2 空巢老人的分类
关于“空巢”家庭的分类,可以将其分为“纯空巢“家庭和”“类空巢”家庭两类(“纯空巢”家庭指子女、亲属都不在老人身边;“类空巢”家庭指虽然子女不在老人身边但有其他亲属在身边照顾老人,这是穆光宗在《家庭空巢化过程的养老问题》中对空巢老人的分类)。还有一种将“空巢”家庭分为源发性“空巢”和次生性“空巢”两种,源发性“空巢”是指终身无子女的老年人(包括单身的老人和有配偶的老人);次生性“空巢”包括子女外出不在老人身边和子女在本地居住却不与老人同吃同住的家庭。这是王武林、安和平在《空巢老人特征及其生存质量状况分析》里的研究。 展开
2 空巢老人的分类
关于“空巢”家庭的分类,可以将其分为“纯空巢“家庭和”“类空巢”家庭两类(“纯空巢”家庭指子女、亲属都不在老人身边;“类空巢”家庭指虽然子女不在老人身边但有其他亲属在身边照顾老人,这是穆光宗在《家庭空巢化过程的养老问题》中对空巢老人的分类)。还有一种将“空巢”家庭分为源发性“空巢”和次生性“空巢”两种,源发性“空巢”是指终身无子女的老年人(包括单身的老人和有配偶的老人);次生性“空巢”包括子女外出不在老人身边和子女在本地居住却不与老人同吃同住的家庭。这是王武林、安和平在《空巢老人特征及其生存质量状况分析》里的研究。 展开
Some scholars define "empty nest" as the family of middle-aged or elderly couple when their children have grown up and left home to live independently. The difference of these two definitions is that whether Ding Ke family is added into the "empty nest" or not.
2 Classification of empty nester
"Empty nest" family can be divided into pure "empty nest" family "and allied "empty nest" family (pure "empty nest" family refers to whose children and relatives that leave them alone. Allied "empty nest" family refers to those elderly people whose children are not at their sides, but other relatives take care of them; that is the classification Mu Guangzong in his book called "Supporting problems in the process of ‘empty nest’ family"). There is also a classification divide "empty nest" family into source "empty nest" family and secondary "empty nest" family, the source "empty nest" family refers to the childless old people (including single elderly and married elderly people); secondary "empty nest" family refers to whose children that are not at their sides or the children live at the same place with them but not eat and live under the same roof with them.This is the study done by Wang Wulin and An Heping in their "An analysis of characteristics and status of life quality of empty nester" .
2 Classification of empty nester
"Empty nest" family can be divided into pure "empty nest" family "and allied "empty nest" family (pure "empty nest" family refers to whose children and relatives that leave them alone. Allied "empty nest" family refers to those elderly people whose children are not at their sides, but other relatives take care of them; that is the classification Mu Guangzong in his book called "Supporting problems in the process of ‘empty nest’ family"). There is also a classification divide "empty nest" family into source "empty nest" family and secondary "empty nest" family, the source "empty nest" family refers to the childless old people (including single elderly and married elderly people); secondary "empty nest" family refers to whose children that are not at their sides or the children live at the same place with them but not eat and live under the same roof with them.This is the study done by Wang Wulin and An Heping in their "An analysis of characteristics and status of life quality of empty nester" .