为缓解老龄化带来的冲击,政府已经通过的法律逐步适当延长法定退休年龄,2002年66岁为法定退休年龄,2008年时67岁为法定退休年龄。然而这并不能改变社会保障开支危机的基本态势。根据测算,第二次世界大战结束到20世纪60年代,美国“婴儿潮”时期出生的近8000万人,是美国收入最高、也是对社会保障开支贡献最大的人群。随着这些“婴儿潮”人群人群即将加入陆续“白发潮”大军,开始大量退休,势必大幅度减少社会保险基金,同时大幅度增加福利支出。 展开
为缓解老龄化带来的冲击,政府已经通过的法律逐步适当延长法定退休年龄,2002年66岁为法定退休年龄,2008年时67岁为法定退休年龄。然而这并不能改变社会保障开支危机的基本态势。根据测算,第二次世界大战结束到20世纪60年代,美国“婴儿潮”时期出生的近8000万人,是美国收入最高、也是对社会保障开支贡献最大的人群。随着这些“婴儿潮”人群人群即将加入陆续“白发潮”大军,开始大量退休,势必大幅度减少社会保险基金,同时大幅度增加福利支出。 展开
The USA modern society welfare system of safeguards had already passed through for 70 years, it takes root in the American modern economic mechanism, already became affects the US modernization process indispensable important attribute. At the same time, it plays the US social productive forces development protector role, to stabilize the US social need security valve action and American various social strata and the special interest group adjusts relational the regulator function. On the other hand this system the malpractice which accumulates in the movement also day by day revealed was the impact which the alleviation aging brought, the government already through legal gradually suitable extension legal retirement age, in 2002 66 years old for legal retirement age, when 2008 67 years old for legal retirement age. However this cannot change the social security expenditure crisis's basic situation. According to the reckoning, the Second World War ended the 1960s, the US “the baby boom” the time birth nearly 80,000,000 people, was the US receives most is high, is also contributes the biggest crowd to the social security expenditure. “The baby boom” the crowd crowd soon joins along with these “becomes damp in vain” one after another the army, starts to retire massively, the large scale reduction social insurance fund, simultaneously large scale will increase inevitably the welfare disbursement.