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(1) 粗毛线:股线线密度在400特左右,一般成4股,每股线密度约为100特左右。纯毛的高级粗毛线用细羊毛纺成,价格昂贵。纯毛的中级粗毛线用中等羊毛制造。这种毛线纱支较粗,强力好,手感丰满。织成的毛衣厚实保暖,一般用作冬季服装。
(2) 细毛线:股线线密度167~398特,一般也是4股。商品有绞状毛线和球状毛线(团绒毛线)两种。这种毛线条干光洁,手感柔软,颜色漂亮。用它主要是织成较薄的毛衣,轻盈合身,用于春秋季节,毛线用量较省。
(3) 花色毛线:这种产品花色繁多,品种不断翻新。例如金银夹丝,印花夹花,大小珠、圈线、竹节,链条等品种。织成毛衣后各具特殊风韵。
(4) 针织毛线:一般为2根单纱合股,多用于机编。这种编成的毛衣特点是轻、洁、软、滑
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(1) 粗毛线:股线线密度在400特左右,一般成4股,每股线密度约为100特左右。纯毛的高级粗毛线用细羊毛纺成,价格昂贵。纯毛的中级粗毛线用中等羊毛制造。这种毛线纱支较粗,强力好,手感丰满。织成的毛衣厚实保暖,一般用作冬季服装。
(2) 细毛线:股线线密度167~398特,一般也是4股。商品有绞状毛线和球状毛线(团绒毛线)两种。这种毛线条干光洁,手感柔软,颜色漂亮。用它主要是织成较薄的毛衣,轻盈合身,用于春秋季节,毛线用量较省。
(3) 花色毛线:这种产品花色繁多,品种不断翻新。例如金银夹丝,印花夹花,大小珠、圈线、竹节,链条等品种。织成毛衣后各具特殊风韵。
(4) 针织毛线:一般为2根单纱合股,多用于机编。这种编成的毛衣特点是轻、洁、软、滑
如果你愿意,你可以把语言简化以后,再把你简化好的汉语和英语一切发给我。谢谢。 展开
Now products can be divided into pure wool, blended and chemical fiber . The main chemical fiber is acrylic and viscose fiber. Wool varieties although a lot of, but can be mainly divided into wool, fine wool, design and color wool and factory specialized knitting wool four categories.
(1) shag line: shares in 400 around, circular density, general into 4 shares, or line density is about 100, or so. The pure wool senior shag line with fine wool spun, the price is expensive. The pure wool intermediate shag line with medium wool manufacturing. This wool yarn thicker, and the strong good, feel full. Made of thick warm sweater, generally used as winter clothing.
(2) fine wool: strands of circular density 167 ~ 398 characteristic, general is four shares. Commodities have twisted shape wool and globular wool (group down line) two. This kind of yarn evenness and bright and clean, soft, beautiful color. It is mainly made a thin sweater, lightsome and fit, used in spring and autumn season, wool dosage less.
(3) design and color yarn: this product variety of designs is various, breed unceasingly. Such as gold and silver wire, printing clamp flowers, size bead, circle line, ribbed, chain and varieties. The sweater made after the special charm.
(4) knitting wool: general for two single yarn twisted, multi-purpose machine knitting. This kind of weave sweater characteristics is light, clean, soft, smooth
(1) shag line: shares in 400 around, circular density, general into 4 shares, or line density is about 100, or so. The pure wool senior shag line with fine wool spun, the price is expensive. The pure wool intermediate shag line with medium wool manufacturing. This wool yarn thicker, and the strong good, feel full. Made of thick warm sweater, generally used as winter clothing.
(2) fine wool: strands of circular density 167 ~ 398 characteristic, general is four shares. Commodities have twisted shape wool and globular wool (group down line) two. This kind of yarn evenness and bright and clean, soft, beautiful color. It is mainly made a thin sweater, lightsome and fit, used in spring and autumn season, wool dosage less.
(3) design and color yarn: this product variety of designs is various, breed unceasingly. Such as gold and silver wire, printing clamp flowers, size bead, circle line, ribbed, chain and varieties. The sweater made after the special charm.
(4) knitting wool: general for two single yarn twisted, multi-purpose machine knitting. This kind of weave sweater characteristics is light, clean, soft, smooth