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2022-10-21 · TA获得超过5437个赞

1. 用动词写作文

(1) 蚂蚁搬家


(2) 爸爸跑到伯父家里去,不一会儿,就和伯父拿了药和纱布出来。他们把那个拉车的扶上车子,一个蹲着,一个半跪着,爸爸拿镊子给那个拉车的夹出脚里的碎玻璃,伯父拿硼酸水给他洗干净。他们又给他敷上药,扎好绷带,拉车的感动得流下了眼泪。

动词:跑 拿 扶 蹲 半跪 夹 洗 敷 扎 流

(3) 周末,我和小明相约斗牛。他先轻轻拍拍球,接着用手指顶住球旋转,适应了一会,游戏开始。首先,我发球。我先运球轻松过了他,展开步伐,猛地跳起,在空中把球轻轻一投,刷!进了!他不服气的打了我一拳。我没有理他,马上运球进攻。这一次,我把球往篮板上抛去,在球弹回来的同时,我猛的跳起,运起全身力气,按住球往篮筐里一个重扣!赢了!!

(4) 小丽抿着嘴,弓着腰,蹑手蹑脚地,一步一步慢慢地靠近它。靠近了,靠近了,又见她悄悄地将右手伸向蝴蝶,张开的两个手指一合,夹住了粉蝶的翅膀。小丽高兴得又蹦又跳。


2. 用动词写作文










3. 七年级英语一般疑问句作文

1 含有be动词的句子,把be动词提前.(be动词是:is\am\are)

例如:This is a teacher's desk.Is this a teacher's desk?Yes,it is.No,it isn't.

These are my dictionaries?Are they your dictionaries?

\x09Yes,they are.No,they aren't.

There are some birds in the tree.Are there any birds in the tree?

Yes,there are.No,there aren't.

She is having dinner.Is she having dinner?Yes,she is.No,she isn't.

2 含有助动词have、has或者had的句子,把have、has或者had提前.

例如:I have got some oranges.Have you got any oranges?

Yes,I have.No,I haven't.

He has gone to Paris.Has he gone to Paris?

Yes,he has.No,he hasn't.

She had sent me o letters.Had she sent me o letters?

Yes,she had.No,she hadn't.

3 不含be动词也没有助动词的句子,加助动词do、does或did并把do、does或did提前.

例如:I like cakes very much.Do you like cakes?Yes,I do.No,I don't.

He lives in the building near the hospital.Does he live in the building near the hospital?

Yes,he does.No,he doesn't.

She did the homework at 6 .Did she do the homework at

4. 英语语法be动词be动词的一般疑问句(先跟我写几句完整句子,在

就拿friend为例子吧1.I am your friend.我是你的朋友问:are you my friend?你是我的朋友么?Yes,I am your friend.是的,我是你的朋友No,I am not your friend.不,我不是你的朋友2.we are your friends.我们是你的朋友问:are you my friends?你们是我的朋友么?Yes,we are your friends.是的,我们是你的朋友No,we are not your friends.不,我们不是你的朋友3.They are your friends.他们是你的朋友问:are they my friends?他们是我的朋友么?Yes,they are your friends.是的,我们是你的朋友No,they are not your friends.不,我们不是你的朋友4.he(she) is your friend.他(她)是你的朋友问:is he(she) my friend?他(她)是我的朋友么?Yes,he(she) is your friend.是的,他(她)是你的朋友No,he(she) is not your friend.不,他(她)不是你的朋友。

5. 用疑问句在作文中写一段话

用疑问句开头写出高分新GRE作文责任编辑:Leona来源:互联网时间:2014-09-18 15:45:34点击:55次2015年新加坡香港SAT考团火热招募中! 培训课程在线咨询 新GRE写作考试评分非常注重考查考生的逻辑分析能力,文章组织能力和英语运用能力。


Creating an appealing image has bee more im关键词: GRE考试新GRE作文新GRE写作 新GRE写作考试评分非常注重考查考生的逻辑分析能力,文章组织能力和英语运用能力。而在新gre考试写作中以疑问句开头能够吸引读者,也容易抓住中心。

本文为大家介绍如何给你的新GRE作文开个好头。 "Creating an appealing image has bee more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image." Has creating an image bee more important in our society than the reality or truth behind the image? I agree that image has bee a more central concern, at least where short-term business or political success is at stake (=at risk). Nevertheless, I think that in the longer term mage ultimately yields to substance and fact. 个人认为以问句为开头是一种百用不厌的好方式,一来吸引了阅卷者的注意,二来又容易抓住中心。

