求翻译!小女子在这里感激不尽!!! 20
英文:Praise, criticize less; encourage, less punishment
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself. However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity. This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure. In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation. I am 11 years old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest. This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging advantages, not to criticize shortcomings. I was very good at math, language is very bad, the teacher didn't beat me, know my Chinese is not good, even let me exam papers home to look in the dictionary to do, I believe that I will not go to reading book. Such trust and encouragement, but encouraged me to learn this lesson is determined, it gave me the courage to learn, and let me have the sense of responsibility and honor. So I think it is a positive education can really help children.
Много похвалы, меньше критики; Больше поощрять, меньше наказание
Критика в дети росли, критиковать других; Наказание в дети росли, сознательно виновен.
Высоко, что дети росли в осеннем; Утвердить в себе, как дети росли. Однако также есть много родителей, в Том числе и сам в прошлом, и не использовать наказание, критики и даже угрозы и запугивание иду учить детей.
Если ребенок вырос на критику среде, может задаваемых на подвергли критике позицию, чтобы решить вопросы коммуникации; Если ребенок изучающей будет наказан или угрозы, только депрессивный свой страх, отрицание свои эмоции в обмен на родителей идентичности. Это доставляет, наоборот, дети могут быть очень послушный, но уверенными, любопытство от депрессии, не желает чужих эмоций, существует много эмоций дефектов и проблем.
Немного для детей, особенно в отношении к морали или ответственности по соответствующие наказания, но это никогда не могут наказать, это провал. В процессе роста, максимум уроков из поражения —, если с детства сказать детям неудачи очень стыдно, он просто не может признать поражение, либо скрыть свои неудачи, даже принимать искренность акт, а не от поражения проработать, учиться, расти.
Относительно, то мы должны предоставить детям больше поощрять и точно. Я 11 лет только начальные школы, почти ничего не стоит пыхтишь место, но учитель математики, но пожертвовать на обед для меня лгать, однажды родственники учитель спросил сколько / 7 января, скоро я говорил ранее спина ответы, близких и все комплимент мне это математический гений, хотя я не математический гений, но в такой поддержке и полна уверенности в математике, но и создает большой интерес. Это американский образовательный характер, это очень поощрять преимущество, а не недостаток в критике. Тогда моя математика очень хорошо, но очень плохо, преподаватель языков и не таким образом против меня, я знаю плохо, позвольте мне даже на экзамены, когда тест домой пойду проверю словарь, поверь мне не заглядывать книги. Такое доверие и поощрять, а вдохновил меня XueHao дверь домашку решимость, об этом дал мне научиться мужества, чтобы я большой ответственности и деятельность. Поэтому я чувствую себя такой позитивный образования, чтобы действительно помочь детям.
여 칭찬 을 덜 비판;응원 을 적 게 처벌 하 기로 했 다
비평 에서 자 라나 는 아이 를 비난 타인;징벌 에서 자 라나 는 아이 를 스스로 유죄 를 인정 했 다.
칭찬 하 게 자 란 아이 를 감사 할 줄 아;인정 하 게 자 란 아이 를 자신 을 좋아 했 다.그러나 도 학부모 가 많 았 고, 나 자 신의 과거 도 용 응징 과 비판 까지 협박 하는 방식 으로 가 르 치 아이 를 낳 았 다.
만약 한 아이 는 비판 한 환경 에서 컸 될 가능 성도 점 쳐 진 시 켜 으로 는 자유 롭 게 비판 의 자 세로 소통 문제 해결;만일 아이 가 잘 안 되 거나 위협 하 려면 징계 를 받 은 것 을 감 안 하 면 자신 을 억압 의 두려움 을 부정 하는 자 신의 감정 을 대신 부모 는 공감 대가 형성 됐 다.이런 교육하다 아래 아이 할 가능성 이 잘 하지만 도 자신감 의 결여 를 호기심 스트레스 를 풀 수 있 는 상대 를 배려 하는 감정 이 많다 는 결함 과 감정 문제 다.
아이 들 은 작 은 것 은 없 고, 특히 도덕 이나 책임 부문 에 대해 때 적 절하 게 응징 을 하지만 이 라 는 점 만은 절대 처벌 할 수 있 도록, 바로 실패 했 다.이 사람 의 성장 과정 에서 가장 많은 교훈 이 실패 에서 얻 는 다면 어 려 서부터 다. 그 아이 에게 실패 를 했 을 가능성 이 높 은 실패 를 인정 하지 않 거나, 자신 을 숨 기 는 실패 해 부적 성신 의 행위 를 하지 않 고 실패 에서 검토, 학습, 성장 했 다.
