求翻译啊 急急急急急急急急。!!!
1.齐楚攻魏,魏王遣唐雎入秦求援。(原文)秦昭王四十一年(公元前266年),齐、楚约而攻魏,魏人有唐且者,年九十余,谓魏王曰:“臣请出西说秦,可乎?”魏王遂约车而遣之。唐且见秦王,秦王曰:“丈人芒然乃远至此,甚苦矣。魏来求救数矣,寡人知魏之急矣。”唐且对曰:“……今齐、楚之兵已在魏郊矣。大王之救不至,魏急则割地齐、楚,是亡一万乘之魏,而强二敌之齐、楚也。……” 《战国策 魏策 四》
2,秦昭王五十年(前257年),魏信陵君窃符救赵,志得意满居功自矜。唐雎劝诫之,信陵君谦恭受教幡然醒悟。 (原文):信陵君杀晋鄙,救邯郸,破秦人,存赵国,赵王自郊迎。唐且谓信陵君曰:“臣闻之曰,事有不可知者,有不可不知者;有不可忘者,有不可不忘者。”信陵君曰:“何谓也?”对曰:“人之憎我也,不可不知也;吾憎人也,不可得而知也。人之有德于我也,不可忘也;吾有德于人也,不可不忘也。”信陵君曰:“无忌谨受教。” 《战国策 魏策 四》
3,秦始皇六年(前241年),唐雎说楚春申君合纵,率诸侯合力抗秦。(原文):唐且见春申君曰:“臣不避绝江河,行千余里来,窃慕大军可之义也。……今君相王乘之楚,御中国之难,所于者不成,所求者不得,臣等少也。” 《战国策·楚策三》
4,天下之士,合从相聚于赵,而欲攻秦。秦相应侯曰:“王勿忧也,请令废之。秦于天下之士非有怨也,相聚而攻秦者,以己欲复归耳。王见大王之狗,卧者卧,起者起,行者行,止者止,毋相与斗者;投之一骨,轻起相牙者,何则?有争意也。”于是唐雎载音乐,予之五十金,居武安,高会相于饮,谓:“邯郸人谓谁来取者?”于是其谋者固未可得予也,其可得与者,与之昆弟矣。 “公与秦计功者,不问金之所之,金尽者功多矣。今令人复载五十金随公。”唐雎行,行至武安,散不能三千金,天下之士,大相与斗矣。《战国策 秦策 三》 展开
2,秦昭王五十年(前257年),魏信陵君窃符救赵,志得意满居功自矜。唐雎劝诫之,信陵君谦恭受教幡然醒悟。 (原文):信陵君杀晋鄙,救邯郸,破秦人,存赵国,赵王自郊迎。唐且谓信陵君曰:“臣闻之曰,事有不可知者,有不可不知者;有不可忘者,有不可不忘者。”信陵君曰:“何谓也?”对曰:“人之憎我也,不可不知也;吾憎人也,不可得而知也。人之有德于我也,不可忘也;吾有德于人也,不可不忘也。”信陵君曰:“无忌谨受教。” 《战国策 魏策 四》
3,秦始皇六年(前241年),唐雎说楚春申君合纵,率诸侯合力抗秦。(原文):唐且见春申君曰:“臣不避绝江河,行千余里来,窃慕大军可之义也。……今君相王乘之楚,御中国之难,所于者不成,所求者不得,臣等少也。” 《战国策·楚策三》
4,天下之士,合从相聚于赵,而欲攻秦。秦相应侯曰:“王勿忧也,请令废之。秦于天下之士非有怨也,相聚而攻秦者,以己欲复归耳。王见大王之狗,卧者卧,起者起,行者行,止者止,毋相与斗者;投之一骨,轻起相牙者,何则?有争意也。”于是唐雎载音乐,予之五十金,居武安,高会相于饮,谓:“邯郸人谓谁来取者?”于是其谋者固未可得予也,其可得与者,与之昆弟矣。 “公与秦计功者,不问金之所之,金尽者功多矣。今令人复载五十金随公。”唐雎行,行至武安,散不能三千金,天下之士,大相与斗矣。《战国策 秦策 三》 展开
秦昭王四十一年(公元前266年),齐国和楚国约定攻打魏国,魏国有个叫唐睢的人,年龄90多岁,对魏王说:“我请求去游说西方的秦国,可不可以?”魏王立即准备车驾派遣唐睢(西出说秦)。唐睢见到秦王,秦王说:“老人家路途遥遥来到这里,吃了很多苦吧。魏国来求救很多次了,我知道魏的情况很危急”。唐睢回答说:“……现在齐国、楚国的部队已经陈兵魏国的郊外了。如果大王您的救兵不到,魏国情急下就会割地给齐国和楚国,这是损失一个万乘之国魏国,而使齐、楚这两个敌国更加强大了。……”《战国策 魏策 四》
2、秦昭王五十年(前257年),魏国的信陵君偷窃兵符救了赵国,志得意满,自以为立了大功,很是骄傲。唐雎就对他进行了劝说和告诫,信陵君谦虚并恭敬地领受了教诲,并幡然醒悟。 (原文):信陵君杀了晋鄙,救了邯郸,打败了秦国的部队,救了赵国,赵王亲自到郊外迎接(信陵君凯旋的部队)。唐且对信陵君说:“我听说过这样的话,事有不能够知道的,有不可以不知道的;有不可以忘记的,有不能够不忘掉者。”信陵君说:“什么意思啊?”(唐睢)回答说:“别人对我的憎恨,不能够不知道;我厌恶别人,却不应让他得知。别人对我有恩惠,我不应忘记,我对别人有恩惠,却不应老放在心上。”信陵君曰:“我谢谢您的教诲。” 《战国策 魏策 四》
秦昭王四十一年(公元前266年),齐国和楚国约定攻打魏国,魏国有个叫唐睢的人,年龄90多岁,对魏王说:“我请求去游说西方的秦国,可不可以?”魏王立即准备车驾派遣唐睢(西出说秦)。唐睢见到秦王,秦王说:“老人家路途遥遥来到这里,吃了很多苦吧。魏国来求救很多次了,我知道魏的情况很危急”。唐睢回答说:“……现在齐国、楚国的部队已经陈兵魏国的郊外了。如果大王您的救兵不到,魏国情急下就会割地给齐国和楚国,这是损失一个万乘之国魏国,而使齐、楚这两个敌国更加强大了。……”《战国策 魏策 四》
2、秦昭王五十年(前257年),魏国的信陵君偷窃兵符救了赵国,志得意满,自以为立了大功,很是骄傲。唐雎就对他进行了劝说和告诫,信陵君谦虚并恭敬地领受了教诲,并幡然醒悟。 (原文):信陵君杀了晋鄙,救了邯郸,打败了秦国的部队,救了赵国,赵王亲自到郊外迎接(信陵君凯旋的部队)。唐且对信陵君说:“我听说过这样的话,事有不能够知道的,有不可以不知道的;有不可以忘记的,有不能够不忘掉者。”信陵君说:“什么意思啊?”(唐睢)回答说:“别人对我的憎恨,不能够不知道;我厌恶别人,却不应让他得知。别人对我有恩惠,我不应忘记,我对别人有恩惠,却不应老放在心上。”信陵君曰:“我谢谢您的教诲。” 《战国策 魏策 四》

