英语短文翻译 请英语高手们帮帮我吧~
Once a Goal, Then a Reality
she went back to school at the age of 38, Christine didn’t know what she wanted
in life, or just how capable she was. A former model, she had limited workforce
skills. So although she was working hard, her chances of finding a good job
were very small.
had no other training, so when I retired from modeling, I didn’t have many job
options.” College wasn’t an option- she wasn’t even thinking about furthering
herself by sitting in a classroom. “I wasn’t really interested in my high
school classes. I wanted to get away from home and travel.” She did just that.
Through modeling, she lived in New York , Los Angeles and the major cities of Europe.
combination of moves helped Christine get her life back on track. She met her
husband, married and had a baby. And she changed her environment with a move
from party-town Los Angeles to Florida. That was an especially good
move-because in Florida
she went into recovery, and a friend talked her into going to college. “She
told me I owed it to myself and that I could do it. She wouldn’t listen to me
.She even got the application for me , sat me down and helped me fill it in !”With
this help and the encouragement of her husband, Christine took the plunge.
1991, she signed up for a full-time associate’s degree program at St.Petersburg Junior College, even though she was also
taking family responsibilities. “But I was really lucky-again. On my first day
at St.Peter’s I met a female classmate who introduced me to a fantastic women’s
support group on campus: WOW (Women on the Way). We had our own lounge where we
could study, get advice, get help with child care services, or just get away
from it all. I don’t know what I would have done without them!”
now, Christine had a good idea of what she wanted to accomplish .Exactly 20
years after graduating from high school and now in recovery herself, she
decided she wanted to help others find their way through life productively,
meeting their full potential. This time, unlike her high school days, she had a
reason to apply herself to her studies. And despite a heavy schedule, heavy
commute, a young child and a husband working out of state, she still found the
time to get involved in campus activities.
combination of direction, encouragement and personal effort was magical. Not
only did Christine get an associate degree in Human Services, but she also
graduated with top honors-and newfound selfesteem. “I can’t begin to tell you
what a wonderful experience college was for me. I was involved, I was helping,
I was achieving, and I had such support from my husband, my friends, my
instructors and my fellow classmates. I had never felt so good about myself or
my purpose in life. And I finally recognized my college education as a personalachievement no one can ever take away from me.”
That’s not to say there weren’t any doubts. Christine thought she was finished with
school once she had her associate degree. But another one of those helpful friends intervened yet again. With a little push, Christine found her way into the admissions office of the University
of Tampa, seeking financial aid to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Her Junior College grades and
leadership abilities helped it. After another two years of full-time school, part-time jobs and full-time motherhood, Christine got her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University
of Tampa.
Since she was already working in the field of her choice-helping people –did she really need this degree? Maybe not. But Christine wanted the challenge, and she cherished the growth in self-confidence and depth of awareness her additional studiesprovided. 展开
she went back to school at the age of 38, Christine didn’t know what she wanted
in life, or just how capable she was. A former model, she had limited workforce
skills. So although she was working hard, her chances of finding a good job
were very small.
had no other training, so when I retired from modeling, I didn’t have many job
options.” College wasn’t an option- she wasn’t even thinking about furthering
herself by sitting in a classroom. “I wasn’t really interested in my high
school classes. I wanted to get away from home and travel.” She did just that.
Through modeling, she lived in New York , Los Angeles and the major cities of Europe.
combination of moves helped Christine get her life back on track. She met her
husband, married and had a baby. And she changed her environment with a move
from party-town Los Angeles to Florida. That was an especially good
move-because in Florida
she went into recovery, and a friend talked her into going to college. “She
told me I owed it to myself and that I could do it. She wouldn’t listen to me
.She even got the application for me , sat me down and helped me fill it in !”With
this help and the encouragement of her husband, Christine took the plunge.
1991, she signed up for a full-time associate’s degree program at St.Petersburg Junior College, even though she was also
taking family responsibilities. “But I was really lucky-again. On my first day
at St.Peter’s I met a female classmate who introduced me to a fantastic women’s
support group on campus: WOW (Women on the Way). We had our own lounge where we
could study, get advice, get help with child care services, or just get away
from it all. I don’t know what I would have done without them!”
now, Christine had a good idea of what she wanted to accomplish .Exactly 20
years after graduating from high school and now in recovery herself, she
decided she wanted to help others find their way through life productively,
meeting their full potential. This time, unlike her high school days, she had a
reason to apply herself to her studies. And despite a heavy schedule, heavy
commute, a young child and a husband working out of state, she still found the
time to get involved in campus activities.
combination of direction, encouragement and personal effort was magical. Not
only did Christine get an associate degree in Human Services, but she also
graduated with top honors-and newfound selfesteem. “I can’t begin to tell you
what a wonderful experience college was for me. I was involved, I was helping,
I was achieving, and I had such support from my husband, my friends, my
instructors and my fellow classmates. I had never felt so good about myself or
my purpose in life. And I finally recognized my college education as a personalachievement no one can ever take away from me.”
That’s not to say there weren’t any doubts. Christine thought she was finished with
school once she had her associate degree. But another one of those helpful friends intervened yet again. With a little push, Christine found her way into the admissions office of the University
of Tampa, seeking financial aid to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Her Junior College grades and
leadership abilities helped it. After another two years of full-time school, part-time jobs and full-time motherhood, Christine got her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University
of Tampa.
Since she was already working in the field of her choice-helping people –did she really need this degree? Maybe not. But Christine wanted the challenge, and she cherished the growth in self-confidence and depth of awareness her additional studiesprovided. 展开
恩 谢谢~
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