Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) you lodge your visa application.
我的英语不好,理解不知道对不对?1 推荐发起人授权一个发起人(sponsor应该指什么?)2 邮寄我的申请。
恳请请高手指点迷津! 展开
proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) you lodge your visa application.
我的英语不好,理解不知道对不对?1 推荐发起人授权一个发起人(sponsor应该指什么?)2 邮寄我的申请。
恳请请高手指点迷津! 展开
你是不是申请去澳洲做访问学者? Training and Research (Subclass 402) Visa – Research Stream
You can be in or outside Australia to apply for this visa.
Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
1.proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor)
2. you lodge your visa application.
There is no nomination requirement for the Research stream of the Training and Research visa (subclass 402).
You can be in or outside Australia to apply for this visa.
Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
你可以在澳洲外申请402签证的 Research Stream。在Research stream这一分支下,申请Training and Research签证分两步。
(备注:Training and Research visa 一共有三个分支, 另外两个Occupational Trainee stream 和Professional Development stream)
1. proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) 你意向的担保机构已经向移民局申请了担保资格(无论是在2012年11月24日前申请的Visiting Academic担保人资格 还是在那之后申请的Training and research担保人资格).这句的意思就是你想要去的那家学术机构或者政敬蠢府的agent必须有担保人资格-sponsorship;
2.you lodge your visa application. 你本人向澳洲移民亮粗陪凳漏局提交了402签证申请。
You can be in or outside Australia to apply for this visa.
Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
1.proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor)
2. you lodge your visa application.
There is no nomination requirement for the Research stream of the Training and Research visa (subclass 402).
You can be in or outside Australia to apply for this visa.
Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
你可以在澳洲外申请402签证的 Research Stream。在Research stream这一分支下,申请Training and Research签证分两步。
(备注:Training and Research visa 一共有三个分支, 另外两个Occupational Trainee stream 和Professional Development stream)
1. proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) 你意向的担保机构已经向移民局申请了担保资格(无论是在2012年11月24日前申请的Visiting Academic担保人资格 还是在那之后申请的Training and research担保人资格).这句的意思就是你想要去的那家学术机构或者政敬蠢府的agent必须有担保人资格-sponsorship;
2.you lodge your visa application. 你本人向澳洲移民亮粗陪凳漏局提交了402签证申请。
Applying for the Training and Research visa is a two stage process under the Research stream.
proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) you lodge your visa application. 的意思是:申请签证的培训和研究的一二阶段过程的研究。
2. 赞助。
proposed sponsor lodges a sponsorship (either as a Visiting Academic sponsor if the application is made before 24 November 2012 or a Training and research sponsor) you lodge your visa application. 的意思是:申请签证的培训和研究的一二阶段过程的研究。
2. 赞助。
参考资料: 百度