2025-01-20 广告
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1 tidy attacked the state of Wei Wei emperor, Tang Dynasty Qin Ju into.(original) the king of the state of Qin forty-one years (266 BC), Qi, Chu about and attacked the state of Wei, Wei is down and, years to more than 90, that the king said: "I call out West said Qin, may?"The king was about cars and word.Tang and see the king of Qin, Qin said: "his father-in-law daze is far so far, very bitter.Wei to help number passed away, and I know Wei anxious."Tang and answers:"......This Qi, Chu Wei in the suburbs of Zhibing has passed away.The king not to save, Qi, Chu Wei urgently to cede territory, is dead in ten thousand by Wei, but two strong enemy, Chu and qi.......""Wei Ce four" war policy
In 2, the king of the state of Qin in fifty years (257 years ago), his character to save Zhao Wei theft, fully satisfied or contented private credit.Tang Ju admonition, his humility taught awakening.(the original): his kill Jin Bi, save Handan, breaking the Qin, Zhao Zhao Wang deposit, since rural ying.Tang and that his said: "Chen Wen said, something unknown, can not be the person that do not know; there is Bukewangzhe, not be not to forget."His said: "what is it?"Answers: "the love I, I do not know; I love people, may not have known it.People's virtue to me, do not forget; I have to have, do not forget."His said: "Mowgli would like ugc.""Wei Ce four" war policy
In 3, Qin Shihuang six years (241 years ago), Tang Ju said Mr. Chu Chunshen cross, rate of Qin vassal force.(the original): down and see Chunshenjun said: "I did not avoid the vast rivers, line of more than 1000 years, I admire army can justice also.......Now the king of king by Chu, Royal China hard, in not into, make not little also, kings.""China Chu Cesan"
4, people in the world, and from the gather in Zhao, Qin to attack.Qin corresponding Hou said: "do not worry king also, please make the waste.Qin in the people in the world than it is, get together and attack the Qin, with oneself wants to return to the ear.The king saw the king dog, lying person lying, climbers, Walker, only those who do not stop, and performers; cast light on phase one bone, teeth, what then?There is a dispute also