请帮我翻译成中文 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 不要软件翻译 非常感谢
请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文 非常感谢 O(∩_∩)O
我的名字叫祖児 出生于1992年3月9号 今年20岁
我的家乡在河南濮阳 那是个有点乱乱的城市 不过我喜欢 (*^__^*)
我的工作是杂技表演 刚开始训练这个的时候真的是很辛苦 都有想放弃的时候 但是想想又坚持下来 现在我很喜欢这个工作 因为我喜欢在舞台上表演时的感觉 喜欢观众为我鼓掌的时候
还要感激当时骗我进这个学校的老师 O(∩_∩)O哈哈
我的性格应该是属于活泼开朗型的吧 每天嘻嘻哈哈的 跟朋友在一起时我就是她们的开心果
平常没什么爱好 自己没事就听听音乐 看看动漫
心情不好的时候 跟跟哥哥一起吃个冰淇淋就会觉得世界真美好
目前有一个愿望,,,就是努力学会英语 带着我的家人 爸爸妈妈哥哥和嫂子一起去国外旅游 我当他们的小导游 。。。 展开
我的名字叫祖児 出生于1992年3月9号 今年20岁
我的家乡在河南濮阳 那是个有点乱乱的城市 不过我喜欢 (*^__^*)
我的工作是杂技表演 刚开始训练这个的时候真的是很辛苦 都有想放弃的时候 但是想想又坚持下来 现在我很喜欢这个工作 因为我喜欢在舞台上表演时的感觉 喜欢观众为我鼓掌的时候
还要感激当时骗我进这个学校的老师 O(∩_∩)O哈哈
我的性格应该是属于活泼开朗型的吧 每天嘻嘻哈哈的 跟朋友在一起时我就是她们的开心果
平常没什么爱好 自己没事就听听音乐 看看动漫
心情不好的时候 跟跟哥哥一起吃个冰淇淋就会觉得世界真美好
目前有一个愿望,,,就是努力学会英语 带着我的家人 爸爸妈妈哥哥和嫂子一起去国外旅游 我当他们的小导游 。。。 展开
I am zoe, born in March.9th, 1992, a 20-year-old girl.
I come from Henan Puyang, the city with a little bit mess, but I love it.
At the beginning of my acrobat career, it was quite a hard time. Even though I had some nagative thoughts at times, I still sticked to my cause.
I love my vocation deeply, enjoying every show times upon the stage and every warmly applauded.
I am greatful to my teacher, who had coaxed me into this school sucessfully :-D Haha.
Talk of my character, I think I am a cheerful,outgoing person, always with a shinny smile on cheeks.
Life to me is quite simple. In casual time, music and anime is my world. If I am in a bad mood, eating an ice-cream with my elder brother would chase the darkness away.
I hope I can have a good knowledge of English and travel abroad with my family as a little guider one day.
I come from Henan Puyang, the city with a little bit mess, but I love it.
At the beginning of my acrobat career, it was quite a hard time. Even though I had some nagative thoughts at times, I still sticked to my cause.
I love my vocation deeply, enjoying every show times upon the stage and every warmly applauded.
I am greatful to my teacher, who had coaxed me into this school sucessfully :-D Haha.
Talk of my character, I think I am a cheerful,outgoing person, always with a shinny smile on cheeks.
Life to me is quite simple. In casual time, music and anime is my world. If I am in a bad mood, eating an ice-cream with my elder brother would chase the darkness away.
I hope I can have a good knowledge of English and travel abroad with my family as a little guider one day.