路易-威登(Louis Vuitton) 创始人Louis Vuitton路易·威登始创于1854年法国巴黎,品牌发展至今已成为箱包和皮具领域的全世界顶级品牌,并且成为上流社会的奢华指标。Louis Vuitton去年刚刚走过150年周年,并于香港举行盛大的庆祝晚会,来自两岸三地的2400名影视明星、时尚名媛纷纷前往捧场,会场一时星光灿灿。 许多明星都表示:最爱LV!每当新款LV手袋全球限量发售,在日本,台湾,香港等时尚圣地的LV旗舰店前就会排起长队.明星名媛们更是经常以天价提前预定限量发行的手袋,并以此炫耀.风靡亚洲的韩国天后李英爱是LV最忠实的VIP客户,每季在LV的置装费都超过百万. 一切的一切都说明,任何一个爱美的时尚女人都无法抵御LV的诱惑.虽然我们无法向明星一样一掷千金购买像LV这样的奢华品,但是我们可以给自己定一个目标:25岁一定要拥有第一个LV包包...诸如此类.买一个真品LV包包,也许可以用上10年以上,可以搭配你的任何服饰,陪你出席任何场合,这样算来也不是昂贵得令我们消费不起. 包含了太多人宠爱的Monogram花纹,简单的“LV”字母交叠,创造了品牌不败的神话,也造就了无数女人的高贵典雅.这里有一个流传的关于LV手袋的小故事,是真是假我们无从得知,但是看完这个故事,做为女人该不该拥有一只LV的包包就不需要讨论了. 一次空难,机上130多名乘客和机组成员全部遇难.现场的搜救人员看到,飞机坠毁后成为碎片,没有一具完整的尸骸,机上的一切物品都被烧为灰烬,景象惨不忍睹。在寻找飞机上黑匣子的时候,工作人员竟在飞机的碎片下面发现了一只完整的LV手袋!完好无损的躺在飞机的残骸中,成为空难中唯一遗留下来的完整的物品。LV的不死传奇电影电影《铁达尼号Titanic》没有实景拍摄重现的片段,是在1911年当时最大的客轮,由南安普敦港出海作处女航在北大西洋撞上冰山而沉没海底,一件从海底打捞上岸的LV硬型皮箱,内部没有渗进半滴海水, LV因此声名大噪。
Louis - Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) founder Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton founded in 1854 in Paris, France, it has become a brand luggage and leather goods area of the world's top brands, and a high society luxury indicators. Louis Vuitton last year just traversed 150 years anniversary, and in Hong Kong hosted a grand evening party, from Taiwan, and the 2400 film stars, fashion celebutante have to support, at 1:00 Stars Can-can. Many star said: favorite LV! Whenever new LV handbags available for the world in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other fashion holy sites LV flagship store will be the former Long lines. Star celebutante are even more frequent price to book in advance limited edition handbags, and to show off. sweeping Asia is South Korea after Lee VIP LV most loyal customers, LV quarterly in the home uniforms are more than 1 million. everything goes to show that any one of the fashion beauty all women LV could not resist the temptation. star Although we are unable to purchase as extravagantly as LV such luxury, but we can set a goal for himself: 25-year-old must have a LV bag ... whatever. buy a packet of Authenticity LV package, may be used for more than 10 years, can be paired with any of your clothes and accompany you to attend any occasion, this calculation is not expensive in our consumer can not afford. contains too many people who love the Monogram pattern, a simple "LV "En overlap, creating the myth of the brand undefeated, but also created numerous women's elegant. There is a popular LV handbags on the story is true or false we have no way of knowing, but after reading this story, as Should women have an LV bag does not need discussion. crash a plane more than 130 passengers and crew members died. rescue personnel at the scene that the plane crashed after a debris, not a complete corpse on board all the items have been burnt to ashes, the horrible scenes. In the search for the plane's black box, the staff has in the aircraft debris found below a complete LV handbags! Intact lying in the wreckage of the aircraft, a crash left over from the only complete items. LV legendary film immortality of the film "Titanic Titanic" no resurgence of photographing fragments, in 1911 was the largest passenger ship from Southampton on her maiden voyage to the sea for the iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank into the sea, one from LV ashore on the salvage of the hard-cartons, could not infiltrated water-droplet, LV so famous.