谁能写有关野生动物的英语文章要求最少60个单词 20

.A.football B.tree C.bed D.ruler

2.A.mother's B.hats C.bike D.shirt

3.A.we B.white C.red D.house

4.A.too B.know C.yellow D.school

5.A.forget B.classmates C.policeman's D.please



6.A.Sorry.You won't find my mother at home.

B.Excuse me.Where is your mother?

C.Sorry.My mother is at home.

D.Sorry.My mother isn't in red today.

7.A.These are Lucy's and Lily's bedrooms.B.This is Lucy's bedroom.

C.Lucy and Lily have the same bedroom. D.Lucy and Lily don't have a bedroom.

8.A.My parents work hard. B.My father teaches workers English.

C.My mother is a worker and my father is a worker,too.

D.My parents work in a school.

9.A.What is a red apple? B.This appleis a red one.

C.What colour is the apple. D.I don'tknow whose red apple this is.

10.A.Is everyone here today?B.Onlyone student isn't here.

C.All the students are here. D.Many students aren't at school.



11.What grade is Lily's brother in?

A.Grade 2. B.Grade 3. C.Grade 4. D.Grade 5.

12.Who's the boy in the picture?

A.He's Tom's uncle. B.He's Tom's father.

C.He's Tom's brother. D.He's Tom's grandfather.

13.What can Jack see behind the door?

A.A table. B.A cap. C.A cat. D.A kite.

14.What animals does Sally like?

A.Birds and cats. B.Dogs and sheep.

C.Parrots and cats. D.Birds and parrots.

15.Where are they now?

A.They are at home. B.They are in the garden.

C.They are in the shop. D.They are in the classroom.


16.What's the family name of Carey?

A.Andy. B.Darwin. C.Carey. D.We don't know.

17.How is Mr Darwin's English class?

A.Very good. B.Interesting. C.Boring(无趣的).D.It's OK.

18.What does Mr Darwin look like?

A.A cat. B.A woman. C.A boy. D.A father.

19.Do all the students like Mr Darwin?

A.No.Nobody likes him. B.Yes,Careylikes him very much.

C.No.At least(至少)Andy doesn't like him.

D.Yes.He is a very nice teacher.

20.What's the relationship(关系)between Mr Darwin and Carey?

A.He is Carey's friend. B.He is Carey's father.

C.He is Carey's brother. D.He is Carey's uncle.



21.A.It's not very good. B.It's old but nice.

C.I don't like it. D.My friends like it.

22.A.Near the shops. B.Near the trees.

C.Near the cat. D.Near the big window.

23.A.Black and brown. B.Green and white.

C.White and brown. D.Black and blue.

24.A.Only one. B.Two. C.Three. D.Many people.

25.A.No.You live with a cat. B.No.The cat is my friend.

C.Yes.You have many friends. D.Yes.But only one.


26.Mother thinks chocolates are ____ for John.

A.good B.OK C.bad D.new

27. ____always buys John chocolates.

A.Grandfather B.Grandmother C.Father D.Mother

28.John hopes(希望)____ can hear him in fact(实际上).

A.God B.his mother C.his grandfather D.his father

29.John wants ____ for his birthday.

A.a big birthday cake B.a big box of chocolates

C.a toy gun D.some money

30.John is a ____ boy.

A.good B.foolish(愚蠢的)C.kind(好心的)D.clever


I.单项选择(Multiple-choice test)(共20小题,计20分)


1.Who's ____ baby in the photo?Is ____ you?

A.a,it B.the,she C.a,this D.the,it

2.—What's that?

—It's____ .

A.a pencil of Mary B.a Mary's pencil

C.a pencil of Mary's D.Mary's a pencil

3.—Is this book ____ ?

—No.It looks like ____ ,but it's ____ .

A.yours,mine,his B.his,him,her C.mine,your,hers D.its,it,mine

4.Mr White is from____ ,but he isn't ____ .He is.

