问题一:定语从句该如何翻译 首先得分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句。
eg:This is the photo which shows my house. “which shows my house”是后置定语,用来修饰先行词the photo,翻译为这是我家房子的照片最为恰当。
eg:He can speak English fluently,which impressed me most. “which impressed me most”是非限制性定语从句修饰前面一整句话,可以翻译成他英语说得非常流利,(这)给我留下深刻的印象。
问题二:定语从句怎么翻译 答:定语从句分为两种,一是限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的先行词之间关系密切,翻译时,一般将定语从句放在先行词前,译为“…的+先行词”,如: Doyouknowtheboywhoisstandingunderthetree? 你认识那个站在那棵树下的学生吗? 另一种为非限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的名词(先行词)之间关系没有前者紧密,翻译时可单独译出,不必放在先行词之前,如: Theboystudiesverywell,whogotafirstinlastexam. 那个男孩学习很好,他在上次考试中得了第一名。 有时两种译法意思不同,比较下面两句 Themanwhosesonjoinedthearmyisverypoor. 他的儿子参军的那个人很穷。(可能有不只一个儿子) Themanisverypoor,whosesonjoinedthearmylastyear. 那个人很穷,他儿子去年参军了。(可能就一个儿子)
问题三:关于英语定语从句的翻译 1. i didn'锭t like the story he told me yesterday.
2. i don't want to make friends with those people who only consider themselves.
3. do you know the man who is talking with my teacher?
4. he lives in a house whose wall is red.
5. do you remember the year when you were born?
6. we will visit the factory where his uncle works.
7. i still remember the students and beautiful teaching buildings that i saw in your school.
8. you must remember everything your teacher taught you.
9. do you know the beautiful girl who is in the red coat?
10. the students who have failed in the test must try to catch up with the others.
eg:This is the photo which shows my house. “which shows my house”是后置定语,用来修饰先行词the photo,翻译为这是我家房子的照片最为恰当。
eg:He can speak English fluently,which impressed me most. “which impressed me most”是非限制性定语从句修饰前面一整句话,可以翻译成他英语说得非常流利,(这)给我留下深刻的印象。
问题二:定语从句怎么翻译 答:定语从句分为两种,一是限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的先行词之间关系密切,翻译时,一般将定语从句放在先行词前,译为“…的+先行词”,如: Doyouknowtheboywhoisstandingunderthetree? 你认识那个站在那棵树下的学生吗? 另一种为非限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的名词(先行词)之间关系没有前者紧密,翻译时可单独译出,不必放在先行词之前,如: Theboystudiesverywell,whogotafirstinlastexam. 那个男孩学习很好,他在上次考试中得了第一名。 有时两种译法意思不同,比较下面两句 Themanwhosesonjoinedthearmyisverypoor. 他的儿子参军的那个人很穷。(可能有不只一个儿子) Themanisverypoor,whosesonjoinedthearmylastyear. 那个人很穷,他儿子去年参军了。(可能就一个儿子)
问题三:关于英语定语从句的翻译 1. i didn'锭t like the story he told me yesterday.
2. i don't want to make friends with those people who only consider themselves.
3. do you know the man who is talking with my teacher?
4. he lives in a house whose wall is red.
5. do you remember the year when you were born?
6. we will visit the factory where his uncle works.
7. i still remember the students and beautiful teaching buildings that i saw in your school.
8. you must remember everything your teacher taught you.
9. do you know the beautiful girl who is in the red coat?
10. the students who have failed in the test must try to catch up with the others.