大年初一,我们一大早就去给爷爷奶奶拜年。进门一看,大家都到了,有大伯一家,叔叔一家,加上爷爷奶奶,一共有11个人呢。哇,真是一个大家庭呀! 大人们在说话,我和两个妹妹打闹玩耍,开心极了。该吃午饭了,因为人太多就分成了两桌吃。爷爷在饭桌上提出,想照张全家福,我们大家都赞成。 于是我们就到了位于二七广场的艳芳照相馆,发现来照相的人真多啊。我们几个人就在旁边耐心等待,大妈和婶婶忙着化妆,两个妹妹也嚷着要描眉毛和涂口红。我们等了一会儿,终于轮到我们了。摄影师让爷爷奶奶坐在前排,小妹妹坐在他们中间,我和大妹妹站在两边,叔叔和婶婶站在爷爷奶奶后面,大伯大妈和爸爸妈妈站在他们旁边。摄影师喊了一声:“准备!”,我们大家一起说:“茄子!”闪光灯一闪,好,成功了! 大家高高兴兴地走出了照相馆,我想,今天过得太有意思了!
A photograph of the whole family
Lunar New Year's day, we went to grandma and grandpa pay New Year's call early in the morning. A look at the door, everybody is here, there is an uncle, uncle, and grandparents, a total of 11 people. Wow, that's a big family! People talking, my two sisters and I play together, very happy. It's time to have lunch, because people are so much divided into two tables. The grandpa at the dinner table, I want to take a Quan Jiafu, we all agree. So we went to the museum is located at two seven Plaza Yanfang photo, found that so many people come to take pictures. A few of us were waiting patiently, aunt and aunt were too busy to make up, and the two sisters also shouted to draw the eyebrows and lipstick. We waited for a moment, and finally it was our turn. Photographers make grandpa and grandma sat in the front row, the little sister sat in the midst of them, big sister and I standing on both sides, uncle and aunt stood behind the grandfather grandmother, uncle and aunt and mom and dad stand beside them. The photographer shouted: "ready!" We all together, said: "eggplant!" Flash, good, success! We are happy to go out of the photo studio, I think, today is a very interesting!
大年初一,我们一大早就去给爷爷奶奶拜年。进门一看,大家都到了,有大伯一家,叔叔一家,加上爷爷奶奶,一共有11个人呢。哇,真是一个大家庭呀! 大人们在说话,我和两个妹妹打闹玩耍,开心极了。该吃午饭了,因为人太多就分成了两桌吃。爷爷在饭桌上提出,想照张全家福,我们大家都赞成。 于是我们就到了位于二七广场的艳芳照相馆,发现来照相的人真多啊。我们几个人就在旁边耐心等待,大妈和婶婶忙着化妆,两个妹妹也嚷着要描眉毛和涂口红。我们等了一会儿,终于轮到我们了。摄影师让爷爷奶奶坐在前排,小妹妹坐在他们中间,我和大妹妹站在两边,叔叔和婶婶站在爷爷奶奶后面,大伯大妈和爸爸妈妈站在他们旁边。摄影师喊了一声:“准备!”,我们大家一起说:“茄子!”闪光灯一闪,好,成功了! 大家高高兴兴地走出了照相馆,我想,今天过得太有意思了!
A photograph of the whole family
Lunar New Year's day, we went to grandma and grandpa pay New Year's call early in the morning. A look at the door, everybody is here, there is an uncle, uncle, and grandparents, a total of 11 people. Wow, that's a big family! People talking, my two sisters and I play together, very happy. It's time to have lunch, because people are so much divided into two tables. The grandpa at the dinner table, I want to take a Quan Jiafu, we all agree. So we went to the museum is located at two seven Plaza Yanfang photo, found that so many people come to take pictures. A few of us were waiting patiently, aunt and aunt were too busy to make up, and the two sisters also shouted to draw the eyebrows and lipstick. We waited for a moment, and finally it was our turn. Photographers make grandpa and grandma sat in the front row, the little sister sat in the midst of them, big sister and I standing on both sides, uncle and aunt stood behind the grandfather grandmother, uncle and aunt and mom and dad stand beside them. The photographer shouted: "ready!" We all together, said: "eggplant!" Flash, good, success! We are happy to go out of the photo studio, I think, today is a very interesting!
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