상대적 으로 우리 야 아이 더 많은 격려 와 긍정적 이다.제 11 대 에서 초등학교 를 거의 아무런 칭찬 할 만 한 점 이 있 지만 수학 선생님 은 자신 을 희생 하는 점심 시간 은 내 가 사교육 을 한번 친척 선생님 에게 1/7 은 얼마 를 내 가 빨리 말 옛 모습 을 외 우 는 답 에는 가족 들이 칭찬 저 는 수학 천재 나 하지 는 않 지만 수학 천재 지만 이런 의 격려 를 받 으며 자신감 에 차 있 었 고, 수학 에 재미 를 붙 였 다.이것 이 미국 교육 특성 에 맞 는 그것 이 장점 을 독려 하 고 가지 않 으면 비판 단점 으로 꼽 힌 다.당시 나 는 수학 을 잘 어문 선생님 은 아주 나 쁘 지 않 았 기 때문에 타격 나 를 알 려고 어문 불량 제 시험 때 시험지 를 데 리 고 집 에 돌 아 가게 초 사전 준비 해 오, 나 를 신뢰 하지 않 는 몰래 보 는 책 이다.이런 믿음 과 격려 를 오히려 격려 했 나 울 이 문 공부 를 잘 할 각오 로 이 일을 해 주 셨 공부 하는 용기 를 도 나 를 낳 책임감 과 팀 이다.그래서 이러한 일종 의 정면 의 교육 이 제대로 도움 아이 를 낳 았 다.
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself. However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity. This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure. In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation. I am 11 years old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest. This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging advantages, not to criticize shortcomings. I was very good at math, language is very bad, the teacher didn't beat me, know my Chinese is not good, even let me exam papers home to look in the dictionary to do, I believe that I will not go to reading book. Such trust and encouragement, but encouraged me to learn this lesson is determined, it gave me the courage to learn, and let me have the sense of responsibility and honor. So I think it is a positive education can really help children.
Много похвалы, меньше критики; Больше поощрять, меньше наказание
Критика в дети росли, критиковать других; Наказание в дети росли, сознательно виновен.
Высоко, что дети росли в осеннем; Утвердить в себе, как дети росли. Однако также есть много родителей, в Том числе и сам в прошлом, и не использовать наказание, критики и даже угрозы и запугивание иду учить детей.
Если ребенок вырос на критику среде, может задаваемых на подвергли критике позицию, чтобы решить вопросы коммуникации; Если ребенок изучающей будет наказан или угрозы, только депрессивный свой страх, отрицание свои эмоции в обмен на родителей идентичности. Это доставляет, наоборот, дети могут быть очень послушный, но уверенными, любопытство от депрессии, не желает чужих эмоций, существует много эмоций дефектов и проблем.
Немного для детей, особенно в отношении к морали или ответственности по соответствующие наказания, но это никогда не могут наказать, это провал. В процессе роста, максимум уроков из поражения —, если с детства сказать детям неудачи очень стыдно, он просто не может признать поражение, либо скрыть свои неудачи, даже принимать искренность акт, а не от поражения проработать, учиться, расти.
Относительно, то мы должны предоставить детям больше поощрять и точно. Я 11 лет только начальные школы, почти ничего не стоит пыхтишь место, но учитель математики, но пожертвовать на обед для меня лгать, однажды родственники учитель спросил сколько / 7 января, скоро я говорил ранее спина ответы, близких и все комплимент мне это математический гений, хотя я не математический гений, но в такой поддержке и полна уверенности в математике, но и создает большой интерес. Это американский образовательный характер, это очень поощрять преимущество, а не недостаток в критике. Тогда моя математика очень хорошо, но очень плохо, преподаватель языков и не таким образом против меня, я знаю плохо, позвольте мне даже на экзамены, когда тест домой пойду проверю словарь, поверь мне не заглядывать книги. Такое доверие и поощрять, а вдохновил меня XueHao дверь домашку решимость, об этом дал мне научиться мужества, чтобы я большой ответственности и деятельность. Поэтому я чувствую себя такой позитивный образования, чтобы действительно помочь детям.
여 칭찬 을 덜 비판;응원 을 적 게 처벌 하 기로 했 다
비평 에서 자 라나 는 아이 를 비난 타인;징벌 에서 자 라나 는 아이 를 스스로 유죄 를 인정 했 다.
칭찬 하 게 자 란 아이 를 감사 할 줄 아;인정 하 게 자 란 아이 를 자신 을 좋아 했 다.그러나 도 학부모 가 많 았 고, 나 자 신의 과거 도 용 응징 과 비판 까지 협박 하는 방식 으로 가 르 치 아이 를 낳 았 다.
만약 한 아이 는 비판 한 환경 에서 컸 될 가능 성도 점 쳐 진 시 켜 으로 는 자유 롭 게 비판 의 자 세로 소통 문제 해결;만일 아이 가 잘 안 되 거나 위협 하 려면 징계 를 받 은 것 을 감 안 하 면 자신 을 억압 의 두려움 을 부정 하는 자 신의 감정 을 대신 부모 는 공감 대가 형성 됐 다.이런 교육하다 아래 아이 할 가능성 이 잘 하지만 도 자신감 의 결여 를 호기심 스트레스 를 풀 수 있 는 상대 를 배려 하는 감정 이 많다 는 결함 과 감정 문제 다.
