
今天我的报告既不关于国家大事,也不关于热点话题,它只是发生在我身上的一件小事罢了。上周五下午,我们班在操场上有一场与英语班的拔河比赛。原本的人数应该是十男十女,因为我们班... 今天我的报告既不关于国家大事,也不关于热点话题,它只是发生在我身上的一件小事罢了。上周五下午,我们班在操场上有一场与英语班的拔河比赛。原本的人数应该是十男十女,因为我们班只有8个男生,所以女人增加到12人。在比赛之前,我们女生站在一起聊天,男生站在另一边聊天,准确地说,男女没有一点融合。比赛开始了,我们站在被规定的位置,男生站在女生前面,还没有发出号令,我已经隐约感觉绳子在紧绷了,命令发出,两方开始争夺绳子,也许有的人还在迷茫之中,我们已经被拉到对方的领地。接下来,我们双方被调换位置,也许是失败的感觉出来了,我们班开始有了紧张的气氛,每个人抓紧绳子,像是一松手又被拉过去一样,可结果往往在预料之中,我们输了。之后,男生和女生都各自走了。晚上聊天时,有个男生对我说:女生的力气太小了。当时,我就想输掉比赛的原因也许是方法的错误或者是班集体没有默契。我觉得,不管做什么都要认真考虑,把一切的后果都考虑进来。虽然在这次拔河比赛中输了,可我相信我们班以后会更好。 展开
 我来答
2012-11-29 · TA获得超过892个赞
Today, I don't want to talk about national affairs or hot topics, but a small thing happened to me. 今天,我不想谈论国家大事或热点话题,而想说说一件发生在我身上的小事。
It was last Friday afternoon when our class had a tug-of-war contest with English class on the playground. 那是上周五下午,在操场上我们班有一场和英语班的拔河比赛。
The players should be 10 boys and 10 girls. 选手应该是十个男生和十个女生。
As we only have 8 boys in the class, the number of girls increased to 12. 因为我们只有8个男生,女生的数量就增加到12。
Before the race, girls got together and talked when boys were talking in their own group. 在比赛之前,女生们在一起聊天,而男生们单独成一群聊天。
Exactly, there was no communication between girls and boys. 确切地说,女生和男生之间没有交流。
The race started and we stood in required positions. Boys were in the front. 比赛开始了,我们站在规定的位置。男生们在前面。
Even before the order, I could feel the rope tightened. 甚至在发出号令之前,我能感觉到绳子被绷紧了。
Order was given and both sides started pulling. 号令发出,两边都开始拉。
We were pulled to the other side even before some of us knew what happened. 我们在部分人还不知道发生了什么的时候就被拉到另一边。
Then, change sides. 然后,交换场地。
Maybe we all felt the failure, everyone became nervous and held the rope so tight that we would lose if we just let go a little. 也许我们都感觉到失败,每个人都变得紧张,紧紧抓住绳子,好像如果我们只要松开一点点就会输一样。
But the result was entirely predictable. We lost and left without a word. 但结果完全在意料之中。我们输了,没有一句话就走了。
When talking that evening, one boy said to me that girls were not strong enough. 当那天晚上聊天,一个男生对我说,女生力气不够大。
But in my opinion, it might be the wrong skill or the lack of cooperation that leaded us to the failure. 但我认为,也许是错误的技巧或缺乏协作(默契)领我们走向失败(导致我们失败)。
I think we should consider carefully for whatever we are going to do. Consider all the possible results. 我想,不管我们打算做什么,都应该认真思考。考虑所有可能的结果。
Although we lost the tug-of-war, I believe our class will be better and better. 尽管我们在拔河比赛输了,我相信我们班会越来越好。

Today my report is not about the affairs of state, nor about hot topics, it just happens in my body just one of those things. On Friday afternoon, our class on the playground there was a field and English class of the tug of war. The number of originally should be 10 male and 10 female, because our class only 8 a boy, so the woman increase to 12 people. Before the game, we girls stood together chat, the boy stood on the other side chat, accurately, men and women no fusion. The match began, we stand in the position of the provisions, the boy stood in front of girls, have not issued order, I have faint feeling in the tight rope, gave an order to send out, the two sides began to scramble for the rope, maybe some people still in the confusion in, we've been pulled to each other's territory. Next, we both be exchange position, maybe the feelings of failure out, our class began to tense atmosphere, everyone get hold of the rope like a let go and is pulled as in the past, but the result is always in the expected, we lost. After that, boys and girls each go. Night chat, there is a boy said to me: girls strength is too small. At that time, I just want to lose the game reason may be method error or class no tacit understanding. I think, no matter what you do, serious, and consider all the consequences is taken into account. Although in the tug of war competition loses, but I believe that our class later will be better.
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