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“哈利•波特”同时也是最成功的将儿童读物推广到成人市场的范例。这一点,除了政府的阅读推广活动起到的作用,布鲁姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)利用世界图书日和广告等形式,积极地向成人做宣传和引导,也使这套书的消费市场无形地扩大了。 展开
From 1997, until 2000, " Harry Potter, " a year after this in 2003, three, 2005 and 2007. It is in the world has created more than 300 million copies, as there was no parallel in history. The miracle. At the same time, " Harry Potter" in the children's book publishing industry created a lot of precedent, such as publishing books for children was established for the first time the cover design studio, from children to adult readers etc.. So all-round, large-scale, innovative marketing activities as a marketing general mobilization, effect is spectacular.
" Harry Potter " is also the success of the children's books to the adult market sample. This, in addition to the government's reading promotion activities play a role, Bloom Salisbury ( Bloomsbury Publishing PLC ) use of World Book Day and advertising and other forms, and actively to the adult to do publicity and guidance, also make this book market invisibly expanded.
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" Harry Potter " is also the success of the children's books to the adult market sample. This, in addition to the government's reading promotion activities play a role, Bloom Salisbury ( Bloomsbury Publishing PLC ) use of World Book Day and advertising and other forms, and actively to the adult to do publicity and guidance, also make this book market invisibly expanded.