Support for Standards
JSR Support
JAX-WS - Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 - JSR-224
Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform - JSR-181
JAX-RS - The Java API for RESTful Web Services - JSR-311
SAAJ - SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) - JSR-67
WS-* and related Specifications Support
Basic support: WS-I Basic Profile 1.1
Quality of Service: WS-Reliable Messaging
Metadata: WS-Policy, WSDL 1.1 - Web Service Definition Language
Communication Security: WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecureConversation, WS-Trust (partial support)
Messaging Support: WS-Addressing, SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
Multiple Transports, Protocol Bindings, Data Bindings, and Formats
Transports: HTTP, Servlet, JMS, In-VM and many others via the Camel transport for CXF such as SMTP/POP3, TCP and Jabber
Protocol Bindings: SOAP, REST/HTTP, pure XML
Data bindings: JAXB 2.x, Aegis, Apache XMLBeans, Service Data Objects (SDO), JiBX
Formats: XML Textual, JSON, FastInfoset
Extensibility API allows additional bindings for CXF, enabling additional message format support such as CORBA/IIOP