아이 들 은 작 은 것 은 없 고, 특히 도덕 이나 책임 부문 에 대해 때 적 절하 게 응징 을 하지만 이 라 는 점 만은 절대 처벌 할 수 있 도록, 바로 실패 했 다.이 사람 의 성장 과정 에서 가장 많은 교훈 이 실패 에서 얻 는 다면 어 려 서부터 다. 그 아이 에게 실패 를 했 을 가능성 이 높 은 실패 를 인정 하지 않 거나, 자신 을 숨 기 는 실패 해 부적 성신 의 행위 를 하지 않 고 실패 에서 검토, 학습, 성장 했 다.
상대적 으로 우리 야 아이 더 많은 격려 와 긍정적 이다.제 11 대 에서 초등학교 를 거의 아무런 칭찬 할 만 한 점 이 있 지만 수학 선생님 은 자신 을 희생 하는 점심 시간 은 내 가 사교육 을 한번 친척 선생님 에게 1/7 은 얼마 를 내 가 빨리 말 옛 모습 을 외 우 는 답 에는 가족 들이 칭찬 저 는 수학 천재 나 하지 는 않 지만 수학 천재 지만 이런 의 격려 를 받 으며 자신감 에 차 있 었 고, 수학 에 재미 를 붙 였 다.이것 이 미국 교육 특성 에 맞 는 그것 이 장점 을 독려 하 고 가지 않 으면 비판 단점 으로 꼽 힌 다.당시 나 는 수학 을 잘 어문 선생님 은 아주 나 쁘 지 않 았 기 때문에 타격 나 를 알 려고 어문 불량 제 시험 때 시험지 를 데 리 고 집 에 돌 아 가게 초 사전 준비 해 오, 나 를 신뢰 하지 않 는 몰래 보 는 책 이다.이런 믿음 과 격려 를 오히려 격려 했 나 울 이 문 공부 를 잘 할 각오 로 이 일을 해 주 셨 공부 하는 용기 를 도 나 를 낳 책임감 과 팀 이다.그래서 이러한 일종 의 정면 의 교육 이 제대로 도움 아이 를 낳 았 다.
Praise, criticize less; encourage, less punishment
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself. However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity. This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure. In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation. I am 11 years old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest. This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging advantages, not to criticize shortcomings. I was very good at math, language is very bad, the teacher didn't beat me, know my Chinese is not good, even let me exam papers home to look in the dictionary to do, I believe that I will not go to reading book. Such trust and encouragement, but encouraged me to learn this lesson is determined, it gave me the courage to learn, and let me have the sense of responsibility and honor. So I think it is a positive education can really help children.
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself. However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity. This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure. In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation. I am 11 years old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest. This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging advantages, not to criticize shortcomings. I was very good at math, language is very bad, the teacher didn't beat me, know my Chinese is not good, even let me exam papers home to look in the dictionary to do, I believe that I will not go to reading book. Such trust and encouragement, but encouraged me to learn this lesson is determined, it gave me the courage to learn, and let me have the sense of responsibility and honor. So I think it is a positive education can really help children.
Praise, criticize less; encourage, less punishment
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself.However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity.This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure.In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation.I am 11 years
old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest.This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging
Criticism of children, to condemn; to punish children, guilty.
If children live with praise, know how to thanksgiving; recognition of children grow up, love yourself.However there are also many parents, including my own past and could not help with punishment, criticism and even threats, intimidation way to teach children.
If a child in criticism grew up in an environment, may influence character by environment with critical attitude to solve the communication problem; if the child does not well will be punished or threatened, only to suppress their fear, deny their emotions, in exchange for their identity.This discipline, children may be very obedient, but also lack of self-confidence, curiosity is suppressed, to be considerate of other people's feelings, there are many emotional problems and defects.
For younger children, especially relates to moral or liability issues can be appropriate to punish, but having a bit is not to be punished, it is failure.In the process of growing up, most of the lessons from the failure is obtained, if the child tell children that failure is very shameful, he could not admit defeat, or hide their failures, or even make a dishonest behavior, and not from the failure, learning, development review.
Relatively speaking, we should give them more encouragement and affirmation.I am 11 years
old started primary school, almost no worthy of the praise, but a math teacher at the expense of their lunch time for me with a relative, teacher asked 1/7 is much, I soon had previously memorized answer, pro people praise me was a mathematical genius, although I am not a mathematical genius, but in such encouragement, full of confidence, but also to the mathematical interest.This is the United States the characteristics of education, it is very encouraging
阿甘是一个不幸的人带来不良的行。但在同一时间,他是一个非常幸运的人,他有一个曾经鼓励他的母亲支持他,更积极的态度和认真负责的生活态度,把他打的困难,并最终成为一颗耀眼的明星。 “阿甘正传”让我明白了,无论多么糟糕的环境,可以不向命运低头,只要积极的斗争,最终还是要保持清醒的一个月的时候,云开。