
CodeDescriptionPageG00High-speedlinearinterpolation4-23G01Linearinterpolationatprogra... Code Description Page
G00 High-speed linear interpolation 4 - 23
G01 Linear interpolation at programmed feed rate 4 - 26
G02 Clockwise circular interpolation at programmed feed rate 4 - 31
G03 Counterclockwise circular interpolation at programmed
feed rate 4 - 31
G04 Programmable dwell 4 - 256
G06 Spline curve execution command 4 - 247
G09 Accurate stop at end of block before going to next block 4 - 60
G10 Interruptible block 4 - 208
G12 Overspeed by handwheel 4 - 260
G16 Definition of tool axis orientation with addresses P, Q, R 4 - 79
G17 XY plane selection 4 - 10
G18 ZX plane selection 4 - 10
G19 YZ plane selection 4 - 10
G23 Circular interpolation defined by three points 4 - 45
G29 3D tool correction (3 axes or 5 axes) 4 - 99
G31 Thread chasing cycle 4 - 137
G40 Tool radius offset (cutter compensation) cancel 4 - 86
G41 Left tool radius offset (cutter compensation) 4 - 85
G42 Right tool radius offset (cutter compensation) 4 - 85
G43 3D correction with cylindrical tool 4 - 107
G45 Simple pocket cycle 4 - 146
G46 Pocket or facing cycles with any contours 4 - 155
G48 Spline curve definition 4 - 247
G49 Spline curve deletion 4 - 247

G51 Mirroring 4 - 283
G52 Programming of movements in absoluted dimensions
with reference to the measurement origin 4 - 229
G53 DAT1 and DAT2 offset cancel 4 - 232
G54 DAT1 and DAT2 offset enable 4 - 232
G59 Programme origin offset 4 - 235
G70 Inch data input 4 - 262
G71 Metric data input 4 - 262
G73 Scaling factor cancel 4 - 279
G74 Scaling factor enable 4 - 279
G75 Emergency retraction subroutine declaration 4 - 215
G76 Transfer of the current values of ?L? and ?E? parameters
into the part programme 6 -59
G76+/- ISO programme or block creation/deletion 4 - 224
G77 Unconditional branch to a subroutine or block sequence
with return 4 - 193
G77 -i Call of a subroutine return block 4 - 222
G78 Axis group synchronisation 4 - 300
G79 Conditional or unconditional jump to a sequence without
return 4 - 203
G79+/- Temporary suspension of next block preparation in a
sequence with movements 4 - 213
G80 Canned cycle cancel 4 - 112
G81 Centre drilling cycle 4 - 113
G82 Counterboring cycle 4 - 115
G83 Peck drilling cycle 4 - 117
G84 Tapping cycle 4 - 120
G84 Rigid tapping cycle 4 - 122
G85 Reaming cycle 4 - 126
G86 Boring cycle with indexed stop and clearance at hole bottom 4 - 128
2008-03-18 · 超过19用户采纳过TA的回答
G00高速线性插值法4 - 23
G01线性插值法在被编程的供给率4 - 26
G02顺时针圆插值法在被编程的供给率4 - 31
供给率4 - 31
G04可编程序的居住4 - 256
G06样条曲线施行命令4 - 247
G09准确中止在块的末端在去之前由手轮4 - 260
G16其次阻拦4 - 60
G10可打断的块4 - 208 G12
超速工具轴取向的定义以地址P, Q, R 4 - 79
G17 X - Y的平面选择4 - 10
G18 ZX平面选择4 - 10
G19 YZ平面选择4 - 10
G23三点4 - 45 G29 3D定义的
圆插值法工具更正(3个轴或5轴) 4 - 99
G31追逐周期4 - 137 G40的
螺纹工具半径垂距(刀具补偿)取消4 - 86
G41留下工具半径抵销了(刀具补偿) 4 - 85
G42正确的工具半径抵销了(刀具补偿) 4 - 85
G43 3D corr
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