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2023-03-07 · TA获得超过317个赞
  一、含义   在英语中,句子的基本语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时出于语法和修辞上的需要,需要将谓语的全部或部分放到主语的前面,这就构成了倒装。   二、分类
  there be 句型中,其中be可换作stand, lie, exist, seem, live, come, appear, happen, remain等动词,我们可称之为there be句型的变体。
  eg. There stands an old temple on the top of the mountain.
  There lies a river at the foot of the mountain.
  There exist many problems among teenagers.
  满足以下三个条件可构成倒装: 1. 副词置于句首作状语。2. 谓语动词是be, come, go, follow, exist, remain等。 3. 句子主语必须为名词。
  (1)表示地点的副词:here, there
  (2)表示时间的副词:now, then
  (3)表示方位的副词:in, out, up, above, over, down, back, away, off
  eg. Here is my address of my new house.
  There goes the bell for class.
  Now comes your turn to recite the text.
  Then came the order to set out.
  In came a little girl, crying.
  满足以下三个条件可构成倒装:1. 表示地点的介词短语或作表语的介词短语位于句首。2. 谓语动词为不及物动词。3. 句子主语必须为名词。
  eg. In front of the village runs a stream.
  In the distance lies a bus.
  Through the window came in the soft music.
  Outside the school are many parents waiting for their children.
  (四)形容词+ be +主语
  eg. Present at the meeting were some famous experts.
  Happy were those who won the match.
  (五)分词+ be+主语
  eg. Lying on the floor is a drunk.
  Gone are the days when they lived a poor life.
  (六)such + be + 主语
  such位于句首,此处such 多被认为是表语,句子构成全部倒装。
  eg. Such are the facts.
  Such is our teacher, an ordinary but great person.
  (七)long live + 主语
  eg. Long live our friendship.
  Long live the People’s Republic of China.
  eg. Here he comes.
  Behind the door he stood.
  eg. Look! There comes a bus. (正确)
  Look! There is coming a bus. (错误)
  eg. There appears to be a man in the distance.
  There seem to be many people in the distance.
  (一)否定或半否定意义的词、短语 + 助动词 + 主谓结构
  (1)not, no, never, little, few, seldom, rarely, hardly
  (2)not 构成的短语:not a moment, not a word, not a single mistake…
  (3)no构成的短语:no longer, no more, at no time, in no case, in no circumstances, in no condition, by no means
  (4)no 构成的合成代词或副词:nothing, nobody, nowhere
  eg. Never shall I forget the day when I joined the Party.
  Little did he know the fact.
  Hardly could I believe my own eyes.
  Not a word did he say.
  No longer will he stay with his parents.
  By no means shall I give up.
  Nowhere will you find such a good place.
  (1) Not only…, but (also)… 前一个分句用部分倒装,而后一个分句不倒装。
  eg. Not only do students come to school early every day, but (also) the teachers do.
  (2) Hardly/Scarcely/Barely … when… 和 No sooner … than…(译为:一…就…) 主句的谓语动词用部分倒装,且主句中的谓语动词多用过去完成时,when和than 引导的从句不倒装。
  eg. Hardly had I gone out when a friend of mine came to visit me.
  No sooner had I gone out than it began to rain.
  (3) Neither … nor …引导两个并列分句,两个分句都要倒装。
  eg. Neither did he write to me nor did he telephone me last month.
  (4)Not until … 句型
  eg. Not until she left her home did she realize how important the family was.
  (三)So + 形容词/副词 + 助动词 + 主谓结构 + that …
  Such + 名词+ 助动词 + 主谓结构 + that …
  so + 形容词/副词,such + 名词位于句首时,主句的谓语动词用部分倒装,从句不倒装。
  eg. So busy is he that he has no time to attend the meeting.
  So fast does he speak that nobody can follow him.
  Such a fine day is it that I decided to go fishing.
  (四)Only + 副词/介词短语/状语从句 + 助动词 + 主谓结构
  当only 位于句首修饰副词、介词短语、状语从句时,句子用全部倒装。
  eg. Only then did I know the importance of English.
  Only in this way can you learn English well.
  Only when the war was over was he able to go back to his hometown.
  Only if you ask many questions will you get all the information you need.
  (五) so/neither/nor + 助动词 +主谓结构
  so,neither,nor 位于后一分句句首需部分倒装(译为:… 也如此;…也不这样)
  eg. I like football, so does my brother.
  I didn’t see the film yesterday, nor/neither did my brother.
  (六)在虚拟条件句中,如果从句中含有were, should, had, 则省略if, 把were, should, had 置于句首。
  eg. Were I you, I would apply for this post.
  Should it snow, I would not go outside.
  Had he taken my advice, he would have passed the exam.
  (七) as引导的让步状语从句,把从句中作表语的名词、形容词,作状语的副词或谓语动词的一部分位于句首。
  eg. Child as he is, he knows much.
  Hard as he studied, he didn’t pass the exam.
  Try as he might, he didn’t pass the exam.
  (八)以what, how开头的感叹句中,通常将表语、宾语提前。
  eg. What a lovely girl she is.
  How beautiful these flowers are.
  What a simple life he lived.
  1. 不定代词作主语时句子不倒装。
  eg. Nobody knows the news.
  Nothing can make me change my mind.
  2. few, little只有作副词时位于句首才倒装,如果它们作主语或修饰主语时,则用正常语序。
  eg. Few students are in the classroom after class.
  Little water is left in the glass.
  3. 否定词no修饰主语时句子不倒装。
  eg. No students is allowed into the lab without permission.
  No one can settle the problem at once.
  4. Only 位于句首修饰主语时不倒装。
  eg. Only Tom knows the secret.
  5. Not only …, but (also) … 连接两个并列主语时不倒装。
  eg. Not only you but also I will attend the meeting.
  6. Neither … nor … 连接两个并列主语时不倒装。
  eg. Neither you nor I like this film.
  7. not until 用在强调句中则句子不倒装。
  eg. It was not until then that he realized his fault.
  8. 在虚拟条件句中,如果从句中含有 had 则省略if, 把had提前,但若had是实意动词则不能倒装。
  eg. If I had time, I would visit you.
  9. as引导的让步状语从句必须倒装, though引导的可倒可不倒,although引导的不倒装。
  eg. Tired as he was, he continued his experiment.
  = Tired though he was, he continued his experiment.
  =Though he was tired, he continued his experiment.
  =Although he was tired, he continued his experiment.
  10. 如果表示对前面所述内容的肯定,句子不用倒装。(译为:的确如此)
  eg. ---He is handsome.
  ---So he is.
  ---It is hot today.
  ---So it is.
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