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2022-09-27 · TA获得超过5431个赞

It Pays to Be Honesty

It is undeniable that dishonesty in our society, which does us much harm in many respects, has aroused public concern nowadays. For example, many doctors sell unnecessary but expensive medicines to their patients in order to get more money, And a lot of people buy fake certificates so that they can get better jobs. Also, some students cheat on exams. Even such famous star as Ouyang San, once considered China’s movie king, cheated the government on ine taxes

It is unequivocally well known that being honest is beneficial to the people involved. Meanwhile, a sense of honesty builds up in others’ hearts, which, in turn, will earn you true friendship. But it is probably less well known that being honest in equally beneficial to ourselves.

Despite the widespread practices of dishonesty, we should take firm steps to end this unhealthy trend, so as to make the world more beautiful.

关于诚实的英语作文 带翻译

















It Pays to Be HonestNowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams; consumers get hurt when they unfortunately buy some fake products; children are misled when they see their parents tell lies so as to evade the responsibility they should take.Why do people cheat? The main reason probably lies in immediate interest they may obtain by cheating. For example, a pany, which manufactures fake products, may seem to win for a moment because it can minimize its manufacture cost by doing so. This kind of businesses, however, will be driven out of the market in the long run. For the consumers after getting to know the poor quality of the products will not buy them anymore.The same is true of individuals. Dishonest people dare not take on the responsibility of life. They cheat in class, in office, at home and so on. But the truth can hardly be masked. The moment the truth es out they will lose their credibility, which is easier to destroy than to rebuild. Consequently, these dishonest will suffer a long time because of their cheating behaviors. In conclusion, no one can afford to be dishonest in a civilized society.Honesty is the pillar of a society. People will benefit from being honest in the long run. That's why we say it pays to be honest.




英语作文 图片隐含的含义值得讨论。

首先,当年轻人决定该做什么不该做什么的时候,他们总是变得缺乏逻辑 。


再者 ,有人因为沉迷于电脑游戏或是情场失意而担心他无法通过关系到其学位的最终英语作文考试。





毫无疑问,面对如此级别的一个挑战,一些强大、有效和必要的对抗措施需要被提到我们的议程上来 。


再者,各级 *** 部门以及相关单位应当共同努力并统一行动,为我们创造一个更加诚信的环境。

只有通过这样的一揽子计划,才能 够建立起一个和谐、健康的社会。

It never be explained why so many students on campus cheat in their examinations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought -provoking and should arouse our social concern. The implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. Firstly, the youngs always bee quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. In the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. Furthermore, some one is afired that he can't pass the final exams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into puter games or disappointment in love. Consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. Although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. Such is human nature, that we can't avoid being influenced by environment. In short, the root of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus is binition of many factors. There is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. To the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. What's more, the government departments at different levels and related nizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit environment for us. Only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.


关于诚信的英语作文范文:IntegrityWhat is integrity? Integrity is a good quality of being honest. It is a fine virtue for everyone. A man of integrity is loved by all. Without integrity, he will lose the best friend.Integrity is especially important for students. We should finish our homework independently. We must return books when it is due. We should listen to the teacher carefully no matter what kind of lesson it is. If we promise to do something, we should try our best to do it well.再给一篇长的备用吧 :诚信是金Honesty Is GoldHonesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you'll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.However, in the tide of modity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don't understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will bee great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.


To Be Hounest My father was angry yesterday."Why?" maybe you ask. Well,because my math grades was only 10, but I added a 0 behind it, Then I show my papper to my strict father with a hope of geting his *** ile.But he take a call to my teacher to thank her teaching, yes,my result is terrible, he shouted:" Why do you cheating me?I have been believing you,you let me down!" I have made my dear dad disappointed,now,I know what I have down is a big mistake, I will not do that again. I am going to tell my dad the truth.


篇一:做事应讲诚信Honesty When it es to honesty, quite a lot of people believe it is essential to a person's character and success. 当谈到诚实,很多人相信这对于一个人的性格和成功来说是很重要的。

They base their idea on the following reasons: on one hand, successful business owes much to mutual trust; on another hand, great people in history such as Abraham Lincoln andGee Washington set us good examples of being honest, they are great because they are honest. 他们立足于他们的想法的理由如下:一方面,商业上的成功,有赖于相互信任;另一方面,在历史上如亚伯拉罕林肯和乔治华盛顿这样的伟人给我们树立了诚实的好例子,他们之所以伟大是因为他们是诚实的。

