英语翻译 ,帮忙翻译几句话。谢谢
书中的主人公保尔.柯察金,出生于贫困的铁路工人家庭 “十月革命”爆发后,保尔在朋友的引导下走上了革命道路。在一次激战中,他的头部受了重伤,但他用顽强的毅力战胜了死神。由于种种伤病及忘我的工作和劳动,保尔的体质越来越坏,丧失了工作能力,党组织不得不解除他的工作,让他长期住院治疗。1927年,保尔已全身瘫痪,接着又双目失明,肆虐的病魔终于把这个充满战斗激情的战士束缚在床榻上了。保尔也曾一度产生过自杀的念头,但他很快从低谷中走了出来。这个全身瘫痪、双目失明并且没有丝毫写作经验的人,开始了他充满英雄主义的事业__文学创作。保尔忍受着肉体和精神上的巨大痛苦,先是用硬纸板做成框子写,后来是自己口述,请人代录。在母亲和妻子的帮助下,他用生命写成的小说终于出版了!保尔拿起新的武器,开始了新的生活。
The book's hero Paul. Ko was gold, was born in poor family railway workers after the outbreak of the October revolution, Paul in a friend's guidance on the revolutionary road. In a pitched battle, his head was badly injured, but he indomitable perseverance victory over death. As a result of a variety of injuries and to forget my work and labor, Paul body more and more bad, the loss of ability to work, the party had to remove his work, let him long-term hospitalization. In 1927, Paul has paralyzed, then blind and raging disease finally put the full of passion to combat soldiers in the bed. Paul also once had a suicidal thoughts, but he soon came out from the bottom. The paralysis, blindness and no writing the ?