A.English,English,American B.Japan,Japanese,an English

C.America,American,an English man D.England,English,America

5.This ____ car is my father's favourite.

A.Japanese old big B.big old Japanese

D.old big Japanese D.big Japanese old

6. ____ students in the classroom?

A.The all are B.Are the all C.Are all the D.All the are

7. ____ have the same name—Young Pioneers.

A.You,he and I B.I,you and he

C.He,you and I D.You,I and he

8.I want a sweater ____ .

A.like this one B.look that C.like this it D.look me

9.Does the woman ____ red work ____ this shop?

A.in,on B.at,in C.in ,in D.on,at

10.Mrs Green is not very well,____ she works hard.

A.or B.but C.and D.too

11.Let ____ the tree green.

A.me colour B.we put C.us to like D.him give

12.Here are your trousers. ____,please.

A.Put on it B.Put it on C.Put on them D.Put them on

13.—____ you see the apples on the tree?

—____ ,I can.

A.Can not,Yes B.Can not,No C.Can't,Yes D.Can't,No

14.—Jim,where is your homework?

—____ .I forgot it.

A.Hurry up B.This way,please.

C.Oh,dear D.Over there

15.—____ ?

—No,Elle isn't here.

A.Who isn't here B.Is everyone here

C.Where is Elle D.Can Elle be here


16.①are②the same③the twins④school⑤in(.)

A.③①⑤②④ B�①②③⑤④ C�④①⑤②③ D�②③①⑤④

17.①father②an English teacher③is④a Chinese teacher⑤your⑥or(?)

A.④⑥②③⑤⑥ B�⑤⑥①③④② C�①③⑤④⑥② D�③⑤①④⑥②


A.①④②⑤③ B.⑤①②③④ C.④②⑤①③ D.③⑤①④②

19.①Yes?②Yes,OK.③Thank you very much.④Can I ask you some questions?

⑤Excuse me.

A.⑤②④①③ B.⑤①④②③ C.④②⑤①③ D.④①⑤②③

20.①Hi,this is Tom.Is Ann in?

②Hi,Tom.This is Jack.She is out.

③Sorry,I don't know.

④Where is she?


A.⑤②④①③ B�①⑤④②③ C�⑤①②④③ D�①②④③⑤

II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)


MARIO :Today is my sister's birthday. She's twenty-one years old.

TONY:That's great!

MARIO :She wants a cake for her birthday. Let's make one.

TONY:What?Can you make a cake?

MARIO :Sure.My sister likes chocolate cake,so I make one every year.She says they're great.

TONY:Well,OK.What do we need?

MARIO :We need some flour,some chocolate,and some sugar(糖).I have them right here.There's some butterand some eggs in the refrigerator(冰箱).But I don't have any milk.

TONY:Let's go and buy some milk and make a cake!

MARIO :Happy birthday,Ellen.Do you like your cake?

ELLEN:It's great,Mario.Thanks!

MARIO :You're welcome,Ellen.But there's one thing.

ELLEN:What's that?

MARIO :Well,every year I make a cake,and every year you eat all of it.I'd like some,too!

ELLEN:I'm so sorry!You can have a piece(一块).


21.There is no ____ for the cake.

A.butter B.sugar C.milk D.eggs

22.How many candles are there on the cake?


23.Does Tony have any cake on his plate?

A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn't.

C.Yes,but only a piece. D.No,he does't like it.

24.How many things do they need for making a cake?


25.Can Mario have any cake this year?

A.Yes,he can have a lot. B.Yes,but hecan only have a piece.

C.No,his sister doesn't give him. D.No,he doesn't like it.

26.Is Ellen a good sister?

A.Yes,she says“Thanks”to Mario.B.Yes,she likes the cake very much.

C.No,she doesn't eat the cake. D.No,she doesn't give the cake to her brother.