精华:a central concern be at stake yield to = give up the position to……让位于,被……主宰 The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world. Consider, for example, today's automobile industry. American cars are being essentially identical to peting Japanese cars in nearly every mechanical and structural respect, as well as in price. Thus to pete effectively auto panies must now differentiate their products largelythrough image advertising, by conjuring up(=create) certain illusory benefits――such as machi *** o, status, sensibility, or fun. The increasing focus on image is also evident in the book-publishing business. Publishers are relying more and more on the power of their brands rather than the content of their books. Today mass-market books are supplanted within a year with products that are essential the same――except with fresh faces, rifles, and other promotional angles. I find quite telling the fact that today more and more book publishers are being acquired by large media panies. And the increasing importance of image is especially evident in the music industry, where originality, artistic interpretation, and technical proficiency have yielded almost entirely to sex appeal. 这一段主要是举例说明image确实在当今竞争激烈的商界、演艺界重磅地位。关于image重要的例子其实是挺好联系实际的。

The growing significance of image is also evident in the political realm, particularly when it es to presidential politics. Admittedly, by its very nature politicking has always emphasized rhetoric and appearances above substance and fact. Yet since the invention of the camera presidential politicians have bee increasingly concerned about their image. For example, Teddy Roosevelt was very careful never to be photographed wearing a tennis outfit, for fear that such photographs would serve to undermine his rough-rider image that won him his onlyterm in office. With the advent of television, image became even more central in presidential politics. After all, it was television that elected J.F.K. over Nixon. And our only o-term presidents in the television age were elected based largely on their image. Query whether Presidents Lincoln, Taft, or even F.D.R. would be elected today if pitted against the handsome leading man Reagan, or the suave and politically correct Clinton. After all, Lincoln was homely, Taft was obese, and F.D.R. was crippled. 其实在写作之中加入一点幽默的成分,会有一些出人意料的效果。正如我们的TOEFL。

In the long term, however, the significance of image wanes considerably. The image of the Marlboro man ultimately gave way to the truth about the health hazards of cigarette *** oking. Popular musical actors with nothing truly innovative to offer musically eventually disappear from the music scene. And anyone who frequents yard sales knows that today's best-selling books often bee tomorrow's pulp. Even in politics, I think history has a knack for peeling away image to focus on real acplishments. I think history will remember Teddy Roosevelt, for example, primarily for building the Panama C *** and for establishing our National Park System――and not for his rough-and-ready wardrobe. 以上就是用疑问句做新GRE作文开头的相关内容,大家学会了吗?希望考生通过对本文的参考和借鉴能够提高自身GRE写作水平,突破新GRE写作高分,最后祝愿各位考生。

6. 关于英语:动词的陈述句和疑问句,急~~~~~~


the boy is crying. What is the boy doing?

The children are crying. what are the children doing?


He cries loudly. What does he do loudly?

I want to cry. what do you want to do?


It will cry. What will it do?

He is going to cry. What is he going to do?


He cried in the park. What did he do in the park?

She could cry at the age of five. What could she do at the age of five?

7. 动词在疑问句和否定句中的变化

1、句中有be动词(am/is /are/was/were)时,包括“系表”结构和进行时,变否定句就在be动词后加not构成,即“主语+be+not+其它成分.”;变一般疑问句时,则把be动词提到主语之前即可,其公式为“Be+主语+表语+……?”. 如:陈述句:There was a modern building here last year.否定句:There was not a modern building here last year.一般疑问句:Was there a modern building here last year?句中没有be动词,但有情态动词(can/may/must等)时,变否定句时在情态动词后加not,否定句结构为“主语+情态动词+not+行为动词原形+其它成分.”;变一般疑问句时,只需把be动词提到主语前面,公式为“情态动词+主语+行为动词原形+其它成分?”.如:陈述句:He can buy you a camera in Sichuan.否定句:He cannot buy you a camera in Sichuan.一般疑问句:Can he buy you a camera in Sichuan?句中既无be动词,也无情态动词时,就要根据具体的时态和人称选用不同的(时态)助动词,这种情况下,一般疑问句的“公式”可总体概括为“助动词+主语+行为动词(多数时态用原形)+其余成分?”(在完成时态的疑问句中动词用过去分词);以上三种情况要变特殊疑问句时,用公式“疑问词+一般疑问句?”即可.。

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