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2023-01-18 · TA获得超过617个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】暑假转眼就要过去了,朋友们你们是怎样度过这个漫长的暑假呢?我的暑假生活十分的精彩,你想知道有什么内容吗?下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Whenever the summer vacation comes, I will be very happy. Thinking of two months without classes is simply the best time of the year. The days passed day by day, and the summer vacation finally came!

  My mother sent me to learn swimming. As soon as we entered the swimming pool, we saw many adults and children, men and women, swimming and playing in the swimming pool. It was very lively. I couldn't wait to jump into the swimming pool immediately, but I couldn't! I can't swim. It's dangerous. I'll drown. Mother watched me learn swimming from the coach. I have to go many times to learn to swim. Learn to hold your breath and dive for the first time. I jumped into the swimming pool, and the water went into my nostrils. My nose was sour and I was a little afraid. The coach said: you can learn to swim even if you are afraid of water. I summoned up my courage, closed my head and dived into the water. In this way, I would dive many times. The second time I learned to draw water and clip water, I practiced again and again, and finally with the help of the coach, I learned to draw water and clip water. The third time I learned breaststroke, I swam in the water like a frog, but I couldn't breathe, so I could only swim with my breath closed, and I couldn't swim far. The fourth time I learned to breathe, I stood in the water first, took a breath on the water, dived my head into the water and exhaled, but it was difficult to breathe while swimming. I didn't learn to breathe this time, and I must learn next time. I kept practicing and made great progress.

  Now that school has begun, I still miss everything about FoGuangShan summer camp, because it is the most unforgettable memory!


  "Liberated -" the students' happy cries came out of the classroom, books flying around the classroom, and students shouting in the classroom. It's summer vacation. How happy everyone is! I'm walking on my way home. The sunset is infinite

  I want to play all the fun things. It's so cool! When I was playing computer hard, my mother nagged again: "Huihui, pay attention to rest. Did you play the piano? Did you do the problem..." I had no choice but to practice the piano. I wanted to have a good rest, and my mother asked me to do the problem again, using a word to express my feelings - I was in pain!

  In the morning, in order to not listen to my mother's Tang Seng's nagging, I read a Book obediently, and there was laughter and noise downstairs. Thinking that I had to "swim" in doing exercises, reading books and playing the piano in my summer vacation, I had an unspeakable pain. Title, title, title, book, book, book, Qin, Qin, Qin, these words constantly come out of my parents' mouths, sad ~ is my summer vacation like this? Embarrassed to death ~ summer vacation is a time freely arranged by children. All children don't want their parents to control this time, which is a free and happy time for children.

  For the sake of "peace" between children and parents, and in order not to "fight" between children and parents, I want to say to all parents who hope to have children and girls in the world: summer vacation belongs to children's free time, not for you to give us tutoring time. Don't deprive your child of his freedom. Think twice.


  Summer vacation is a happy thing for our students! In this summer vacation, my parents and I went to Sanya to play together.

  I drove for more than three hours. Dizzy, I finally saw a beautiful scenery. When I got off the bus, it was Yalong Bay. I greedily breathed fresh air, which seemed to be filtered by the sea breeze, very cool. The swaying coconut trees on the coast are more like welcoming us. Before I take off my shoes, I can't wait to run to the beach. The sand is golden and covered with small shells. I ran to the sea without saying a word, and my shoes were all wet. I threw my shoes aside. I rushed to my feet, and the waves came in waves, and people laughed for a while. What I heard was also the praise of foreigners. Mom and Dad loved swimming very much. They put on swimsuits and swam in the sea like many children. I couldn't swim, so I played with the waves, or built sand castles on the sand, It's great to wash my feet in the sea on the bank! After our parents finished swimming, we went to have lunch. Sanya had a lot of delicious things. We ate coconut rice and drank coconut milk. It was like soaking in coconut forest all day. Then we came to play for a few days, and we drove back to Haikou. Although we had been to Sanya before, we had never been so happy. Back home, I never forgot the refreshing sea breeze. Going to Sanya seems to live a long life. Next summer vacation, I will go to Sanya!

  The beautiful Sanya has brought me a happy summer vacation and painted a beautiful scenery for my vacation!


  In addition to the tense and fulfilling study life, I also have a relaxed and happy holiday life. That rich and colorful content not only enriched my life, but also added a bit of fun and leisure to my childish student career.

