绿色地带 Green Zone ------- (2009)
The People Speak ------- (2009)
化敌为友 The Human Factor ------- (2009)
告密者 The Informant ------- (2009)
Running the Sahara ------- (2008)
切·格瓦拉传/游击队 Che: Part Two ------- (2008)
Beyond the Expedition: Running the Sahara ------- (2008)
马嘎瑞特Margaret ------- (2008)
Crossing Criminal Cultures ------- (2007)
没有青春的青春/迷失青春 Youth Without Youth ------- (2007)
Stranger Than Fiction: The True Story of Whitey Bulger, Southie and 'The Departed' ------- (2007)
谍影重重3/波恩的最后通牒/神鬼认证:最后通牒(台)/叛谍追击3:最后通牒(港) The Bourne Ultimatum ------- (2007)
Cómo conseguir un papel en Hollywood ------- (2007)
十三罗汉/瞒天过海3/十三王牌/盗海豪情3/13罗汉 Ocean's Thirteen ------- (2007)
De Niro: A Self Portrait ------- (2007)
George Clooney: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2006)
特务风云/牧羊人/好牧人 The Good Shepherd ------- (2006)
无间行者/神鬼无间(台)/无间道风云(港) The Departed ------- (2006)
辛瑞纳/谍对谍(台)/油激暗战(港) Syriana ------- (2005)
华丽的荒土:月球漫步记Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ------- (2005)
格林兄弟The Brothers Grimm ------- (2005)
"Project Greenlight 3" ------- (2005)
Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope ------- (2005)
谍影重重2/伯恩的霸权/神鬼认证:神鬼疑云(台)/叛谍追击2:机密圈套(港) The Bourne Supremacy ------- (2004)
'Saving Private Ryan': Boot Camp ------- (2004)
泽西女孩/新泽西爱未眠/3人爱过界 Jersey Girl ------- (2004)
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train ------- (2004)
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tracy Morgan ------- (2004)
"Mondo Thingo" ------- (2004)
欧洲性旅行/欧洲任我行/欧洲派 EuroTrip ------- (2004)
'Saving Private Ryan': Miller and His Platoon ------- (2004)
Making 'Saving Private Ryan' ------- (2004)
Sur les traces de Gerry ------- (2004)
十二罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情2/12罗汉/十二王牌/盗海豪情12瞒徒(港) Ocean's Twelve ------- (2004)
"Project Greenlight 2" ------- (2003)
"E! True Hollywood Story" Ben Affleck & Matt Damon ------- (2003)
贴身兄弟/孖住你/当我们粘在一起/在你之上/为你所惑/贴身手足情 Stuck on You ------- (2003)
Saltlake Van Sant ------- (2003)
杰瑞Gerry ------- (2002)
小马精灵/小马王(台/港) Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron ------- (2002)
"Tinseltown TV" ------- (2002)
危险思想的自白/神经杀手/心灵重生/心灵告白/危险性私隐 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind ------- (2002)
谍影重重/伯恩的身份/神鬼认证(台)/叛谍追击(港) The Bourne Identity ------- (2002)
Shirtless: Hollywood's Sexiest Men ------- (2002)
2002 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2002)
撞翻姻缘路 The Third Wheel ------- (2002)
Judge Not: In Defense of Dogma ------- (2001)
美国影史百部佳片 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies ------- (2001)
杰与鲍伯的回击/杰与沉默鲍伯的回击/捣蛋两条友 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back ------- (2001)
电影人生/忘我奇缘 The Majestic ------- (2001)
"Project Greenlight" ------- (2001)
十一罗汉/瞒天过海(台)/盗海豪情(港) Ocean's Eleven ------- (2001)
寻找佛罗斯特/心灵访客(台)/隔窗友缘(港) Finding Forrester ------- (2000)
脱缰野马 All the Pretty Horses ------- (2000)
冰冻星球 Titan A.E. ------- (2000)
重返荣耀/夺标奇缘 The Legend of Bagger Vance ------- (2000)
Reflections on 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' ------- (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)
第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards ------- (1999)
Fremde ------- (1999)
The Talented Mr. Ripley: Making the Soundtrack ------- (1999)
天才雷普利/天才聂利(台)/心计(港) The Talented Mr. Ripley ------- (1999)
Inside 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' ------- (1999)
Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary ------- (1999)
怒犯天条/怒犯天条(台)/软硬天使(港) Dogma ------- (1999)
Return to Normandy ------- (1998)
进入海滩:《雷霆救兵》 Into the Breach: 'Saving Private Ryan' ------- (1998)
赌王之王 Rounders ------- (1998)
第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 70th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1998)
拯救大兵瑞恩/抢救雷恩大兵(台)/雷霆救兵(港) Saving Private Ryan ------- (1998)
造雨人/正义必胜/播雨者 The Rainmaker ------- (1997)
心灵捕手/心灵捕手(台)/骄阳似我(港) Good Will Hunting ------- (1997)
猜·情·寻/爱上了瘾/追逐艾米/爱,上了瘾/追踪艾米 Chasing Amy ------- (1997)
Glory Daze ------- (1996)
生死豪情/火线勇气 Courage Under Fire ------- (1996)
新好男人 The Good Old Boys ------- (1995)
"HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
格罗尼默:一个美国传奇故事 Geronimo: An American Legend ------- (1993)
校园风云School Ties ------- (1992)
Rising Son ------- (1990)
梦幻之地/梦想之地 Field of Dreams ------- (1989)
现代灰姑娘/神秘的比萨/饼屋的姑娘 Mystic Pizza ------- (1988)
好母亲 The Good Mother ------- (1988)
"Biography" "Biography" ------- (1987)