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Interest period: before the borrower shall begin to each interest period notice to the lender, to be received before five working days in the bank interest period, specifies whether interested in time is a time of one or three months or six months. The first interest period shall commence on the initial pressure drop and each interest period will start, at the end of the day when the interest period; ( ( ( ( 1 ) ) ) ) if the interest in the period of the end of the day, is not a business day, the term at the end of the next business day until this day in the next months ago on a business day, ( ( ( ( 2 ) ) ) ) if the last working day of any such term, at the end of a calendar month, the rest of the world the corresponding business day in the last working day of each month or no corresponding business day of the month the month calendar, calendar month of the last business day of the important end this term. ( ( ( ( 3 ) ) ) ) if the borrower did not choose the interest period, the interest rate for a period of six months. Business day means a day on Sunday and Saturday than, in a bank in London business transaction, Bank of Beijing, Tokyo, Hongkong. Article tenth: ( 1 ) loan interest should be in each interest payment date payment of interest period in each year by the lender 's decision to end as the aggregate rate ( a ) one of sixteen percent points. ( 1 / 16% ) every year before the initial pressure drop and one percent 1/8 third anniversary. ( 1 / 8% ) and ( B ) every year since the London Interbank Euro yen deposit term and related interests in the East China Sea bank offer rates, at 11 a.m. London time within two business days limited related interest before. Accrued interest every day and includes a first day an interest period, but not the last day of the interest period shall be calculated on the basis, 360 days a year, after several days of practice ( 2 ) if the borrower fails to pay the due date of any principal or interest,, any drawings, or any amount at any the terms and conditions of this agreement, payment, the borrower, from time to time, pay the interest on the loan every day, until the payment is carried out formally, the annual growth rate in the 1% such unpaid amount ( 1% ) each year to determine the project in the London Interbank Offered Rate one month euro day yuan deposit way ( 1 ) article.
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