lunar,美 [ˈlunər]英 [ˈluːnə(r)]。例句:Owing to the phenomenon of libration it is possible to observe up to 60% of thetotal lunar surface.由于天平动的现象,我们可能观测到月球总面积的60%。
But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggestedthey might have formed in a watery environment.但是,在2008年,对少量月球火山玻璃碎的分析显示它们可能是在含水的环境中形成的。
The controversy that you point out may be understandable from the fact that thendian calendar is lunar-based, like the lslamic calendar.争论的是,你指出,这可以通过印度历法是以月亮运行为基础这个事实来理解,就跟伊斯兰历法一样。
Of course, if viewed from the lunar surface near the terminator line, the Sun wouldbe rising and still close to the lunar horizon.当然如果身处月球表面的明暗界线上,会看到太阳极慢从地平线上升起。

2024-12-25 广告