在abaqus界面initial condition 从哪儿修改?
如果是在CAE里面的话,是在:Load module里面。取决于你的Conditions的种类,可以是力,也可以是其它的,比如温度等等。
最好是在input file里面修改。
*INITIAL CONDITIONS: Specify initial conditions for the model.
This option is used to prescribe initial conditions for an analysis.
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CFD Abaqus/CAE Abaqus/Aqua
Type: Model data
Level: Model
Abaqus/CAE: Load module
Defining initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit
• “Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 32.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis
User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Set TYPE=ACOUSTIC STATIC PRESSURE to define initial static pressure values at acoustic
nodes for use in evaluating the cavitation status of the acoustic element nodes in Abaqus/Explicit.
Set TYPE=CONCENTRATION to give initial normalized concentrations for a mass diffusion
analysis in Abaqus/Standard.
Set TYPE=CONTACT to specify initial bonded contact conditions on part of the slave surface
identified by a node set in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.
Set TYPE=ENRICHMENT to specify initial location of an enriched feature, such as a crack,
in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. Two signed distance functions per node are generally required to
describe the crack location, including the location of crack tips, in a cracked geometry. The first
describes the crack surface while the second is used to construct an orthogonal surface so that the
intersection of the two surfaces gives the crack front. The first signed distance function is assigned
only to nodes of elements intersected by the crack while the second signed distance function is
assigned only to nodes of elements containing the crack tips. No explicit representation of the crack
is needed as the crack is entirely described by the nodal data.
Set TYPE=FIELD to specify initial values of field variables. The VARIABLE parameter can
be used with this parameter to define the field variable number. The STEP and INC parameters
can be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial values of field variables from
a results (.fil) or output database (.odb) file. The STEP and INC parameters can also be used
in conjunction with the FILE and OUTPUT VARIABLE parameters to define initial values of field
variables based on scalar nodal output variables read from an output database file.
最好是在input file里面修改。
*INITIAL CONDITIONS: Specify initial conditions for the model.
This option is used to prescribe initial conditions for an analysis.
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CFD Abaqus/CAE Abaqus/Aqua
Type: Model data
Level: Model
Abaqus/CAE: Load module
Defining initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit
• “Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 32.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis
User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Set TYPE=ACOUSTIC STATIC PRESSURE to define initial static pressure values at acoustic
nodes for use in evaluating the cavitation status of the acoustic element nodes in Abaqus/Explicit.
Set TYPE=CONCENTRATION to give initial normalized concentrations for a mass diffusion
analysis in Abaqus/Standard.
Set TYPE=CONTACT to specify initial bonded contact conditions on part of the slave surface
identified by a node set in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.
Set TYPE=ENRICHMENT to specify initial location of an enriched feature, such as a crack,
in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. Two signed distance functions per node are generally required to
describe the crack location, including the location of crack tips, in a cracked geometry. The first
describes the crack surface while the second is used to construct an orthogonal surface so that the
intersection of the two surfaces gives the crack front. The first signed distance function is assigned
only to nodes of elements intersected by the crack while the second signed distance function is
assigned only to nodes of elements containing the crack tips. No explicit representation of the crack
is needed as the crack is entirely described by the nodal data.
Set TYPE=FIELD to specify initial values of field variables. The VARIABLE parameter can
be used with this parameter to define the field variable number. The STEP and INC parameters
can be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial values of field variables from
a results (.fil) or output database (.odb) file. The STEP and INC parameters can also be used
in conjunction with the FILE and OUTPUT VARIABLE parameters to define initial values of field
variables based on scalar nodal output variables read from an output database file.
程序要求利用*initial conditions来定义初始孔隙率怎么弄???