一代伟人周恩来年轻时刻苦学习,博览群书,为“中华的崛起而读书”的梦想像住泸定一样为他指明了前进的目标,终于在中国的外交史上写下了辉煌的一页。是梦想,让爱迪生从贫民窟走入了曼哈顿:是梦想,让莱特兄弟从地平线上飞向了蓝天:是梦想,让马丁路德金为实现种族平等而孜孜不倦的工作。 展开
一代伟人周恩来年轻时刻苦学习,博览群书,为“中华的崛起而读书”的梦想像住泸定一样为他指明了前进的目标,终于在中国的外交史上写下了辉煌的一页。是梦想,让爱迪生从贫民窟走入了曼哈顿:是梦想,让莱特兄弟从地平线上飞向了蓝天:是梦想,让马丁路德金为实现种族平等而孜孜不倦的工作。 展开
The classmates good, I want to ask you a question, what is the dominate our future, what drives us towards a striving direction?
The famous dancer Yang liping is answer the question for us, "whether it is famous in the world of scientists, artists, or an ordinary people, all people of accomplishment have have a common goal, that is they all have the dream of a solid, and keep fighting in order to achieve this dream."
A generation of great men zhou enlai study hard when I was younger, well-read, as "China's rise and reading" dream like live LuDing as he pointed out the forward goal, finally on the diplomatic history of China and wrote a glorious page. Is a dream, let Edison from slums into ?
The famous dancer Yang liping is answer the question for us, "whether it is famous in the world of scientists, artists, or an ordinary people, all people of accomplishment have have a common goal, that is they all have the dream of a solid, and keep fighting in order to achieve this dream."
A generation of great men zhou enlai study hard when I was younger, well-read, as "China's rise and reading" dream like live LuDing as he pointed out the forward goal, finally on the diplomatic history of China and wrote a glorious page. Is a dream, let Edison from slums into ?