Eg:Qian Xuesen is a great Chinese scientist. He was born in Hangzhou, China in 1911, He graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and left to study in America in 1935. He lived and studied for many years there. He first studied at the Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology (MIT) and later received his Master’s Degree. Then he went to California. In 1939, he received PhD in both aerospace and mathematics and stayed there to work on rockets and missiles. In 1955 he returned to China and became the director-general of Mechanics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1956, he helped begin a programme to build China’s first rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of China’s missile and rocket programme as well as its spacecraft programme. Qian Xuesen has won many international awards. In 1991 he was honoured in China as an outstanding scientist with outstanding achievements.
Eg:Qian Xuesen is a great Chinese scientist. He was born in Hangzhou, China in 1911, He graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and left to study in America in 1935. He lived and studied for many years there. He first studied at the Massachusetts's Institute of Technology (MIT) and later received his Master's Degree. Then he went to California. In 1939, he received PhD in both aerospace and mathematics and stayed there to work on rockets and missiles. In 1955 he returned to China and became the director-general of Mechanics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1956, he helped begin a programme to build China's first rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of China's missile and rocket programme as well as its spacecraft programme. Qian Xuesen has won many international awards. In 1991 he was honoured in China as an outstanding scientist with outstanding achievements.
XXX, born in 1911 in Shanghai; 1935 by scientists to study in the United States, von Carmen praise; 1938 in the United States by air, a doctorate in mathematics; in 1950 that China news, the United States to overe, to return to China in 1955; 1958 long-term as Chinese aerospace research work, in 2008 was named the " 2007 Chinese characters in 2009 moved "; Beijing died.
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Qian Xuesen (simplified Chinese: 钱学森; traditional Chinese: 钱学森; pinyin: Qián Xuésēn; Wade-Giles: Ch'ien Hsüeh-sên) (11 December 1911 – 31 October 2009) was a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China. NASA documents monly refer to him as H.S. Tsien.[1]During the 1940s Qian was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory[2] at the California Institute of Technology. During the Second Red Scare of the 1950s, the United States government accused Qian of having munist sympathies, and he was stripped of his security clearance[3] in 1950. Qian then decided to return to China, but instead was detained at Terminal Island[4] near Los Angeles. After spending 5 years under virtual house arrest[5], Qian was released in 1955, in exchange for the repatriation of American pilots captured during the Korean War. Notified by U.S. authorities that he was free to go, Qian immediately arranged his departure, leaving for China in September of 1955, on the passenger liner SS President Cleveland of American President Lines, via Hong Kong. He returned to lead the Chinese rocket program, and became known as the "Father of Chinese Rocketry" 。
Born in 1911 in Shanghai, is a three-year-old with his father to Beijing in 1934 and graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, one year after the United States to study, in 1955 and his family returned to China, then he is mitted to research. He's in the new Chinese missile and nuclear weapons development have made outstanding contributions to obtain the "Father of the missile," the honorary title.
He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and went for further studies in America, obtaining a PHD of Aviation. In 1995, he returned to China and was devoted into aero science and technology. In November 2009, he passed away in Beijing with the world recognized contributions as "Father of Chinese Aviation" and "King of the Rockets".
English position, qian xuesen, the Chinese translation below ~ 1911 was born in Shanghai, with the father at the age of 3 to Beijing, graduated from Shanghai jiaotong university in 1934, a year later to go to America to study, and his family returned to China in 1955, since then is mitted to research, in regard to the development of China's missile and nuclear weapons made outstanding contribution for the "father of the m
1、主要的是描写笔下人物的外貌特征, 2、其次则是用一些叙事的手法突出任务的性格特征。
Eg:Qian Xuesen is a great Chinese scientist. He was born in Hangzhou, China in 1911, He graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and left to study in America in 1935. He lived and studied for many years there. He first studied at the Massachusetts's Institute of Technology (MIT) and later received his Master's Degree. Then he went to California. In 1939, he received PhD in both aerospace and mathematics and stayed there to work on rockets and missiles. In 1955 he returned to China and became the director-general of Mechanics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1956, he helped begin a programme to build China's first rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of China's missile and rocket programme as well as its spacecraft programme. Qian Xuesen has won many international awards. In 1991 he was honoured in China as an outstanding scientist with outstanding achievements.
钱学森教授 钱学森,中国现代物理学家、世界著名火箭专家。
一、生平简介 钱学森(1911~X)中国科学家,火箭专家,1911年12月1日生于上海,3岁时随父来到北京,1934年毕业于上海交通大学机械工程系,1935年赴美国研究航空工程和空气动力学,1938年获加利福尼亚理工学院博士学位。
1950年开始争取回归祖国,受到美国 *** 迫害,失去自由,历经5年于1955年才回到祖国,1958年起长期担任火箭导弹和航天器研制的技术领导职务。
1959年,加入中国 *** 。
二、科学成就 钱学森长期担任中国火箭和航天计划的技术领导人,对航天技术、系统科学和系统工程做出了巨大的和开拓性的贡献。
主要贡献表现在以下几方面: ①应用力学 钱学森在应用力学的空气动力学方面和固体力学方面都做过开拓性的工作。
②喷气推进与航天技术 从40年代到60年代初期,钱学森在火箭与航天领域提出了若干重要的概念:在40年代提出并实现了火箭助推起飞装置(JATO),使飞机跑道距离缩短;在1949年提出了火箭旅客飞机概念和关于核火箭的设想;在1953年研究了行星际飞行理论的可能性;在1962年出版的《星际航行概论》中,提出了用一架装有喷气发动机的大飞机作为第一级运载工具,用一架装有火箭发动机的飞机作为第二级运载工具的天地往返运输系统概念。
③工程控制论 工程控制论在其形成过程中,把设计稳定与制导系统这类工程技术实践作为主要研究对象。
④物理力学 钱学森在1946年将稀薄气体的物理、化学和力学特性结合起来的研究,是先驱性的工作。
⑤系统工程 钱学森不仅将我国航天系统工程的实践提炼成航天系统工程理论,并且在80年代初期提出国民经济建设总体设计部的概念,还坚持致力于将航天系统工程概念推广应用到整个国家和国民经济建设,并从社会形态和开放复杂巨系统的高度,论述了社会系统。
⑥系统科学 钱学森对系统科学最重要的贡献,是他发展了系统学和开放的复杂巨系统的方法论。
⑦思维科学 人工智能已成为国际上的一大热门,但学术思想却处于混乱状态。
在这样的背景下,钱学森站在科技发展的前沿,提出创建思维科学(noetic science)这一科学技术部门,把30年代中国哲学界曾议论过,有所争论,但在当时条件下没法讲清楚的主张,科学地概括成为思维科学。
比较突出的贡献为: (1)钱学森在80年代初提出创建思维科学技术部门,认为思维科学是处理意识与大脑、精神与物质、主观与客观的科学,是现代科学技术的一个大部门。
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