Tom Jankowitz finally got into the airport lounge. He sat down and opened up his laptop computer, keeping one 36 on the small television which showed the departure times of all the 37 from the airport. Tom was tired and bored. It was Christmas, nearly. Tom 38 Christmas. He only remembered that it would be Christmas tomorrow 39 there were Christmas decorations all over the airport. Tom had been to a business meeting in New York and had to take a plane back home. The meeting had been 40 . He had decided to close a lot of his company’s offices and a lot of people were 41 about his decision. Tom thought that he would rather 42 Christmas on his own in a hotel room with his computer. Tom hardly 43 as the television screen with the departure times on it went off. He looked up just 44 to see it before all the lights in the airport went off, too. Soon, 45 was totally, completely and utterly black. The only light came from the tiny little lights on the wings of the aeroplanes, and the light 46 his own portable computer screen. Soon, there was an 47 , “Ladies and gentlemen, we 48 to inform you that there seems to have been a power cut. All flights for the moment are 49 . Thank you.” A man sat down next to Tom. “Looks like we’re not going anywhere tonight” he said. Tom didn’t reply, but nodded in 50 . “Not going anywhere”, he thought. “I’m not going anywhere. Not tonight, not 51 . The only places I ever go are offices of Global Power International.” Tom watched the lights going 52 on again in the airport and heard the sound of people cheering. He 53 as well, and smiled at the man who was sitting next to him. He felt like someone had turned a 54 on in him too. He was looking forward to being home. “I’m going 55 ”, he thou
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