帮帮我看看这两道关于人口的英语题 要怎么回答 最后中文英文都答上
The DTM shows us population changes, what 2 changes helped lower our death rate?
In the DTM what happened that made birth rate drop down a lot? 展开
In the DTM what happened that made birth rate drop down a lot? 展开
1、Hospital Information System is become better and better.医疗系统越来越完善。
the living standard of the people is rasing.人们的生活水平不断提高。
the people pay more attention to their health. 人们更关心自己的身体健康。
they check their body once a year.身体年检
2、people get married later and later.晚婚
people have child later and later.晚育
people have child harder and harder because they are unhealthy.身体疾病造成难孕
to bring up a child is hard because of the pressure of living .要抚养一个小孩成长很难,生活压力大
the living standard of the people is rasing.人们的生活水平不断提高。
the people pay more attention to their health. 人们更关心自己的身体健康。
they check their body once a year.身体年检
2、people get married later and later.晚婚
people have child later and later.晚育
people have child harder and harder because they are unhealthy.身体疾病造成难孕
to bring up a child is hard because of the pressure of living .要抚养一个小孩成长很难,生活压力大