1,The centeral government collided with city parliament over its industrial plans.
2,a subtle influence emanates from the teacher upon his students.
3,at the press conference, the crazy teenagers fully displayed their infatuation for their favorite movie stars.
4,Temples,mosques,churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.
5,The dinner table was gogeous with silver,rare china, and flowers.
6,Mr.Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk,Israel refused.
7,Western efforts to keep criminal money out of the banking system are based on the premise that banks can identify their customers,even when they act through nominees.
8, The committee undertook a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's problem.
9,The frequent hurtful,infantile arguments between couples will inevitably lead to disaster.
1, Iused to gaze at it and wish that i could have a dog just like the one in the picture.
2,If you manage to break free from your attacker, run to the nearest source of help, whether it's a house with lights on, an open garage,pub or shop, or a police or fine station-any place where you can find people,a telephone,weapons or cover.
3,The boy's attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse.
4,His lawyers will almost certainly appeal against the verdict.
5,Perpaps we are now in a position to give, from a parental perspective, an alternative in terpretation of what exactly it means to "come to terms with" a child's disability.
6,Not only had the children suffered the loss of a parent but the family was further fragmented by the absence of one or more children as a direct or indirect result of the marital breakdown.
7,China's foreign policy rests on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
8,This high quality wax gives cars permanent protaction against acid rain.
9, We know there are senses that feel good,that status and ego are important, and that money is not a substitute for health, happiness,companionship,or emotional security.
10,The past 10years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life
用软件的就不要来了。 展开
1,The centeral government collided with city parliament over its industrial plans.
2,a subtle influence emanates from the teacher upon his students.
3,at the press conference, the crazy teenagers fully displayed their infatuation for their favorite movie stars.
4,Temples,mosques,churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.
5,The dinner table was gogeous with silver,rare china, and flowers.
6,Mr.Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk,Israel refused.
7,Western efforts to keep criminal money out of the banking system are based on the premise that banks can identify their customers,even when they act through nominees.
8, The committee undertook a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's problem.
9,The frequent hurtful,infantile arguments between couples will inevitably lead to disaster.
1, Iused to gaze at it and wish that i could have a dog just like the one in the picture.
2,If you manage to break free from your attacker, run to the nearest source of help, whether it's a house with lights on, an open garage,pub or shop, or a police or fine station-any place where you can find people,a telephone,weapons or cover.
3,The boy's attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse.
4,His lawyers will almost certainly appeal against the verdict.
5,Perpaps we are now in a position to give, from a parental perspective, an alternative in terpretation of what exactly it means to "come to terms with" a child's disability.
6,Not only had the children suffered the loss of a parent but the family was further fragmented by the absence of one or more children as a direct or indirect result of the marital breakdown.
7,China's foreign policy rests on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
8,This high quality wax gives cars permanent protaction against acid rain.
9, We know there are senses that feel good,that status and ego are important, and that money is not a substitute for health, happiness,companionship,or emotional security.
10,The past 10years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life
用软件的就不要来了。 展开
1,The central government collided with city parliament over its industrial plans.
2,a subtle influence emanates from the teacher upon his students.
3,at the press conference, the crazy teenagers fully displayed their infatuation for their favorite movie stars.
4,Temples,mosques,churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.
5,The dinner table was gorgeous with silver,rare china, and flowers.
6,Mr.Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk,Israel refused.
7,Western efforts to keep criminal money out of the banking system are based on the premise that banks can identify their customers,even when they act through nominees.
8, The committee undertook a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's problem.
委员会对全市的问题, 进行了一次全面的诊断。
9,The frequent hurtful,infantile arguments between couples will inevitably lead to disaster.
夫妻之间经常的出口伤人和不成熟的吵架, 难免会酿成大祸。
1, I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture.
2,If you manage to break free from your attacker, run to the nearest source of help, whether it's a house with lights on, an open garage,pub or shop, or a police or fire station-any place where you can find people,a telephone,weapons or cover.
如果你能突破你的攻击者,快走向最近的帮助点,无论它是一个有灯光房子,一个开放的车库,酒吧或商店,或一个警察局/消防局 - 不论任何地方,只要你可以找到人,电话,武器或遮盖。
3,The boy's attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse.
男孩的注意力不是因关注亚历克, 而是关注自己,如果亚历克被切伤而需要护士照顾。
4,His lawyers will almost certainly appeal against the verdict.
5,Perhaps we are now in a position to give, from a parental perspective, an alternative interpretation of what exactly it means to "come to terms with" a child's disability.
也许,我们现在应从家长的角度来看另一种解释 : 究竟计算孩子的残疾是甚麼意思。
6,Not only had the children suffered the loss of a parent but the family was further fragmented by the absence of one or more children as a direct or indirect result of the marital breakdown.
不仅有儿童失去父母,并且因婚姻破裂的情况下, 直接或间接导致失去一个或多个子女,进一步令分散家庭。
7,China's foreign policy rests on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
8,This high quality wax gives cars permanent protection against acid rain.
9, We know there are senses that feel good,that status and ego are important, and that money is not a substitute for health, happiness,companionship,or emotional security.
10,The past 10years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life
1,The central government collided with city parliament over its industrial plans.
2,a subtle influence emanates from the teacher upon his students.
3,at the press conference, the crazy teenagers fully displayed their infatuation for their favorite movie stars.
4,Temples,mosques,churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.
5,The dinner table was gorgeous with silver,rare china, and flowers.
6,Mr.Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk,Israel refused.
7,Western efforts to keep criminal money out of the banking system are based on the premise that banks can identify their customers,even when they act through nominees.
8, The committee undertook a comprehensive diagnosis of the city's problem.
委员会对全市的问题, 进行了一次全面的诊断。
9,The frequent hurtful,infantile arguments between couples will inevitably lead to disaster.
夫妻之间经常的出口伤人和不成熟的吵架, 难免会酿成大祸。
1, I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture.
2,If you manage to break free from your attacker, run to the nearest source of help, whether it's a house with lights on, an open garage,pub or shop, or a police or fire station-any place where you can find people,a telephone,weapons or cover.
如果你能突破你的攻击者,快走向最近的帮助点,无论它是一个有灯光房子,一个开放的车库,酒吧或商店,或一个警察局/消防局 - 不论任何地方,只要你可以找到人,电话,武器或遮盖。
3,The boy's attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse.
男孩的注意力不是因关注亚历克, 而是关注自己,如果亚历克被切伤而需要护士照顾。
4,His lawyers will almost certainly appeal against the verdict.
5,Perhaps we are now in a position to give, from a parental perspective, an alternative interpretation of what exactly it means to "come to terms with" a child's disability.
也许,我们现在应从家长的角度来看另一种解释 : 究竟计算孩子的残疾是甚麼意思。
6,Not only had the children suffered the loss of a parent but the family was further fragmented by the absence of one or more children as a direct or indirect result of the marital breakdown.
不仅有儿童失去父母,并且因婚姻破裂的情况下, 直接或间接导致失去一个或多个子女,进一步令分散家庭。
7,China's foreign policy rests on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
8,This high quality wax gives cars permanent protection against acid rain.
9, We know there are senses that feel good,that status and ego are important, and that money is not a substitute for health, happiness,companionship,or emotional security.
10,The past 10years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life