  Taking a walk after lunch is my daily compulsory course. Walking by the flowers and plants in the community, breathing the fragrant air, accompanying flowers and birds, enjoying the richness of roses, the purity of lilies, the strangeness of dinner flowers, the delicacy of Magnolia and the brilliance of Canna, I will gently say to myself, "life is really beautiful." I feel the colors around me with sincerity and appreciate the colorful surroundings with enthusiasm. I can't help but say from my heart, "I belong to nature!"

  More importantly, I will plunge into the ocean of books, breathe the unique smell of bookstores and libraries, and feel the fun of walking in the sea of books. Drilling into the ocean of history, I will be angry at the actions of Emperor Qinshihuang to burn books and entrap scholars, weep over the tragedy of farewell my concubine, and sigh for Zhugeliang's "death before graduation"; Walking through the palace of literature, I gradually realized Baochai's helplessness, Daiyu's talent, Mary's stubbornness, Colin's weakness, Yu Qiuyu's "early hearing of morning rain" and Qian Zhongshu's "siege"


  Looking forward, looking forward, finally ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation. During the summer vacation, I went to Sanya with my father and mother. This is my first time to fly! Because the plane was delayed, I arrived at the hotel in Dadonghai in the evening. Hey! I can't go to the seaside until the next day.

  In the morning, I can't wait to go to the swimming pool after breakfast. The sky here is blue, and white clouds float in the air like marshmallows. The coconut trees around the pool kept shaking in the sea breeze, as if they were welcoming us. In the swimming pool, some people were playing water polo, and some people were lying on the swimming circle, floating leisurely, sending out bursts of happy laughter. I can't swim, but with the help of my father, I can finally swim in the water for a few times.

  In the afternoon, our family came to the seaside of Dadonghai. The sea was blue, and the sky was blue. The sea connected with the sky, and the sky connected with the sea. I felt a lot of horned snails in the sea. I was so excited that I couldn't help kissing it. Wave after wave, I rushed against the waves, and I was happy to fly!

  In the evening, my parents and I came to the seafood market, where there are many colorful fish, shrimp, crab and snail. I like sea crab best. The chef cooked it well and delicious.

  Four days passed in a flash. When we finished our journey and wanted to go home, we were a little reluctant to leave here!

  I like my summer vacation! Thank my parents for arranging such a meaningful trip for me. I'll come back next summer.


  The happy summer vacation is almost over in the blink of an eye. Recalling this summer vacation is simple but very happy. In addition to taking some remedial classes, my parents also took me to see movies or travel.

  This summer vacation, my father took me to Lianyungang. We took the bus for four hours on the way. Along the way, I saw the majestic Taizhou Bridge and the different local customs in southern and Northern Jiangsu, which made me appreciate the beauty of nature. When we arrived in Lianyungang, it was time for dinner. We came to a seafood restaurant with local characteristics. At a glance, there were all kinds of raw seafood, which dazzled me. There are Banjie shrimp, Aolong, abalone, comb crab, and red dragon... Dad ordered a lot of my favorite seafood. I opened my mouth and wolfed it down. Soon, my stomach bulged.

  On our way back to the hotel, I saw some people selling some gadgets, so my father bought me two bracelets. It's already more than ten o'clock when I get back to the hotel.

  The next day, my father took me to the beach of masu port. I found some people pinching prawns, fishing for fish, and picking up shells. I also went to the beach and picked up shells. I also accidentally caught a small crab.

  On the third day, I went to Huaguoshan, which is my favorite Huaguoshan. I saw many monkeys on the road and were still robbing others' drinks. "Wow, water curtain hole!" I cried excitedly.

  In the afternoon, we went home. I fell asleep in the car. I also dreamed of flying with the monkey king. I sat on the tumbling cloud and looked at the beauty of heaven and earth. I am so happy.


  Every child who goes to school most hopes for the summer vacation, and also hopes that the summer vacation life is very long. My summer vacation life is full and happy. The summer weather in Guangzhou is very hot. You can fry eggs on the ground, and the room is like a big steamer, and we are like big steamed buns, suffering from the sultry heat.

  I have to do my homework in the morning, but it's different in the afternoon. The swimming pool just opens in the afternoon, so the first thing we think of is swimming. Such weather makes people want to stay in the water from morning till night, even eating and sleeping in the water. Entering the swimming pool, the crowded people inside are already common to me. I took off my clothes, jumped into the water, and swam freely in the cool water, which not only enriched my holiday life, but also made me happy. However, I should not only practice my body, but also my mind.

