一个客人在机场坐上一辆出租车,这辆车地板上铺上了羊毛地毯,地毯边上缀着鲜艳的花边,玻璃隔板上镶着名画的复制品,车窗一尘不染。客人惊讶地对司机说:“没搭过这样 漂亮 的出租车。”
“车不是我的,”他说,“是公司的。多年前我本来在公司做清洁工,每辆出租车晚上回来时都象 垃圾 堆。地板上净是烟蒂和垃圾,座位和车门把手上甚至有花生酱、口香糖之类的东西,如果有一辆保持清洁的车给乘客坐,乘客也许会为别人着想一点。
”领到出租车牌照后,我就按照自己的想法把车收拾成了这样。每位乘客下车后,我都要查看一下,一定替下一位乘客把车收拾的十分整洁。我的出租车回到公司时仍然是一尘不染。从开车到现在,客人从来没让我失望过。没有有一个烟蒂要我拾捡,也没有花生酱或冰淇淋蛋筒,更没有一点垃圾。先生,我觉得,人人都 欣赏 美的 东西。如果我们的城市多种些花草树木,把建筑物弄的漂亮点,我敢打赌,一定会有更多的人愿意把垃圾送进垃圾箱。”
改变别人是事倍功半,改变自己是事半功倍, 一味地要求别人倒不如反躬自问。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。尊重自己必能得到别人的尊重。当我们不再将眼睛盯着别人,回到自己的心灵 世界 ,将尘埃打扫干净,你会发现自己愉快了,别人也会跟着愉快。 展开
“车不是我的,”他说,“是公司的。多年前我本来在公司做清洁工,每辆出租车晚上回来时都象 垃圾 堆。地板上净是烟蒂和垃圾,座位和车门把手上甚至有花生酱、口香糖之类的东西,如果有一辆保持清洁的车给乘客坐,乘客也许会为别人着想一点。
”领到出租车牌照后,我就按照自己的想法把车收拾成了这样。每位乘客下车后,我都要查看一下,一定替下一位乘客把车收拾的十分整洁。我的出租车回到公司时仍然是一尘不染。从开车到现在,客人从来没让我失望过。没有有一个烟蒂要我拾捡,也没有花生酱或冰淇淋蛋筒,更没有一点垃圾。先生,我觉得,人人都 欣赏 美的 东西。如果我们的城市多种些花草树木,把建筑物弄的漂亮点,我敢打赌,一定会有更多的人愿意把垃圾送进垃圾箱。”
改变别人是事倍功半,改变自己是事半功倍, 一味地要求别人倒不如反躬自问。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。尊重自己必能得到别人的尊重。当我们不再将眼睛盯着别人,回到自己的心灵 世界 ,将尘埃打扫干净,你会发现自己愉快了,别人也会跟着愉快。 展开
A guest boarded a taxi at the airport, the car floors were
covered with wool carpet, carpet edges with brightly colored lace, trimmed with
copies of paintings on glass partitions, Windows are spotlessly clean. Guests
surprised the driver said, "didn't take such beautiful taxi. ”
"Thank you for
the compliment. "The driver answered with a smile.
"How are you thinking of
decorating your taxi? "The guests asked.
"Not me," he said, "is the company.
Many years ago I was in the company do a cleaner, like garbage every taxi came
back in the evening. NET is cigarette butts and trash on the floor, seats and
doors or even peanut butter on hand, chewing gum or something, if you have a
clean car to passengers, passengers may be for the sake of others.
"Get a
taxi licence to my own ideas packed into this car. After the passenger got off,
I'd like to take a look at, certainly for the next passenger to pick up your car
is very clean and tidy. When my taxi to return to the company remains spotless.
From the drive to the now, the guests have never let me down. Has not had a
cigarette butt to my pick up pick up, no peanut butter or ice cream cone, a
little junk. Sir, I think everyone appreciates beautiful things. If our city a
variety of trees and flowers, beautiful buildings, I bet there will be more
people willing to put rubbish in the dustbin. ”
Changing others is
counter-productive, change is less, simply request someone else might as well
ask ourselves. A Good Infection, with the wicked. Respect yourself will be able
to get respect from others. When we no longer stared at other people, to return
to their spiritual world, will clean up the dust, you will find yourself happy,
others would enjoy.
covered with wool carpet, carpet edges with brightly colored lace, trimmed with
copies of paintings on glass partitions, Windows are spotlessly clean. Guests
surprised the driver said, "didn't take such beautiful taxi. ”
"Thank you for
the compliment. "The driver answered with a smile.
"How are you thinking of
decorating your taxi? "The guests asked.
"Not me," he said, "is the company.
Many years ago I was in the company do a cleaner, like garbage every taxi came
back in the evening. NET is cigarette butts and trash on the floor, seats and
doors or even peanut butter on hand, chewing gum or something, if you have a
clean car to passengers, passengers may be for the sake of others.
"Get a
taxi licence to my own ideas packed into this car. After the passenger got off,
I'd like to take a look at, certainly for the next passenger to pick up your car
is very clean and tidy. When my taxi to return to the company remains spotless.
From the drive to the now, the guests have never let me down. Has not had a
cigarette butt to my pick up pick up, no peanut butter or ice cream cone, a
little junk. Sir, I think everyone appreciates beautiful things. If our city a
variety of trees and flowers, beautiful buildings, I bet there will be more
people willing to put rubbish in the dustbin. ”
Changing others is
counter-productive, change is less, simply request someone else might as well
ask ourselves. A Good Infection, with the wicked. Respect yourself will be able
to get respect from others. When we no longer stared at other people, to return
to their spiritual world, will clean up the dust, you will find yourself happy,
others would enjoy.