求高手翻译一篇小文章 成英文。。。高分悬赏。急!! 50

直到今日,每每回想起那件事,我仍然愧疚不已。入校的第一天,我都我行我素,显得很是冷酷的样子,所以总是孤身一人。x在一次吃午饭的时候,缓缓地走到我的身边,笑着说道一起吃饭好... 直到今日,每每回想起那件事,我仍然愧疚不已。 入校的第一天,我都我行我素,显得很是冷酷的样子,所以总是孤身一人。x 在一次吃午饭的时候,缓缓地走到我的身边,笑着说道 一起吃饭好吗。 开始我还没有反应过来,但随后就低声答应了。那时我感到心中一片温暖,就像是有了阳光。她带着我认识了他的朋友,那是入校的第一次我有了朋友。 渐渐的我慢慢开始,了解了x ,我们一起吃午饭,她总是很细心,能发现我的小细节。 我爱吃的甜点是葡萄干曲奇饼干,她发现了,结果每天回家都会帮我做,然后带到学校。明明是特意为我做的,还要推辞是她的妈妈 也爱吃,做多了。 我明白是特意准备的,应为他从来不吃这个品种。 她也总是会留意到我,我伤心后不高兴的时候,她总会说 你怎么了。只有他可以发现,我的不同。 我问他问什么,他说,只因你的眉头皱起来了。 x的性格很直率,有一次朋友买了一件新衣服,很奇怪的样子,朋友问他 好看吗,她就说 不好看。美术老师教画一张可以表现自己性格的画,她一半留白,一半全部涂黑。不错,她的确就是这么一个黑白分明的人。
我很喜欢她,跟她很聊得来。可是很多同学因为他的直言不讳而排挤他。 她的爸爸是残疾人,同学们就在被会笑话x,他爸爸的身体有问题,x的脑子有问题。他们看着我等我的答复,我点头附和他们。心中却说 x都很辛苦地照顾父亲,他的父亲幽默有趣,x又很善良。没有人会去在意这个事情。我心中倒是很敬佩x的坦然和孝顺。 不料,x就在我的身后,她听见了我的答覆,放下盘子就走了。 看见她远去的背影,我心痛不已。那群朋友的吵闹声在脑中慢慢远去,不断重放我错误的答覆。我的心就像石沉大海,泛起的涟漪还一直荡漾,我止不住想 为什么我要那么想,我好傻。 没有他的日子好难熬,每天中午又孤单地坐在了 食堂。 再也没有人 在意我,懂我。
我勇敢的去向x道歉,说,其实我心里不是那么想的,我一直一直是不同的,我恳求他的原谅。第一次去 她面有难色。。。我又去了很多次,每天每天 我说我想念他的曲奇饼。 我说我也明白了 真正的朋友在意我的小细节,感觉很窝心,不是因为我提醒他们,而是因为他们真正在乎我。 我明白了 我应该珍惜 好朋友,应该变得勇敢,不应该一味地去附和别人 过了一阵子,x 还是原谅了我 直到现在我也无法忘却 伤害别人的心痛,和得到原谅的欣慰
 我来答
2012-11-18 · TA获得超过1298个赞
  Until today, have all been reminded about it, I am still guilty. In the first day of school, I sing your own song, is very cold, always alone. X has lunch at a time, slowly came around to me, smiled and said would you have dinner together. I also did not react, but then quietly agreed. When I feel a warm, as is the Sun. She met his friend with me, it was the first time in school I have a friend. Gradually, I began slowly, understanding the x, join us for lunch, she was always very carefully, to find my little details. My favorite dessert was raisin cookies, she found, resulting in every home would help me, and then to school.
  Gradually, I began slowly, understanding the x, join us for lunch, she was always very carefully, to find my little details. My favorite dessert was raisin cookies, she found, resulting in every home would help me, and then to school. Was deliberately done for me, but she is her mothers love to eat, do more. I understand that it is specially prepared, he never expected to eat the variety. She always noticed me when I sad and unhappy, she will say that what has happened to you. Only he can see, different from mine. I asked him what he asked, he said, just because you have frown.X character is straightforward and has a friend buys a new dress, oddly enough, my friend asked him, she said it was not good. Art teachers can draw a character of their own art, she is half white, half of all black. Yes, she really is such a black and white people. I really like her, was talking with her come. But many students because of his outspoken, marginalizing him. Her father is disabled, students will be joke x, his father's physical problems, x head has a problem. They looked at me waiting for my reply, I nodded to them. Say that x is very hard to take care of his father, his father's humorous and interesting,X is very good. No one is going to care about this thing. I'd admired x and frankly the dutiful. But x is behind me, she heard my answer, put down the plate left. See her go back, breaks my heart. That group of friends of the noise in the brain slowly away, continuously replayed my error reply. My heart is like a drain, formed the ripples have also been rippling, I cannot stop wondering why I would like to think so, I'm so stupid. Every day without his good hard, every day at noon and sat alone in the dining room. No one cares me, understand me. I apologize to the bravest go x, say, in fact I do not think so,I have been different, I begged his forgiveness. Go to her for the first time appear to be reluctant. ... I went many times, every day I say I miss him cookies. I said I understand that real friends care about small details I felt was as decent as our warm, not because I reminded them, but because they truly care for me. I've learned that I should treasure good friends should be brave and should not simply go along with other people after a while, x also forgave me until now I can not forget injury heartache, and forgiven for joy.
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