
Manyofthetouristsonboardhadbegunbargainingwiththetradesmen,butIdecidednottobuyanythin... Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything. I had no sooner got off the 36 than I was stopped by a man who wanted to 37 me a diamond ring. I had no 38 of buying one, but I could not deny the fact that I was 39 by the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as 40 as marbles (玻璃球). The man went to great lengths to 41 that the diamonds were real. As 42 walked past a shop, he held a diamond 43 against the window and made a deep impression in the 44 . It took me over half an hour to get rid of him. The next man to 45 me was selling expensive pens and watches. I 46 one of the pens closely. It certainly looked 47 . At the base of the gold cap, the words “made in the USA” had been clearly 48 . The man said that the pen was worth £50, but as a special 49 , he would let me have it for £30. I 50 my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5. Gesturing wildly, the man acted as if he found my 51 shocking, but he eventually 52 the price to £10. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away. A moment later, he ran after me and 53 the pen into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he 54 accepted the £5 I gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful 55 --- until I got back to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with in 展开
2013-01-02 · TA获得超过2021个赞
许多船上的游客开始同商贩,讨价还价,但我决定不买任何东西。我刚刚关闭 36 比我被拦住一个人想 37 我一只钻石戒指。本来没有 38 的买一个,但我不能否认的事实是由钻石的大小 39。有些是作为 40 如 marbles (玻璃球)。该男子去到 41 钻石是真正的大长度。如 42 走过一家商店,他针对窗口举行钻石 43 和 44 中留下深刻的印象。我花了超过半个小时才摆脱他。下一男子到 45 我卖昂贵钢笔和手表。我 46 一枝钢笔,密切合作。当然,它看上去 47。黄金帽的基地,"美国制造"字样的人也已经明确 48。那人说那支钢笔是值得 50 英镑,但作为特殊的 49,他会让我得到它 30000。我 50 我的头和指示我愿意支付 5 英镑的举行了五个手指。男子疯狂手势,采取行动,因为如果他发现令人震惊,但他最终 52 10 英镑的价格我 51。我耸耸肩,开始要走了。过了一会儿,他跑后我和 53 笔进我的手。虽然他一直抛起他在绝望中的武器,他 54 接受我给了他 5 英镑。我感到特别高兴的是,我精彩的 55---直到回到船上。无论我如何努力,就不可能填补中与支漂亮的钢笔
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