关于汇编的一道题,已知内存中b8000——bffff为显存,编程要求在屏幕上显示‘welcome to masm!’
assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg,es:table
datasg segment
db 'welcome to masm!'
datasg ends
table segment
dw 4000 dup (0)
table ends
codesg segment
start:mov ax,datasg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov si,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,16
s: mov al,[bx]
mov es:[si],al
mov al,2
mov es:[si+1],al
inc bx
add si,2
loop s
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
codesg ends
end start 展开
assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg,es:table
datasg segment
db 'welcome to masm!'
datasg ends
table segment
dw 4000 dup (0)
table ends
codesg segment
start:mov ax,datasg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov si,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,16
s: mov al,[bx]
mov es:[si],al
mov al,2
mov es:[si+1],al
inc bx
add si,2
loop s
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
codesg ends
end start 展开