1 This story is about a family:mother,father and their four children—Fritz,Ernest,Jack and little Francis.They are on a ship and suddenly(突然)there is a terrible storm(可怕的风暴).The other people get on a boat(小船)and leave(留下)the family on the ship!

2 The next(下一个……)morning the storm is finished(结束).The family see an island(岛).They make a boat and go to the island.They take a lot ofthings and ani- mals—a cow,some hens,two ducks,two dogs and a very intelligent monkey.

3 They make their new home there and they stay on the island for a long time.They have manyadventures(冒险经历).Finally(最后),a ship comes andrescuesthem.


27.There are ____ people on the ship.

A.less than(少于)4 B.less than 6C.more than(多于)6D.100

28.The family go to the island with ____ .

A.some animals B.two dogs C.some hens D.a monkey

29.The proper order(正确的顺序)of the three pictures should be ____ .

A.a-b-c B.c-b-a C.b-c-a D.a-c-b

30.What does“rescue”mean here?

A�抢救 B�营救 C�迎接 D�挖掘



There are two families:the Smith family and the Jones family.

Harry is a Smith and Michael is a Jones.Harry and Michael are fourtee years old .

Michael has one sister and two brothers.

Who is in each family?

1.Harry's brother is ten years old

2.Sheila has three brothers.

3.Edward's two brothers are Milton and Michael.Edward is sixteen years old.

4.Milton is a baby in the family.He's five months old .

5.Bill is ten years old.

6.Lila doesn't have sisters,but she has two brothers.


The Smiths The Joneses

Harry Michael

31.____ 33. ____

32.____:____ 34. ____: five months



Clothing and Colour

The meanings(涵义)of colours are sometimes(有时)very different in different cul- tures(文化).For example,in some cultures,blueis a comm on(普遍的,普通的)clothing colour for little boys,and pink is a common clothing colour for little girls.In other(其他的) cultures,other colours are common for boys and girls.

There are also different colours forspecial(特殊的)days in different cultures.For example,white is the traditional(传统的)colour of wedding dress(婚礼服)in some culture,but other colours are traditional in other cultures.

For some people,white is a happy colour.For others,it's a sad colour.Forsome people,
red is a beautiful and lucky(幸运的)colour.For others,it's a very sad colour.

What are the meanings of different colours in YOUR culture?


36.Are blue and pink common for little boys and little girls in all countries?

37.What is the traditional colour ofa wedding dress in our culture?

38.In this picture,white isn't a ____ colour.

39.Which is the topic sentence(中心句)of this passage?



Full name:(40) _____ Job:(41)_____
Age:(42)_____ E-mail:(43)_____
Address:(44)_____ Telephone-number :(45)_____



Sarah and Colin live in an old house inan English village(小镇).Sarah is a teacher. Colin works at home.The village postoffice(邮局)is one room in their house and Colin works there.The people in the village buy their stamps(邮票)in Colin and Sarah's house! The post box is there,too.

It's a lovely house.The living room is yellow.There are two big blue sofas.There is an old table and chairs.There is a big picture of Sarah and her daughter.Sarah's daughter is a painter.There are usually flowers.Sarah likes yellow and white flowers.The kitchen(厨房) and bathroom are new.

Colin and Sarah are very happy in their house and I like visiting them.


46.Does Colin have a job?

47.The house is an ____ but ____ house.

48.Sarah's daughter works in the post office,right?

49.There are at least(至少)____ rooms in the house.

50.Colin and Sarah ____ their house very much.

III.完形填空(Cloze test)(共15小题,计15分)


good ,no,a,thinks ,old ,Japanese ,one,

children's ,different,with ,some ,loves ,of

Bob Pearson is an____ (51)man.He has____ (52)wife but he is a father____ (53)four children.He has two sons and twodaughters.____ (54)of his daughters is from Japan.Bob is not the____ (55)real father,but he____ (56)them very much.Bob has many toys.He gives____ ____ (57)toys to different children.The boys play with toy cars and the girls play with dolls.


