This is your personal key, do not disclose it to anyone that you do not trust, do not embed it in scripts or software from which it can be easily retrieved if you care about its confidentiality.
[也不知道翻译的对不对] 展开
This is your personal key, do not disclose it to anyone that you do not trust, do not embed it in scripts or software from which it can be easily retrieved if you care about its confidentiality.
Please note that the request rate limits of the public API actually apply to the tuple (IP address, key), hence, software developers can make use of the key in their releases without any problem because each of their users will be subjected to and independent request rate counter.
rate limits - 速率极限
releases - 软件发布的各版本
rate counter - 速率计数器
This is your personal key, do not disclose it to anyone that you do not trust, do not embed it in scripts or software from which it can be easily retrieved if you care about its confidentiality. Please note that the request rate limits of the public API actually apply to the tuple (IP address, key), hence, software developers can make use of the key in their releases without any problem because each of their users will be subjected to independent request rate counter.
API,Application Program Interface,公共应用程序接口
IP,Internet Protocol,互联网协议
还请注意到公共API 的需求速率极限实际上适用于/应用到元组/重数(IP 地址,密匙)
看最后一句话怎么都看不明白的。因为在我印象中 be subject to 一直都是服从....,遭受.... 这两个意思为准。而 be independent to 则是 独立..... 感觉又要服从又要独立,有点自相矛盾。后来才看清 be subject to 省略了服从对象密匙(对不对呢?)。也只能翻译到这种程度。