题目要求是:有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好/ 你对这种观点的看法/ 你的结论 ,长度在80字以上
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题目要求是:有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好/ 你对这种观点的看法/ 你的结论 ,长度在80字以上
写好以后发我邮箱308600265@qq.com 发完以后留言 我好给你分!!!!! 展开
Many people believe the urban life is superior to the country life. Especialy most of the country people have held such a strong believe. Why the difference between the urban and country life has made many people think so? The reason is simple: people in countryside are poorer than the urban people. Are countrymen poor because they are lazy? No, they are the most diligent people and working always hard day by day, never enjoy a rest on Saturday and Sunday. They are poorer because in many years they have been treated differently. They cannot decide the price of their produce, they cannot get any money if they cannot work and they cannot go to urban hospitals because they don't have either money or permission. Their life is much more miserable than the people live in a town or city who would get more help from the government. The city people worry a lot about their health and moved many hazardous factories to countrisides. When city people want to use their land they just bribe the local officials to occupy their farm land with a cost of penny. It is clear countryside is still not comparable to the city even today. The fact that countrypeople cannot move to city to start their life has already explained it. (ztlthb)