Mrs Thomas:____ (58)to Style City.Can I help you?

Mr Gr een :Yes.Thank you.I want a shirt____ (59)my son.Do you have any____ (60)shirts?

Mrs Thomas:Yes,we do.These shirts are for boys.Do you like____ (61)?

Mr Gr een :Well,they are nice,____ (62)they have short sleeves.My son likes____ (63) sleeves.

Mrs Thomas:Here's____ (64)with long sleeves.

Mr Green :It's nice.And it's my son's____ (65)colour—blue.I'll take it.

IV.句型转换(Sentence pattern transformation)(共10小题,计10分)


66.Is that a woman teacher?(改为复数句子)

____ ____ ____ ____ ?

67.I know her brother very well.(改为一般疑问句)

____ you ____ her brother very well?

68.Spell the words on the blackboard.(变为否定句)

____ ____ the words on the blackboard.

69.There are some sheep on the hill.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ sheep are there on the hill?

70.It is a nice picture.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ the picture?


71.Tom looks like his father.

Tom ____ ____ his father.

72.I think it is a big box.

I ____ think it is a ____ box.

73.Those are their English cars.

____ cars of theirs are ____ .

74.He is Lily's Chinese teacher.

He is the Chinese teacher ____ ____ .

75.Please take off your shoes!

Please ____ your shoes ____ !

V.动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs)(共10小题,计10分)


Mum:So many clothes(76)____ (be)on the floor.

Nan cy :But I(77)____ (not like)them.Can you(78)____ (buy)me some new ones,Mum?

Mum:(79)____ (forget)it.Let me(80)____ (see).(81)____ (be not) this skirt nice?

Nancy :Yes,but Kate(82)____ (have)the same one.

Mum:OK.And this?

Nancy :(83)____ you(84)____ (think)yellow(85)____ (be)a nice colour?



There is a little house in a big wood(树林).(86)There are not other houses or any people.There are only trees and wild animals(野生动物).

(87) It is not a big house,but a nice one.There is a small bedroom and a big room.(88)In the big room there are two windows and two doors,a front door and a back door.There is also a cooker and a big table in it.

Look,two daughters and their fatherare in front of the fire.
(89) The cat and the dog are asleep in front of it,too.(90) Their mother is in her rocking chair near the table.

VII.智力测试(Intelligence test)(共5小题,计5分)

91.Which three words are in this picture?

92.—What's wrong with my computer?Dad!Can you help me?

—Let me have a look!...It's OK now.

—You're great,Dad!

—It's a piece of cake.

What does“It's a piece of cake.”mean?(You can answer in Chinese.)

93.Use these clues and the chart to figure out which slice belongs to each kid.(利用下面





·Carla doesn't eat cherries or blueberries.

·Jeff only eats fruity pies(水果派)�

·Abdul gets the pie that begins with the same letter as his name.

·Eric doesn't eat cherries.

·Colleen loves chocolate.

94.In what order must you choose them?(按什么顺序拿开它们)

95.You can find eight names of clothes in the puzzle.Which one they don't wear?



Bruno needs a taxi(需要一辆出租车).于是他打电话给A1Taxis出租车公司。




T:Telephone operator电话接线员


Name:Bruno Sertori

Address:19 A NewtonRoad

Telephone Number:9030294






Dear Fran,
I am very happy about your new house.I want to know more about it.Is it big ?Is there a yard(庭院)? Are there any trees?Is there a guest room(客房)for me?Please send a photo!









11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B


21.B 22.D 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.A
2006-03-25 · TA获得超过725个赞
In 1992, the Implementing Regulation on Terrestrial Wild Animal Conservation was issued by the State Council which was formulated according to the Wild Animal Conservation Law of PRC. This regulation has seven chapters and 46 Articles which provide specific regulations on protection of wild animals, management of wild animal hunting, wild animal domestication and reproduction and sales and utilization of wild animals. Thank you !!
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