  With this idea, I often go to Yu Baiyang downstairs to play chess. On the "battlefield", we sometimes defend and sometimes attack. It not only improves our ability to think about problems, but also enriches our life. Since the opening of the Olympic Games, the problem of having nothing to do in the evening has been solved at once. We are willing to watch that exciting event every night.

  A full life is a happy life. There is no happiness without enrichment. Enrichment is equivalent to the starting line of happiness, and I want to start from enrichment, and use my own actions to make my life full and beautiful.


  I had the most fun this holiday, because I spent it at my grandmother's house. The weather was very dry and hot, and the sun baked the earth like a fireball. My sister and I took the fish basket and walked towards the river, talking and laughing.

  We found a cool place to stop, the wind gently blowing on my face, I feel very comfortable. Because her sister often came to the river to fish, her action was very agile, and she hooked the bait at once. I saw my sister holding the rod in her right hand and holding the bait in her left hand. With a gentle swing, the bait sank into the water, and only the float floated on the water. My sister held the fishing rod and stared at the float. After a while, the float began to shake. Slowly, the float shook more and more severely. Suddenly, the whole float was dragged into the water. My sister lifted the pole hard, yo, what a big carp!

  I rushed to help, caught the fish with both hands and put it into the fish basket.

  "The fish here is so easy to fish, let me try!" With that, I couldn't wait to grab the fishing rod from my sister, let her help me hang the bait, and began to fish. I patiently observed the ripple changes of the river, waiting for the fish to bite. Before long, the float shook, and the fishing rod seemed to be dragged away by someone's hand. I seized the opportunity and vigorously lifted the fishing rod. Hey, I also caught a fat carp! I was so happy that I jumped three feet high... Then one or two


  In my hometown, there is a road called Longshan Road, which has a beautiful scenery called Longshan park.

  It's not my first time to play here. I used to come here to fetch water without paying attention to its unique flavor. Arriving at the gate, the first thing to see is the unique tile Pavilion and three black wooden doors. It's spring now. When you step into the gate of this era, you will smell a fragrance. With the vibrant and leafy green leaves on both sides, people who don't know will think they have entered the forest. The red and purple flowers are like waving to us, dazzling red and lovely purple. The birds are also chirping.

  Go ahead and you will see an old Pavilion. There are four long stairs to go up. At the same time, these four steps are also protecting its safety all the time, for fear that it will fall down. The pavilion has a total of six corners, divided into two floors. The upper floor is supported by six black and red columns, and the ground is made of stone. On the lower floor, there are several resting stone piers and a stone table. This is the May ninth Pavilion. In the center of the May ninth Pavilion is a stone tablet with the words written by Chairman Mao Zedong. Because the May ninth pavilion was built on May 9, it is called the May ninth Pavilion.

  Continue to walk up, and you will see a Dragon Cave carved with three dragons around the mountain, guarding the cave with dignity. This is the Dragon Cave. On the left of the Dragon Cave is the Longshan tower that everyone knows. The Longshan tower is very tall and majestic. It stands in front of me like a mountain peak. It is divided into seven layers, each layer has six sides. Standing at the foot of Longshan tower and looking down, most of the beauty of Longshan park is at the bottom of your eyes, which is very spectacular. It is generally red, and the black eaves are glittering in the sun. Looking from a distance, it seems to be watching a great feat.

  This ancient pavilion and this ancient tower give Longshan park a unique charm, and let us never tire of "enjoying".


  Summer vacation is coming, and it's a happy holiday again. But have you planned your summer vacation trip? Although you can relax when the summer vacation comes, you can't relax yourself too much. Instead, you should continue to work hard for the next semester's courses!.

  During the summer vacation, what can we do that is beneficial and harmless to ourselves? There are many, many! It's as numerous as stars, such as attending summer supplementary classes, signing up for swimming classes, going out with family, riding bicycles with classmates... Etc.

  Participating in summer supplementary courses can add new knowledge, and you can also review the previous lessons by the way; Learning to swim can improve your self-help ability, but also cultivate interest, so that you won't feel bored; When you go out with your family, you can choose to visit scenic spots and historic sites, or go to scenic spots to enjoy the mysteries of nature, which can not only broaden your knowledge, but also broaden your horizons; You can go for a ride with your classmates and talk with them together, so that you won't stay at home all day playing computers and addicting to video games, and you can also throw your troubles away!

  If I were you, I would choose to go all the way, because I think it's meaningful, I like it, and I won't hate it. That's how the summer vacation was planned!

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