英语演讲 有题目 15

Somepeopleliketodoonlywhattheyalreadydowell.Otherpeopleprefertotrynewthingsandtakeris... Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

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2012-11-08 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞
Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Some people like to do only what they can do well or something they have done many times successfully before. There are reasons for them to do so. The main reason is they don't want to lose their potential to others. They would like to keep their dominant position for as long as they can. Typical people of this kind are athletes. Once they have found they can do a kind of sport well, they woul keep exercising on it to make it more professional so they can chanlenge the world champions. Once they win a champion they would still keep working hard to face the new chalengers. There is nothing wrong with such kind of people. Doing one thing well
is better than starting many different things all at once, all of them would fall apart due to
deverted concentration.
However there are some people would only pick things easy to do. Such people don't have a target to work hard to be professional in one subject. They don't want to face new chalenges. For students, I believe it is wrong. We are in the learning stage and we need all kinds of knowlege to arm ourselves up for our future. In our cases, I believe we should do only we can do well. You cannot read no other books other than Chinese novels just because you are good at writing. If you are a final year student majoring Chinese literature, it may be acceptable. Otherwise it is not. Universiies have carefully prepared all different course for us, we have to treat them equally even sume subjects are boring and difficult to learn. If we just focusing what we can understand well then we would lose our chance to learn other knowledge well. We would not be able to graduate.(ztlthb)
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