
我要做一个关于小野丽莎的英语发表,份量要求4分钟,加PPT,但是英语太差了写不出发表文。在此求助英语好点的朋友帮我翻译下,我写中文,麻烦帮我翻译成英文:记得是在几年前放学... 我要做一个关于小野丽莎的英语发表,份量要求4分钟,加PPT,但是英语太差了写不出发表文。在此求助英语好点的朋友帮我翻译下,我写中文,麻烦帮我翻译成英文:

记得是在几年前放学回家的路上,无意间走进了一家卖明信片的小店,店主姐姐正播放着小野丽莎的《moon river》,当时是黄昏,在宁静的氛围中一下子爱上了这种音乐,从那以后便喜欢上小野丽莎和她的爵士乐,下面让我简单的介绍一下她和她的音乐。
小野丽莎是日本爵士乐女歌手,出生于巴西圣保罗。自从1989年出道以来,便以其自然的歌声,充满节奏感的吉他音乐,在日本拓展巴萨诺瓦(Bossa Nova)曲风。Bossa Nova是葡萄牙文,是一种融合了传统巴西森巴节奏与choro的“新派音乐”,听起来轻松柔和,慵懒甜美,浪漫性感。出生于巴西圣保罗的小野丽莎是乐坛的Bossa Nova女王,她用她与生俱来的好嗓音和音乐天赋浑然天成的融合了美,日,巴西三国的音乐特色,开创出舒适怡人,无拘无束的“小野丽莎”曲风。她并曾与巴萨诺瓦之代表人物Antonio Carlos Jobim ,或爵士森巴乐的巨匠 João Donato等共同创作不少作品,以及在纽约、巴西以及亚洲等地举行演唱会。
喜欢Lisa的歌曲最大的原因是因为她的歌声让我感到愉快和放松;在人声嘈杂的地铁里,耳机里泼洒着这恬静的乐曲,像是给我制造了360度的隔离器,让心格外的清净仿佛置身境外....当我因为学习充满压力 心绪混乱的时候,这乐曲像一道清澈的溪水般舒缓的流过心尖,刹那间压力和烦恼变成了坦然而美好的享受。我喜欢看书时听,发呆的时候听,收拾房间的时候听;尤其是去郊游或一个人的旅行,小野丽莎的歌曲更是耳边的必备,这甜美温暖的歌声让我感到非常幸福,浪漫...我将它视为我的一笔心灵财富。
还有另一个原因是她的Bossa Nova曲风让我感受到异国风情,闭上眼睛,顺着那欢快迷人的音乐我仿佛置身于异国繁华的都市里,美丽的乡间或金色阳光下的沙滩....犹如一场精神旅行。下面给大家播放一段小野丽莎的音乐视频。。。

就是以上这一段。请大家帮我翻译的美一点,贴切一点。各位也可以适当帮我添加点句子(我感觉内容少了点^^) ,这周二发表,时间很紧,快点翻译给我哦!!!感激不尽,悬赏20,如果真的翻译的很好有追加~~~~~~~~~谢谢啦
 我来答
2013-11-17 · 分享既是快乐,开心快乐每一天
采纳数:57 获赞数:268

向TA提问 私信TA
我在翻译的时候也是查字典的,也顺便学习一下。 我和你一样,也很喜欢小野丽莎的音乐。我英语一般翻译的也不是很好,以下还请你参考一下吧。希望对你有所帮助
I remember on my way home after school several years ago,I went into a cards shop by accident,the shopkeeper sister is listening to the <<moon river>> sang by onolisa, dawn with harmony mood,I got interested in this song,since then I am foud of onolisa and her jazz music,now allow me to introduce onolisa and her music in brief.

Onolisa is a Japanese Jazz singer,born in Saint Polo in Brail.Since her first show in public,she has kept her Bossa Nova song style with the natual gittar song full of rhythm.Rossa Nova is Portuguese,integrated with traditional Brazil Samba rhythm and the "Nouvelle Music" of choro,which sounds smooth and sweet romantic with hot style.Onolisa,born in Saint Polo, the queen of Bassa Nova,creates the unconstraint,comfortable "Onolisa" style integrating Brazilian,American,and Japanese music characteristics with her talent of music and nice voice.She once made several co-creation works with representive Bassa Nova Antonio Carlos Jobim,and Jazz Simba gaint Joao Donato,holding concerts around New York,Brazil and some places in Asia.The main reason why I like Onolisa's music is that her songs make me feel fansinating and relaxing;in the noisy underground,hearing her sounds of nature,feels like as if I am somewhere else quiet...When I feel pressure and attention deficit due to my study,her songs seem like moxi stream floating through my heart,all of a sudden,I just enjoy the scenario.I like listening to her songs reading,trancing,cleaning my room,especially when on vocation or travel alone,her music is what I desperatly need,it makes me feel happy romantic with its sweet voice,which I consider my spiritual wealth.
Another reason is that her songs make me feel the traditions and customs of a foreign country,with eyes closed,following the happy charming music,it seems as if I am in a prosperous foreign city,beautiful country road or golden beach in the sun...like a tour through mind. let us play a piece of video of Onolisa...

Have you been moved by this delighted relax music?
imagining that you feel exhausted studying or you are in a friend's birthday party, or you enjoy your tea time,or just stay at home on a rainy day surfing the internet,why not enjoy onolisa's music,put aside all the matters,enjoy the wonderful feeling every tone the song brings to you
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