Many college students nowadays have taken up part-time jobs to either earn some money to support themselves or to gain some working experien.
On the one hand,part-time jobs can help students get in touch with the real world earlier,help them establish notions about the workforce,and also give them a taste of what career life is like. Moreover,taking up part-time jobs helps the students' families to lighten their burden by yielding additional source of finance. It is benefit to college students to do the partime job .It can also gain some useful experience to approch society
On the flip side,part-time jobs can take up much of students' time and thus make them lose focus on their study. Besides,part-time jobs can be a distraction as students may find working much more fun than sitting in their rooms and cramming for exams
On the one hand,part-time jobs can help students get in touch with the real world earlier,help them establish notions about the workforce,and also give them a taste of what career life is like. Moreover,taking up part-time jobs helps the students' families to lighten their burden by yielding additional source of finance. It is benefit to college students to do the partime job .It can also gain some useful experience to approch society
On the flip side,part-time jobs can take up much of students' time and thus make them lose focus on their study. Besides,part-time jobs can be a distraction as students may find working much more fun than sitting in their rooms and cramming for exams