英语翻译,把下面这段话翻译成英文: :人民币升值问题 以美国角度而言,奥巴马政府逼人民币升值来 100

英语翻译,把下面这段话翻译成英文::人民币升值问题以美国角度而言,奥巴马政府逼人民币升值来挽救美国企业的竞争力及解决美国赤字问题或许是不得已的手段,但美国本身的经济、财政... 英语翻译,把下面这段话翻译成英文: :人民币升值问题
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2015-07-28 · TA获得超过2620个赞
Appreciation of the renminbi
In the perspective of American, the Obama administration forced appreciation of the RMB to save the competitiveness of enterprises in the United States and may be may not have the means to deal with the deficit, but the United States itself of economic and financial problems if you want to single on RMB appreciation to solve also have a little fantasy, not to mention China today is not an ignorant person, if the United States to imagine passing the same with playing rogue boss mentality to force China to compromise that might not be what they wish. Is Chinese angle to analyze, if in accordance with the economic growth rate and purchasing power parity theory. China is the moderate to let the currency appreciate in response to the fact that its global trade surplus, but Chinese officials consider a but the appreciation of fear for domestic consumption growth too fast and trigger a bubble, and within the territory of China coastal and inland inequality between the rich and the poor problem is caught in a dilemma. The author thinks that Chinese officials finally must recognize to China has been unable to as in the past, as only rely on exports to increase economic growth, stimulating domestic consumption is the driving force in the future of China's economic growth, not to mention the economy but a collapse of China would implicate, so the will and the United States compromise at the appropriate time to let the yuan rise slightly. Due to the Chinese authorities to the RMB appreciation on exports of the damage down to the lowest and 5 in the upcoming annual iron ore contract negotiations, the author thinks that the fastest time will be in 5 months later, as the magnitude should not exceed 3%.
2015-07-28 · TA获得超过165个赞
The appreciation of the renminbi is a problem.

In the perspective of American, the Obama administration forced appreciation of the RMB to save the competitiveness of enterprises in the United States and may be may not have the means to deal with the deficit, but the United States itself of economic and financial problems if you want to single on RMB appreciation to solve also have a little fantasy, not to mention China today is not an ignorant person, if the United States to imagine passing the same with playing rogue boss mentality to force China to compromise that might not be what they wish. Is Chinese angle to analyze, if in accordance with the economic growth rate and purchasing power parity theory. China is the moderate to let the currency appreciate in response to the fact that its global trade surplus, but Chinese officials consider a but the appreciation of fear for domestic consumption growth too fast and trigger a bubble, and within the territory of China coastal and inland inequality between the rich and the poor problem is caught in a dilemma. The author thinks that Chinese officials finally must recognize to China has been unable to as in the past, as only rely on exports to increase economic growth, stimulating domestic consumption is the driving force in the future of China's economic growth, not to mention the economy but a collapse of China would implicate, so the will and the United States compromise at the appropriate time to let the yuan rise slightly. Due to the Chinese authorities to the RMB appreciation on exports of the damage down to the lowest and 5 in the upcoming annual iron ore contract negotiations, the author thinks that the fastest time will be in 5 months later, as the magnitude should not exceed 3%.
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