intended."Then Tang Juzai music, giving fifty gold, in Wuan, will be high to drink, said: "Handan person is who to take?"So the conspirators. "May also, the available and, with the brothers."The public and Qin Jigong, irrespective of the gold, gold person too much.This is a complex containing fifty gold with the public."Tang Juhang, to Wuan, for not three thousand gold, people in the world, big and bucket."Qin Ce three" war policy.
In 2, the king of the state of Qin in fifty years (257 years ago), his character to save Zhao Wei theft, fully satisfied or contented private credit.Tang Ju admonition, his humility taught awakening.(the original): his kill Jin Bi, save Handan, breaking the Qin, Zhao Zhao Wang deposit, since rural ying.Tang and that his said: "Chen Wen said, something unknown, can not be the person that do not know; there is Bukewangzhe, not be not to forget."His said: "what is it?"Answers: "the love I, I do not know; I love people, may not have known it.People's virtue to me, do not forget; I have to have, do not forget."His said: "Mowgli would like ugc.""Wei Ce four" war policy
In 3, Qin Shihuang six years (241 years ago), Tang Ju said Mr. Chu Chunshen cross, rate of Qin vassal force.(the original): down and see Chunshenjun said: "I did not avoid the vast rivers, line of more than 1000 years, I admire army can justice also.......Now the king of king by Chu, Royal China hard, in not into, make not little also, kings.""China Chu Cesan"
4, people in the world, and from the gather in Zhao, Qin to attack.Qin corresponding Hou said: "do not worry king also, please make the waste.Qin in the people in the world than it is, get together and attack the Qin, with oneself wants to return to the ear.The king saw the king dog, lying person lying, climbers, Walker, only those who do not stop, and performers; cast light on phase one bone, teeth, what then?There is a dispute also intended."Then Tang Juzai music, giving fifty gold, in Wuan, will be high to drink, said: "Handan person is who to take?"So the conspirators. "May also, the available and, with the brothers."The public and Qin Jigong, irrespective of the gold, gold person too much.This is a complex containing fifty gold with the public."Tang Juhang, to Wuan, for not three thousand gold, people in the world, big and bucket."Qin Ce three" war policy.