In the solution commerce contract dispute aspect, the West has a bigger difference. China cultural convention considers the question in the evasion from the law, but emphatically in considers the question from ethics morals. “ethics is supreme” the idea occupies emphatically the important place position throughout, once has the dispute and the conflict, what first thought periphery is how to win the public opinion support, the advocation “obtains enlightenment helps, unjust cause gets little support”. Many should the question which solves using the law, the Chinese be accustomed to passes “the organization”, to display the moral rule through the public opinion the function. But the westerner is actually just the opposite, what they are more is considers the question from the law, regarding dispute's handling, the habitually used law's method, the conscience and the moral function resides in next. Western many individuals and the company hire to have legal adviser and attorney, meets has when the dispute by attorney acts to process.It seems that some people in China have to through the complex network of relationships to solve the dispute, in the West may not seem so.