
HearingI′mtheyoungestpersonevertorowsoloacrosstheAtlanticOcean,peopleallwonderhowIman... Hearing I′m the youngest person ever to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean,people all wonder how I managed it Well,the biggest challenge for me wasn′t <strong>①</strong><strong>(physical)</strong> but mental:How would I handle the <strong>②</strong><strong>(loneliness)</strong> ,the boredom—the vastness of the open sea? Ipushed off the coast of Senegal on January 3,2010,ready to <strong>③</strong><strong>(find out).</strong> I got past the quarter-way mark on Day 20.I told myself I should do something to celebrate, <strong>④</strong><strong>(but)</strong> I didn′t overact. I was suffering from a terrible bout of the loneliness. I hadn′t seen <strong>⑤</strong><strong>(land)</strong> in over two weeks, and it had been one of those day when ten minutes<strong> ⑥(seemed like)</strong> ten hours. Then,around sunset, I saw something move <strong>⑦</strong><strong>(on the horizon)</strong> . A dozen fins had broken through the water near my boat. Sharks. I <strong>⑧</strong><strong>(froze)</strong> deadin thewater, <strong>⑨(carefully)</strong> eyeballing them as they came closer. Dolphins! They circled my boat andwere close enough to<strong> ⑩(touch)</strong>,so I did.<strong> �7�6(Suddenly)</strong> I felt so connected and so<strong> �7�7(grateful) </strong>. The dolphins had come along to help me <strong>�7�8</strong><strong>(celebrate)</strong> , just when I needed it the most. I rowed at full strength for the next 20 minutes <strong>�7�9</strong><strong>(with)</strong> the dolphins by my side, jumping out of the water,and playing games with my boat. By the time we went out separate ways, I was <strong>�7�0</strong><strong>(no longer) </strong>lonely. Better yet, I knew I would be<strong> �7�1(all right)</strong> , that I would<strong> �7�2(make)</strong> it all the way.I <strong>�7�3</strong><strong>(hit)</strong> the coast of Guyana after 70 days and five hours at sea. The secret for me to <strong>�7�4(get</strong> <strong>through)</strong> is to focus on the moment, where you experience the awe that leads to personal growth—those moments of<strong> �7�5(awareness)</strong> of being connected to sun, the weather ,the waves. And, on the best day of my life, those dolphins.注:加粗的为完形中设的题,我有问题的题是③⑤⑧�7�8�7�1�7�3�7�4③:A、find out B、work out C、put out D、take out(本题如选find out,怎么翻译)⑤A、ships B、fish C、wavesD、land(本题我想问A项为什么不可以)⑧A、froze B、pretend C、jumped D、attacked(为什么是froze,我选的是B,是冻死?还是装死?求解释)�7�8A、push B、celebrate C、play D、sail(解释A为什么不对?)�7�1A、difficultB、all right C、serious D、certain enough(解释A、D选项)�7�3A、stopped B、left C、got D、hit (解释C选项为什么不选,get不是可以解释为到达吗)�7�4A、get off B、get into C、get through D、get down (选C怎么解释) 展开
 我来答
3.A.find out 找出;发现;查明;B.work out解答出(难题);C. put out熄灭;D.take out出发
5.A.ships B.fish C. waves D.land 这里应该选的是D,前面说the boredom-- the vastness of the open sea,已经强调了一望无垠的大海。且Well, the biggest challenge for me wasn’t physical but mental: How would I handle the loneliness.强调的是孤独。孤独感最强烈的是茫茫海面没有陆地
8.A.froze 凝固,冻结 B.pretend 假装 首先从意思上来分析,B假装死用来骗过鲨鱼吗?不符合逻辑。在海上遇到鲨鱼是被吓得僵住了,就跟冻僵了一样。 另外从语法上分析,pretend to do 如果是假装死应该是pretend to be dead.
13.A.push; B.celebrate; C. play; D. sail 这四个词什么意思都明白吧。I felt so connected and so grateful. The dolphins had come along to help me ( 13), just when I needed it the most.海豚的出现无疑是在作者茫茫大海孤寂生活中的一件愉悦的事。前面也提到作者面对的问题不是physical, 而是mental,那么海豚一起来帮助作者推什么?Push是个及物动词,推什么呢?意思不对,语法也不对。根据意思作者physical上面没有问题,那么D也不选。帮助play?应该是一起play更好吧。为什么选B,前面说I told myself I should do something to celebrate, (4)I didn’t overact.这第4空已经告诉你了,她想庆祝纪念但是没有什么好做的。选B意思通顺,前后文照应。
16.A.difficult; B.all right C.serious D.certain enough 这道题考查的是不常用的词意啊!D答案不再=no longer 代进去我不再孤单了。如果是选Adifficult lonely我们看下,两个形容词放一起什么意思?副词修饰形容词,这两个形容词怎么说得通呢?
18.A.stopped B.left C.got D.hit 这里的意思是抵达的意思。get 是有到达的意思,但是我们想想到达学校怎么说?get to school,get作为到达需要加介词表示到达的时候是个不及物动词,表示获得是及物动词。
19.A.get off 动身;下来 B.get into陷入;进入 C.get through完成;通过 D.get down下来;使沮丧
The secret for me to get through is to focus on the moment, where you experience the awe that leads to personal growth—those moments of awareness of being connected to the sun, the weather, the waves. And, on the best day of my life, those dolphins.
对于我来说,你遇到的那些指引我个人成长的令人感到敬畏的时刻,就如在孤独行程中感受日出的美,天气的多变,海浪的炫丽,以及在我生命中那段与那些海豚相处的最好时光是让我(get through)完成这次行程的秘诀。
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