But some people think differently. They believe honesty is being out of date. 但有些人有不同的看法。


Their reasons run as following: to begin with, cheating on exams is being more and more popular; in addition, some singers and movie stars cheat on taxes; last but not the least, if you are not careful enough, you'll buy some defective goods and fake products. 他们的原因如下:首先,考试作弊是越来越受欢迎;此外,一些歌星和影星骗税款;最后但并非最不重要的,如果你不小心的话,你会买到一些有缺陷的产品或假冒产品。

It is high time we emphasized and encouraged honesty. We can take effective measures to restore it. 我们是时候该强调并鼓励诚实了。


For example, kids should be taught to tell truth, strict rules and regulations should be carried out to stop cheatings on exams and taxes, etc. 例如,应该教孩子们诚实,严格的规章制度应实施进行来阻止在考试和税收方面的欺诈等。

篇二:诚信 Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there're lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。

Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end。

Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way. Let's pick up our “backpack”—honesty, and start the wonderful journey!篇三:诚信 It never be explained why so many students on campus cheat in their examinations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern. The implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. Firstly, the youngs always bee quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. In the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. Furthermore, some one is afired that he can't pass the final exams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into puter games or disappointment in love. Consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. Although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. Such is human nature, that we can't avoid being influenced by environment. In short, the root of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus is binition of many factors. There is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. To the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. What's more, the government departments at different levels and related nizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit environment for us. Only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.

什么是诚实 英语作文

Pays to Be HonestAlthough honesty is believed to be a virtue,there are still dishonest people in our society.For example,some busines *** en sell fake product to their consumers; some students cheat in the exams.Dishonest people are short-sighted.Those who sell fake products may make money at first,but consumers won't buy their products any more.As a result,they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison.By contrast,honest people gain a lot.Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well.Such persons are sure to have a lot of good friends.Because they are trustable and respectable,everyone is eager to make friendswith them,Besides,it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job.Generally speaking,every employer wants his employees to be honest.So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later.In a word,honesty wins trust,respect and honor.So it is important that we should be honest

诚实的英语作文 大学生的

那些卖假冒产品的人可能开始会赚钱,但是消费者再也不会买他们的产品了. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, every employer wants his employees to be honest. So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later. By contrast, honest people gain a lot. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well. Such persons are sure to have a lot of good friends,诚实的人能获得更多. Because they are trustable and respectable,每个雇主希望他的雇员诚实。


总之, everyone is eager to make friends with them, Besides,一些商人向顾客出售假冒产品:Pays to Be HonestAlthough honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. Generally speaking. In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest. 参考翻译:诚实被公认为一种美德, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison, it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job。






此外. For example, some busines *** en sell fake product to their consumers,诚实赢得信任,尊重和荣誉。


不诚实的人是鼠目寸光的人; some students cheat in the exams, but consumers won't buy their products any more. As a result,有良好信誉的人会很容易地得到一份好的工作。

通常来说. Dishonest people are short-sighted,但是社会上仍有一些不诚实的人。



There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty.What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will fort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy.英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”。








Nowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams; consumers get hurt when they unfortunately buy some fake products; children are misled when they see their parents tell lies so as to evade the responsibility they should take.Why do people cheat? The main reason probably lies in immediate interest they may obtain by cheating. For example, a pany, which manufactures fake products, may seem to win for a moment because it can minimize its manufacture cost by doing so. This kind of businesses, however, will be driven out of the market in the long run. For the consumers after getting to know the poor quality of the products will not buy them anymore.The same is true of individuals. Dishonest people dare not take on the responsibility of life. They cheat in class, in office, at home and so on. But the truth can hardly be masked. The moment the truth es out they will lose their credibility, which is easier to destroy than to rebuild. Consequently, these dishonest will suffer a long time because of their cheating behaviors. In conclusion, no one can afford to be dishonest in a civilized society.Honesty is the pillar of a society. People will benefit from being honest in the long run. That's why we say it pays to be honest.现在人们与社会大众不诚实的行为所困扰。
















As our contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. For example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. Plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn't easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed. All these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. Especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. Influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, bee increasing cautious about other's guarantee, even a piece of word. Thus, this trend does much harm to the modity economy. The underlying reason for these phenomena is the distorted mentality of money worship. There are an army of figures expect getting by with cheating customers by selling fake products. But, they would inevitably suffer penalty. So, honesty counts most. To sum up, we, average citizens, can eliminate the feeling of distrust via treating others honestly and paying confidence to others.

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