As this brief review of the history of sociological thought has demonstrated, there are many ways of approaching the study of human social interaction. The ideas of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and others have given rise to dozens of theories about human behavior. In this section, we bring together and summarize ideas that are the foundation of the three dominant theoretical perspectives in sociology today: structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
Structural-Functional Theory addresses the question of social organization and how it is maintained. This theoretical perspective has its roots in natural science and the analogy between society and an organism. In the analysis of a living organism, the scientist s task is to identify the various parts (structures) and to determine how they work (function). In the study of society, a sociologist with this perspective tries to identify the structures of society and how they function, hence the name structural functionalism.
The Assumptions behind Structural Functionalism
In the sense that any study of society must begin with an identification of the parts of society and how they work, structural functionalism is basic to all perspectives. Scholars who use this perspective, however, are distinguished from other social analysts by their reliance on three major assumptions:
1. Stability. The chief evaluative criterion for any social pattern is whether it contributes to the maintenance of society.
2. Harmony. As the parts of an organism work together for the good of the whole, so the parts of society are also characterized by harmony.
3. Evolution. Change occurs through evolution-the adaptation of social structures to new needs and demands and the elimination of unnecessary or outmoded structures.
Because it emphasizes harmony and adaptation, structural functionalism is sometimes called consensus theory.
Structural-Functional Analysis. A structural-functional analysis asks two basic questions: What is the nature of this social structure (what patterns exist)? What are the consequences of this social structure (does it promote stability and harmony)? In this analysis, positive consequences are called functions and negative consequences are called dysfunctions. A distinction is also drawn between manifest (recognized and intended) consequences and latent (unrecognized and unintended) consequences.
The basic strategy of looking for structures and their manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions is common to nearly all sociological analysis. Scholars from widely different theoretical perspectives use this framework for examining society. What sets structural-functional theorists apart from others who use this language are their assumptions about harmony and stability.
In 1989, the state of Virginia passed a law that made teenage driving privileges dependent on school enrollment: If you drop out of high school, you lose your driver’s license. Since then,
many other states have passed or considered the same legislation. What are the consequences of this new social structure? The manifest function (intended positive outcome) is to encourage students to stay in high school. The manifest dysfunction is to make it harder for youths to hold jobs, thus raising the unemployment rate for high school dropouts. A latent dysfunction may be that youths who are coerced into staying in school will be disruptive elements in the classroom. Another latent outcome is more difficult to classify: The new policy will have little or no effect on inner-city youth, few of whom drive or have cars. This class bias is a latent (unintended) outcome. Is it a function or a dysfunction? This is a difficult question to answer from a neutral point of view, and it is here that the assumptions behind structural-functional theory guide the analysis.文章未完,还有500字左右,字数限制,能翻译的把邮箱留下,我全部发邮件 展开
Structural-Functional Theory addresses the question of social organization and how it is maintained. This theoretical perspective has its roots in natural science and the analogy between society and an organism. In the analysis of a living organism, the scientist s task is to identify the various parts (structures) and to determine how they work (function). In the study of society, a sociologist with this perspective tries to identify the structures of society and how they function, hence the name structural functionalism.
The Assumptions behind Structural Functionalism
In the sense that any study of society must begin with an identification of the parts of society and how they work, structural functionalism is basic to all perspectives. Scholars who use this perspective, however, are distinguished from other social analysts by their reliance on three major assumptions:
1. Stability. The chief evaluative criterion for any social pattern is whether it contributes to the maintenance of society.
2. Harmony. As the parts of an organism work together for the good of the whole, so the parts of society are also characterized by harmony.
3. Evolution. Change occurs through evolution-the adaptation of social structures to new needs and demands and the elimination of unnecessary or outmoded structures.
Because it emphasizes harmony and adaptation, structural functionalism is sometimes called consensus theory.
Structural-Functional Analysis. A structural-functional analysis asks two basic questions: What is the nature of this social structure (what patterns exist)? What are the consequences of this social structure (does it promote stability and harmony)? In this analysis, positive consequences are called functions and negative consequences are called dysfunctions. A distinction is also drawn between manifest (recognized and intended) consequences and latent (unrecognized and unintended) consequences.
The basic strategy of looking for structures and their manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions is common to nearly all sociological analysis. Scholars from widely different theoretical perspectives use this framework for examining society. What sets structural-functional theorists apart from others who use this language are their assumptions about harmony and stability.
In 1989, the state of Virginia passed a law that made teenage driving privileges dependent on school enrollment: If you drop out of high school, you lose your driver’s license. Since then,
many other states have passed or considered the same legislation. What are the consequences of this new social structure? The manifest function (intended positive outcome) is to encourage students to stay in high school. The manifest dysfunction is to make it harder for youths to hold jobs, thus raising the unemployment rate for high school dropouts. A latent dysfunction may be that youths who are coerced into staying in school will be disruptive elements in the classroom. Another latent outcome is more difficult to classify: The new policy will have little or no effect on inner-city youth, few of whom drive or have cars. This class bias is a latent (unintended) outcome. Is it a function or a dysfunction? This is a difficult question to answer from a neutral point of view, and it is here that the assumptions behind structural-functional theory guide the analysis.文章未完,还有500字左右,字数限制,能翻译的把邮箱留下,我全部发邮件 展开
列举社会学思想的简要历史回顾时,有许多研究人类社会交往的方法。马克思、韦伯、涂尔干(Durheim)等人的思想提出了众多有关人类行为的理论。在本节中,我们将集中讲解和概述作为现代社会中结构功能主义、冲突论、符号互动论等三个主要理论观点基础的一系列理念。 结构功能理论强调社会组织及其维持问题。这种理论观点基于自然科学和社会与生物体的类比。在对生物体的分析中,科学家的任务是识别各组织部分(结构)并判断它们是怎么工作的(功能)。在社会研究中,带这种观点的社会学家试图识别社会结构及其功能,因此称为结构功能主义。
1、稳定性 任何社会模式的主要评价准则是它是否有助于维持社会的稳定性。
2、和谐 就像生物体各组成部分为了整体而协调工作一样,组成社会的各部分也一样要和谐相处。
3、发展(生物界称为进化) 通过改革不断产生变化(发展)——社会结构对新需求的适应、对不再需要或过时结构的消减。
1、稳定性 任何社会模式的主要评价准则是它是否有助于维持社会的稳定性。
2、和谐 就像生物体各组成部分为了整体而协调工作一样,组成社会的各部分也一样要和谐相处。
3、发展(生物界称为进化) 通过改革不断产生变化(发展)——社会结构对新需求的适应、对不再需要或过时结构的消减。