Boa - Be the one00Oh...00Here we go, now!00Shake your heart, yeah...00依嘛 大咩拉大里 嘛哟大里00示嗱苦爹莫 依依 架 嗱依? 踏爹00依之哆kki里 呼大里kki里00哦莫依kki里, Be the one00过哇嘎爹鲁? 哆KI哆KI 苏鲁00哆嘛哆爹鲁 吧阿依 架 嗱依 浓妮00哆ke依 哇 哆嘛拉嗱依00过嗯嗱 嗯架 哦哇咧嗱依00嗱妮ge妮, Shy boy?00过浓 嘛嘛, Good night?00Hanpa 嗱 嘛嘛 跌, Go home?00Nee! Honto ni ii no?00索呜哆呜爹ki 跌莫 依依 嗯 架 嗱依? Please00哆 苏谢嗯 跌 卡嘛哇嗱依00Shake your heart, shake your heart00Me wo sumashite, Move00依嘛苏古 妮, Don't heave a sigh00卡嗯左呜 踏ke 嘎阿谢爹'嗱依? Freeze00左嗯哟呜 嘎 哇卡爹'嗱依!00Take a chance, take a chance00浓嘎示查 踏咩, If00You want you will be the one00嗱谢 ki米 喔 依示ki 苏鲁?00里于呜 嗱n爹 依拉嗱依00哇嘎嘛嘛 跌 卡嘛哇嗱依00莫苦爹ki 哇, Be the one00书踏n 嗱拉 e拉吧嗱依00踏咧卡 莫 呐拉爹 依鲁 卡拉00哆里阿大里 哆拉e大里00呜吧大里 莫 苏鲁 嗯 架 嗱依?00依嘛 示卡 嗱依, Say yes00卡ke鲁 示卡 嗱依, Tonight00莫呜 哆咩拉咧嗱依,Two hearts00Nothing gonna stop me , nothinng gonna stop you00索呜咩依 跌ki鲁 过哆 爹 嗱依? Please00索咧 苦拉依 哇卡嗯 架 嗱依?00Shake your heart, shake your heart00哈示里踏示爹, Hey!00索浓 木呐 妮, Don't tell a lie00出呜索呜爹ki 嗱拉 阿爹'嗱依, 哟 嗱00阿依嘛依 嗱鲁 米拉依00Take a chance, take a chance00卡大之 妮 示爹, So00I trust you will be the one00Ohh, Shake your heart babe,00I know you wanna be...00Ohh ohh here we go now,00You know I wanna be...00Ohh ohh here we go now,00Nothing gonna stop us!00索呜哆呜爹ki 跌莫 依依 n 架 嗱依? Please00哆t苏谢n 跌 卡嘛哇嗱依00Shake your heart, shake your heart00咩 喔 苏嘛示爹, Move00依嘛苏古 妮, Don't heave a sigh00卡嗯左呜 踏ke 嘎 阿谢爹'嗱依? Freeze00左呜哟呜 嘎 哇卡爹'嗱依!00Take a chance, take a chance00浓嘎示查 踏咩, If00You want you will be the one00索呜咩依 跌ki鲁 过哆 爹 嗱依? Please00索咧 苦拉依 哇卡嗯 架 嗱依?00Shake your heart, shake your heart00哈示里踏示爹, Hey!00索浓 木呐 妮, Don't tell a lie00出呜索呜爹ki 嗱拉 阿爹'嗱依 哟 嗱00阿依嘛依 嗱鲁 米拉依00Take a chance, take a chance00卡大之 妮 示爹, So00trust you will be the one00Ooh, ooh, here we go, now...00I know you wanna be...00Ooh, ooh, here we go now...00I know you wanna be...00能加分不,辛苦