英语问答 帮忙回答一下谢谢 50

英语问答帮忙回答一下谢谢1.Isitexpensivetousepublictransportationinyourcity?Isitconvenient?Isitsaf... 英语问答 帮忙回答一下谢谢1. Is it expensive to use public transportation in your city? Is it convenient? Is it safe? Explain.
2. Some people think that automobiles have improved modern life. Others think that automobiles have caused serious problems. What is your opinion?
3. Have you ever had a problem with your neighbors/ roommates? Explain.
4. What is the best way to keep a harmonious relationship among roommates in a dormitory?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that people are getting more and more dependent on cell phones?
6. What do you really desire to learn from the web site on the Internet?
7. Why do more and more people shop online?
8. My understanding of our university motto: diligence, precision, honesty, and creativity.
9. Please make comments on “taking part-time jobs in college”.
10.If you were the president of the Fujian Medical University, what would you do to make it a successful and famous school?
11. Campus love in my eyes.
12.What do you think is the most important personal quality of a university student?
13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.
14. Do you believe that money is the symbol of strength, influence and love?
15. Which do you prefer, further education or instant work after graduation? Why?
16. If you were a doctor, what would you do with the bribes that had come upon you?
17. Should sports be an essential part of one’s life? How do sports enhance one’s physical and mental development?
18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances.
19. How does your diet affect your health?
20. What’s your idea about independence? Do you agree with the statement “Chinese children depend too much on their parents”?
 我来答
2018-06-14 · 姊妹家有二女初长成日记
采纳数:1093 获赞数:7193

向TA提问 私信TA


  1. NO。Yes,it is convenient。Yes,it is safe。We have subway everywhere。

  2. I agree with the former one 。

  3. No,I am good at communicate with others。

  4. effective communication ,pace,tolerance

  5. advantages: convenience,comfortable;disadvantages:over-independence,virtual

  6. Knowledge,skill,making friends

  7. more convenience and comfortable

  8. 勤奋、精益求精、诚实和创造力。

  9. It's a chance to practise yourself and learn more from the socity。

  10. First,need to cultivate famous people;Second Work with other famous universities;Third Be yourself and do well, and you'll be famous

  11. Pure and holy and everybody had better try

  12. Integrity, diligence, innovation(诚信,勤奋,创新)

  13. Disagree

  14. A little

  15. The later one ,We will eventually return to social work

  16. Reject and do my duty well

  17. Sure Practice makes perfect

  18. Agree.There are other aspects

  19. A proper diet is the best way to keep healthy

  20. To be independent means to have your own ideas and then to accomplish something by yourself. Don't rely on others, either physically or mentally.(独立,就是有自己想法,然后自己独自去完成一件事。不依靠他人,无论是在身体上还是精神上)

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