#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
int LED1 = 2;
int LED2 = 3;
int LED3 = 4;
int LED4 = 5;
int LED5 = 6;
int LED6 = 7;
long on1 = 0x00FFA25D;
long off1 = 0x00FFE01F;
long on2 = 0x00FF629D;
long off2 = 0x00FFA857;
long on3 = 0x00FFE21D;
long off3 = 0x00FF906F;
long on4 = 0x00FF22DD;
long off4 = 0x00FF6897;
long on5 = 0x00FF02FD;
long off5 = 0x00FF9867;
long on6 = 0x00FFC23D;
long off6 = 0x00FFB047;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
// Dumps out the decode_results structure.
// Call this after IRrecv::decode()
// void * to work around compiler issue
//void dump(void *v) {
// decode_results *results = (decode_results *)v
void dump(decode_results *results) {
int count = results->rawlen;
if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN)
Serial.println("Could not decode message");
if (results->decode_type == NEC)
Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
else if (results->decode_type == SONY)
Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC5)
Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC6)
Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
Serial.print(" (");
Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
Serial.println(" bits)");
Serial.print("Raw (");
Serial.print(count, DEC);
Serial.print("): ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ((i % 2) == 1) {
这是自带的程序 展开
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
int LED1 = 2;
int LED2 = 3;
int LED3 = 4;
int LED4 = 5;
int LED5 = 6;
int LED6 = 7;
long on1 = 0x00FFA25D;
long off1 = 0x00FFE01F;
long on2 = 0x00FF629D;
long off2 = 0x00FFA857;
long on3 = 0x00FFE21D;
long off3 = 0x00FF906F;
long on4 = 0x00FF22DD;
long off4 = 0x00FF6897;
long on5 = 0x00FF02FD;
long off5 = 0x00FF9867;
long on6 = 0x00FFC23D;
long off6 = 0x00FFB047;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
// Dumps out the decode_results structure.
// Call this after IRrecv::decode()
// void * to work around compiler issue
//void dump(void *v) {
// decode_results *results = (decode_results *)v
void dump(decode_results *results) {
int count = results->rawlen;
if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN)
Serial.println("Could not decode message");
if (results->decode_type == NEC)
Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
else if (results->decode_type == SONY)
Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC5)
Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC6)
Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
Serial.print(" (");
Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
Serial.println(" bits)");
Serial.print("Raw (");
Serial.print(count, DEC);
Serial.print("): ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ((i % 2) == 1) {
这是自带的程序 展开