else who may say that university students could have much too heavy works to do. Majors are hard, and now more works to do? I would say the school can let the history courses to be the electiveminor course, and students have the right to choose. So for the less needed or less interested, they can just not choose the class minor, so it would be easier for university to do what?????.还是要注意自己的“爱说半句话”的特点。
So history courses are important to the students learning, making friends, etc. We can get a lot from it.