谁能帮忙翻译一下几个句子,谢谢!急~~~ 15
1.Life isn’t all beer and skittles; but beet and skittles(吃喝玩乐), or something better of the same sort, must form a good part of every Englishman’s education.
2.It is as if work were seen as a raft on a shark-infested sea: being on the raft means safety and security, being in the sea means disaster, the idea of moving on and off the raft voluntary has no appeal. There are winners and losers: no intermediate position is possible.
3.What was a quiet(静谧的) cloister(修道院), subject(受…管制) to a stem, almost religious(严谨的) discipline(纪律), has become a nervous market place(大集市).
4.Man is by his constitution a religious animal.
5.It is our feeling that religion can be most characteristically described as the inner experience of the individual when he sense a Beyond, especially as evidenced by the effect of this experience on his behavior when he actively attempts to harmonize his life with the Beyond.
6.Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value is next to a good conscience, for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing that money cannot buy.
7.Finance, as it were, the stomach of the country from which all the other organs take their tone. 展开
2.It is as if work were seen as a raft on a shark-infested sea: being on the raft means safety and security, being in the sea means disaster, the idea of moving on and off the raft voluntary has no appeal. There are winners and losers: no intermediate position is possible.
3.What was a quiet(静谧的) cloister(修道院), subject(受…管制) to a stem, almost religious(严谨的) discipline(纪律), has become a nervous market place(大集市).
4.Man is by his constitution a religious animal.
5.It is our feeling that religion can be most characteristically described as the inner experience of the individual when he sense a Beyond, especially as evidenced by the effect of this experience on his behavior when he actively attempts to harmonize his life with the Beyond.
6.Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value is next to a good conscience, for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing that money cannot buy.
7.Finance, as it were, the stomach of the country from which all the other organs take their tone. 展开